being forced to work out

ok so i know i'm suppose to lose weight and work out but there are some things i just don't want to do and my sister keeps trying to make me do them. i just don't like to go to the gym to work out i find it pointless...all you do is go on a bunch of machines and go home. whats the point and shes been trying to make me do the new craze zumba. i think it looks kinda fun but its something i just don't see as being fun. i like just dance on the wii thats fun but not what she does.

so i guess my questions are what can i do about my sister making me do something i don't want to do and what can i do to work out and make it fun?


  • Beverly0912
    You also sound like your not ready to lose the weight. however the situation is different for everyone. I say to try some stuff out. Who knows. you may surprise yourself and actually like doing them. If you like to dance, Zumba is really fun. Go in with a positive attitude. Also, a Buddy system, of which your sister is providing you is VERY helpful... you should take advantage of this. Doing a diet alone is really hard. Doing it all alone is even harder. I think it is great that your sister is wanting you to be around longer and live a healthier life.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Exercise your right to say "no" to your sister. Then jam out on the Wii.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    Exercise your right to say "no" to your sister. Then jam out on the Wii.

    this.. my family and mostly sisters have told me all my life, but i had to wait for the click in me to turn on.
  • Kateraptor
    Find something you like to do! Or focus on how you feel after working out. I dislike running, I'm still new at it, I'm slow, I'm overweight. But the feeling I get after finishing my workout makes it all worth it. I love to dance too so I try and dance on the Kinect at least once a week. Just get out there and try a bunch of different things. Working out does not mean you have to be confined to a gym.
  • herangel3
    herangel3 Posts: 32
    Ask your sister to compromise with go with her if she will do some things with you...suggest a bike ride or a hike where your not just sitting on a machine but going somewhere. I agree with the previous post that Zumba is fun if you like to dance, and if you have Wii there is Zumba for the Wii and you can do it at home together untill you feel confident enough to do it at the gym.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    It sounds like your sister only wants to help you get started on your journey. I hated when My sister did that to me at the beginning of all this. However, all you have to do is stand up to her and she'll back off. My sister adn I agreed we wouldn't discuss weight that much because it will come between our sisterly relationship.

    But I do recommend you just go out there and find something you like that can still be considered exercise. It will definitely help things move along faster in the beginning. I personally love watching Netflix on my phone while working the Elliptical. I also take a body condition class twice a week at my college. I hate getting up M/W to do it but I do feel amazing after. And I agree with the one who said the wii. I don't have a wii, but I have a kinet and it's amazing and a good sweat. Find your groove!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    You also sound like your not ready to lose the weight. however the situation is different for everyone. I say to try some stuff out. Who knows. you may surprise yourself and actually like doing them. If you like to dance, Zumba is really fun. Go in with a positive attitude. Also, a Buddy system, of which your sister is providing you is VERY helpful... you should take advantage of this. Doing a diet alone is really hard. Doing it all alone is even harder. I think it is great that your sister is wanting you to be around longer and live a healthier life.

  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Is this happening at gunpoint? If you're going to stick with this, you have to do things you enjoy. Try Zumba if you like to dance, but make a deal where you go to one class and then decide if you want to continue.

    Also, the word 'no' is a beautiful thing. Try exercising it.
  • dblbutts
    dblbutts Posts: 11
    I have 2 friends from work that go to Zumba with me. Just in case one does not feel like it. We enjoy it but have had other co-workers that it is not for them. So if home is better for you - I would stick to home. YOu have to be happy. Remember your weight loss is for you. :flowerforyou:
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Maybe what your sister really wants is your company? Spend time together?

    Suggest other active activities that would interest you. I think you should judge only once you've tried Zumba. You may like it in the end.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I'm going to be the "jerk" on this post and say that it sounds to me like you're just making excuses so to argue why you won't go do the workouts. How do you even know you don't like what she does if you won't give it a try? This is one of the most frustrating things for me... My sister, my friends, saying they are doing the fitness thing too but godforbid they try anything WITH me. It would be different if they had a different idea, but it doesn't sound like you are trying to bring in other ideas that are considerate of what she needs as well.

    Maybe she is reaching out to you as someone that is saying they want to get fit, because she really needs a partner. She definitely can't MAKE you do anything but if you don't want to workout with her EVER then just tell her that, instead of giving excuses... "I don't know if I'm ready for that..." "That machine hurts my butt/arms/legs/etc etc" on and on are not valid excuses to avoid the gym.

    If you are embarrassed or nervous about these things, vocalize it. If going to the gym, the machines seem pointless, you aren't working at a high enough intensity.
  • Dragonsworld90
    all your posts are great advice for me...i'm going to the gym with my sister now and i'm gona try the class...if i don't like it i'm stickin to the wii...ill post when i get back to let everyone know how it went....thanks all for caring and thanks to even the "jerk" lol ^_^
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    What everyone else said, plus this thought:

    Is your sister trying to lose weight too? If so, would the gym and the Zumba be things that you might choose to do, to support and encourage your sister, if you were asked in those terms?

    If so, you could have a talk with her and ask her to ask you. It may sound a little silly (it looks a little silly written out here), but it's all about your autonomy and freedom to choose.

    Or you might feel like you don't need the talk - you can just choose to do these things to help your sister, without ever even mentioning it.

    If you see the gym & the Zumba as things you have yourself chosen to do, rather than things you are being forced to do, you may feel completely different about doing them.
  • Dragonsworld90
    well i went to the zumba class. it urned out the woman that was suppose to teach wasn't there an a different apparently the easiest one filled in. my sis hated her but i kinda had fun though i still felt very self conscience. i think im just gona get the zumba for the wii. then wen i feel a bit better about myself ill go back to the class.

    also my sister is trying to help me though sometimes she just gets really annoying you know. thanks again for all the posts ^_^
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    ok so i know i'm suppose to lose weight and work out but there are some things i just don't want to do and my sister keeps trying to make me do them. i just don't like to go to the gym to work out i find it pointless...all you do is go on a bunch of machines and go home. whats the point and shes been trying to make me do the new craze zumba. i think it looks kinda fun but its something i just don't see as being fun. i like just dance on the wii thats fun but not what she does.

    so i guess my questions are what can i do about my sister making me do something i don't want to do and what can i do to work out and make it fun?

    Why not give it a go, then find something your sister does not enjoy.......... Remind her you did try her thing........... LOL ...... I have 2 sisters and 4 brothers xxxxxxxxxxxx LOL xxxxxxxxxxxxx Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    well i went to the zumba class. it urned out the woman that was suppose to teach wasn't there an a different apparently the easiest one filled in. my sis hated her but i kinda had fun though i still felt very self conscience. i think im just gona get the zumba for the wii. then wen i feel a bit better about myself ill go back to the class.

    also my sister is trying to help me though sometimes she just gets really annoying you know. thanks again for all the posts ^_^
    This wouldn't happen to be an *older* sister, would it? There's not much that could keep me away from a gym (or anywhere else) better than my older sister trying to drag me to there. :ohwell:
    (I'm currently imagining my older sister demanding that I go to my favorite fast food place and eat a cheeseburger and a milkshake - and have suddenly lost all desire for a cheeseburger or a milkshake. ;)

    If excercising out in public makes you feel self-conscious, maybe you could tell your sister that and ask her to help you gather workout equipment and Wii programs to use at home?

    (FWIW, second-hand sports equipment shops often have great deals on workout stuff.)
  • kdgqueen
    kdgqueen Posts: 2
    I just got the Zumba game for the wii. Played for 30 minutes, was drenched in sweat when I was done and I don't even think I did half of the moves correctly!
  • Mandiepandie92

    I;m actually 2.5 years younger. I try to motivate my sister to move and go out especially on beautiful days when there's not a cloud in the sky. She is stubborn and at times seeming to be lethargic when it comes to exercising. Although the Just Dance and Zumba Fitness games for the Wii are good forms of exercise, I also want my sister to enjoy going out and experiencing a gym. Its a gym for women so there are not men to make her feel self conscious (thats why i joined) it's a fun experience.

    I thank you all for giving her great advice. She is thick headed sometimes and doesn't listen to me for some reason but will listen to close friends and you guys (complete strangers) It boggles my mind but whatever works to get her to losing weight will help. Her health and weight aren't at the best. My weight and health as well.

    I always say we do this together but i feel like she hates me b/c I bug her so much to exercise and go out. I feel accomplished she enjoyed zumba. It took a good half hour talk to get her to go.
  • Dragonsworld90
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I needed to get out of my shell so I went to a Zumba class. I was very self-conscious at first but eventually I got over it. I go every week now. I suck at it but I dont care. find something you like to do. I like Zumba along with jogging and swimming. I hate weights. it's boring to me but I don't wanna be the sickly thin looking guy with no muscle so I do it.