Morning Workouts

Do you workout in the morning? What does your workout consist of? Do you notice a difference between working out in the AM compared to PM? How early do you get up?

I think I want to try working out in the morning, but I'm not convinced yet. Convince me!


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    I workout most mornings during weekdays after my morning classes BUT have a lot more energy working out later in the day (during weekends).

    I just make sure I take in enough carbs and good proteins (an example: oat meal/with fruits and whey/egg whites) for breakfast so I have enough energy/intensity for each morning workout.

    I used to have sleeping problems last semester and working out in the morning now tends to get me really tired around 10pm and I pass out around 10:30.

    So there are pros and cons but I think if it fits in your schedule, go for it!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have to workout in the morning or it doesn't get done! I get up at 5:15 & do a workout DVD anywhere from 20 - 60 minutes long (some mornings I have more energy than others!). I actually start anywhere between 5:30 & 6:00, so I'm done in plenty of time to take my kid to school. I also run 3 days a week with the c25k program, and usually do that after I get back from dropping the kiddo off. I'm a stay at home mom, so I have the luxury of hanging around the house until it warms up a little bit before I run. Although as we get closer to summer, I will be out there earlier to beat the heat. :tongue:

    The only exercise I do later in the day is am hour long walk with my hubby on my non-run days (he's not a morning person!) - can't say whether I have more energy or if it's better in the afternoon vs morning because it's not as strenuous as a run or a DVD workout.

    Basically it's a matter of finding out what works best for you and when. I'm sure I would feel stronger doing my workout mid morning after I've had something to eat, but once hubby's up the workouts don't get done, so I make getting them done early a priority.
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 172 Member
    bump! i need this motivation too!
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I do both but I prefer the evening workout. I like it because I don't feel exhausted the rest of the day. (I push it almost to the breaking point at the gym.) Also, it lets me work out as long as I want without having to watch the clock to make sure I'm not going to be late for something. Also, in the later evening (7-9pm) the gym isn't as full and I have the choice of equipment and don't have to deal with annoying people! :)
  • sweetdreamz6700
    I prefer to workout in the mornings and usually before breakfast. I feel heavier and sluggish after eating and also later in the day. For me it also gives me a lot more energy throughout the day and I feel a lot more "awake" before work. I used to try to get in 20 mins of Zumba before the kids got up, but they have been getting up earlier and earlier by the day! lol. Gonna try to start workouts at 6:30 or 7am.

    That being said....if I don't have time in the morning I suck it up at do something that afternoon. I just got done w/ Wii Zumba for about 40 mins and its 6pm here.
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    When I was working, I would come home from work get dinner on the table and finally head out for a walk/run around 7pm. I had to take an hour just for me. When I got home, it was 8pm - still time for kids baths, laundry, etc. Now that I'm retired, I start my workout at 10am. Good luck!!!!
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    I don't have to be at work until 9:30 a.m. so I'm up between 5-6 and get in a good 2 mi walk with hand weights then come home and stretch or hit the elliptical/treadmill/weights for 45-60 min. It makes a world of difference to me to do it early, otherwise I would find any excuse possible to NOT exercise in the afternoon.

    Getting it done early ends up motivating me to exercise more during the day (and eat better too!) and with the nice weather we've been having, here in MN, I have also walked 2-3 miles after work. :smile:
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I get up at 5:30 and am at the gym by 6 am. I usually run in the morning. I like working out in the am. If I don't workout in the morning I seem to find a reason to skip working out at night. Plus if I workout in the morning I don't need a morning caffine fix.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member

    I like mornings because I get it out the way! My job is so unpredictable at times (Realtor), so easier to get it in while the phone is still quiet. Plus at nite my gym is so packed and its hard to get on a cardio machine and sometimes the weight machines are tied up.

    Plus, for me-when I workout early, I make sure I don't mess up and eat bad because I dont want all my hardwork to go to waste (psychological) :) Also, when I workout toolate, I'm wired and have a hard time sleeping because my blood is pumping and wakes up all my senses and Im restless :)

    Good luck!!
  • kikiwilkinson
    Thanks everyone for your quick responses! I'm still not sure what I want to do. My big problem is I don't belong to a gym and don't have the money to join right now. Plus I get up early as it is (since I intern at a hospital).

    So I'm thinking if I were to do this, I'd be up before the sun, outside walking or running (if I ever get to that point).
  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    i like the morning workout but only if i eat some source of carbohydrates to get me through it. some people work out without eating first, but i can't really push myself that far if i don't eat. i have a lot of energy throughout the day, and sleep better at night when i workout in the morning. plus, knowing that i already worked out, i won't usually eat something naughty later :O
  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    you could always walk up and down the stairs if there are some where you intern. on your breaks, maybe when you are just standing around? although, i think if you did that you might be tiring yourself out a lot haha
  • mrsmark2010
    mrsmark2010 Posts: 220
    I do both. I get up at 5 to do p90x (during the work week) and when I get up on the weekend. Then after work I do a boot camp class 4d/w (its at 5p). Both times have advantages. I like the morning to get it finished, plus I have the feeling of accomplishment of it being done. Then I get a bonus work out in the afternoon.

    Everyone is different, some people don't function well in the morning without a snack but I do alright, usually get a piece of fruit while I'm cooling down before showering for work.
  • kikiwilkinson
    Thanks everyone! ( :
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    I just started working out in the mornings this week and I LOVE IT!! I was trying to do something after work and some days it worked but then life got in the way... I would come home from work tired, have to cook dinner, straighten up the house, etc..... then try to get in a workout when all I wanted to do was jump on the couch and relax. Now I wake up 30 min's early, pop in a 30 min DVD (do a diff one each day to keep me from getting bored) and then I shower and go to work. By the time I go to work, I feel amazing! Tons of energy, good mood (I am not a morning person at all!). I have this "healthy" feeling all day and it helps me eat better all day long cuz I dont want to mess up my workout I already did. I am even finding that it is giving me more energy and motivation to workout a bit on my lunch break or when I get home! Before I would be exhausted and now I'm just bursting with energy! (and by the time I go to bed at 10... I'm exhausted and sleep like a rock! )
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    From what I understand, if you workout in the morning, you can potentially burn caloriesbetter all day!! I workout Monday - Friday doing home workouts like P90X first thing in the morning. I've consistently lost an average of 2lbs a week for a total of 68lbs altogether. Last week I decided to start having a snack before my workout which is before my breakfast. BAM lost 6.3 lbs this week! Morning workout is what's up!!! :) good luck on your journey!!!