Hello from a newbie who wants to be a loser!

GenR Posts: 2
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Gen and I'm just getting familiar with this site. I'm hoping to finally stick with something that will help me eat healthier, be conscious of all my decisions and hold me accountable for my actions!

My ideal goal is to lose weight so that I can finally start on the next chapter of my life - becoming a mother. Hopefully getting healthy and losing weight will help my body do it's job!

Looking forward to getting to know people and embark on a life change for the last time.


  • aedemi316
    aedemi316 Posts: 2
    Hi Gen - I'm also just getting used to the site and trying to find my way around! Thanks for telling me about it!! I'm in desperate need of losing weight and am hoping that by coming here I can meet up with others that are in the same boat as me.

    I'm currently on the Insulin Resistance Diet, however, I've fallen off the wagon and am struggling to climb back on.

    Maybe together we can do this!!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    This is a wonderful site. You will find a listening ear and someone who understands what you are going thru 24/7.
    Welcome and Good Luck with all your Goals.
  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
    here is what worked for another person who could not follow a program. I used this site to track my calories. my one goal was not to go over a specified amount.. no other rules. in doing that I have gravitated to eating smaller meals with small snacks in between.

    I do not starve. I aint that disciplined. I eat plenty. I just don't go over my calculated amount.

    I started exercising just a little. I went out and walked twenty minutes at lunch (slowly) > i couldn't walk fast because I just had a surgery.

    The good news. In less than 2 months I lost 40 lbs. Now I have lots of energy. I walk 40 minutes at lunch. I ride my bikle several evenings when I get home from work. This was all with out trying too hard.

    That has always been my problem was trying too hard. I would always go gangbusters to begin with and then get burned out.

    This site is great for helping your set a reasonable goal and then tracking your daily progress.
  • SharonEllis51
    SharonEllis51 Posts: 24 Member
    :happy: This site is wonderful! I have been on here for a week and my eating habits have changed drastically. Sometimes I get frustrated because I have to count calories, carbs, etc. etc. I am reading food labels more often. I have already dropped 6 lbs since I started working out about two months ago. I quit smoking a year and a half ago and put on 30 lbs. I was always very thin until then. I got tired of people asking me if I was pregnant. I am 50!!!! and turning 51!!!! I still have belly bulge, which I can't stand. My son is getting married in Mexico 2010 and my goal is to be lean and healthy. I have a great personal trainer. He is pretty inexpensive because my gym has a plan called the buddy system, where my sister and I work out together. It really helps. So, good luck and welcome. Is there anyone out there that lives in Florida? Let me know. This site is also the best for encouragement. I read everyone's comments and it helps me have incentive and feel good about myself.
  • Mlbnyy2
    Mlbnyy2 Posts: 16
    Good luck with everything!!! I am finding just seeing what I am eating, helps me decide do I want to go over the calories I have set for myself. I have been swimming which has been GREAT. I am on the pound a week and I did lose that pound:smile: I have 2 boys and want the change for myself and them!
  • dianav
    dianav Posts: 2
    Hello, my name is diana. I am a mother of six. I work full time. And I am sick of being overweight and tired. I want to really do it this time for myself. To be healthy and to feel good about my body. It can be done. I was on the right track before my sixth child. Now it is time for Mommy again. I can and will do it. Hoping to find support
  • dianav
    dianav Posts: 2

    Hello, my name is diana. I am a mother of six. I work full time. And I am sick of being overweight and always feeling tired. I want to really do it this time for myself. To be healthy and to feel good about my body. It can be done. I was on the right track before my sixth child. Now it is time for Mommy again. I can and will do it. Hoping to find support
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm ADDICTED to this site and I love it! It's helped me be more conscious of what I'm putting into my body and I've realised that some off those "good for you foods" haven't been good for me at all! I don't ever want to look back.. Just move forward.. and I know we can all do this for life :happy:

    love and light.!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is awesome. You will love it here if you don't already. I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • mclemore3
    mclemore3 Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Jana, and I am new here! I have needed a change for a while now. I don't want to call this change a diet, that always makes me think I'm denying things that I want. I just want to be more aware of what I am eating on a daily basis, and I think that i can do that here.:smile:
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
  • blueyesdmg
    blueyesdmg Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Gen! Thank you for introducing me to this site! :smile:

    I have struggled with weight loss for years. I've done Weight Watchers many times, only to lose weight and put it all back on. I've also done the same with the South Beach Diet. I get all motivated, start losing and fall of the wagon. It's a vicious cycle and I'm so sick of it. It's time I get healthy, not just look at it as wanting to be skinny but thinking about my overall health. I want to feel confident in the body that I am in and right now it just disgusts me. I am at my heaviest weight now. A couple years ago I was down 20 lbs. It kills me to think I've gained it all back plus some. :sad:

    So, I'm here! I want to make good choices and start exercising, even if it's walking, I have to do something!
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