

  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    First of all, keep it simple. You can take alot of simple ingredients and make an outstanding meal.

    Fresh and Frozen fruits and veggies of your choice.
    White meat chicken and turkey.
    greek yogurt
    Skim milk or Almond milk if you don't want dairy
    low fat cheese
    low fat salad dressing. I like Kens salad dressings, but what ever floats your boat.
    water, water, water
    whole grain bread and pasta
    For your sweet tooth, frozen yogurt or skinny cow icecream

    The colorful and leafier the fruits and veggies
    Nuts are good

    The less processed the better. Try to stay away from processed foods. They have tons of crap you just don't need to add to your diet.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    All the suggestions here are fantastic. One good rule of thumb when in the grocery store is to not travel down the aisles. Stay in the parameter of the store. The only things I go down the aislie for are canned tuna; diced tomatoes and canned beans (I used a lot of dried beans). My daily diet consists of fresh fruit, veges (fresh or frozen), skim milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken or fish, eggs, beans and oatmeal.

    I stay away from all processed foods, so when I want something crunchy, I make a batch of spicy roasted chick peas. They're great!!!

    Great Idea!!!
  • tyrog11
    tyrog11 Posts: 35 Member
    I didn't take the time to read all posts so I'm sorry if I am repeating but here goes...

    If you can find a store near you that carries Walden Farms...get some of those to try. They are 0 everything (carbs, fat, sodium...everything). I get the 0 fat Greek Yogurt and the Walden Farms strawberry syrup...very good "sweet" snack. There are a bunch of different WF products...check em out and then use them to come up with things you like. Other than that....

    Boneless/Skinless chicken breasts (this is a must!)
    Any/All veggies (I get a big bag of frozen broccoli and steam 2 cups for a quick side dish with lunch or dinner)
    Mio's (helps keep the water from getting boring and its 0 everything)
    whatever seafood you like (shrimp with veggies stir fry using just a little bit of olive oil is a great meal)
    Sea Salt (your body needs sodium, but table salt spikes your BP where sea salt (1/4 teaspoon a day) will keep you from getting dehydrated if you are cranking up your water intake)

    Not knowing how you are going about losing weight, it is a little tough to give you too much advice, but here are a couple of good high protein (will make you feel full and help keep you from losing muscle mass while losing fat)...

    Pure Protein bars make for a good snack to keep your sugar levels even
    EAS / Carb Conscious shakes (good for a quick breakfast)
    Both of these can be found at Wal Mart in the pharmacy section, or at Wahlgreens,CVS, etc.
  • tyrog11
    tyrog11 Posts: 35 Member
    egg whites
    sprouted grain bread
    Lots of leafy greens
    Lots of other veggies to eat raw
    Plain 0% Greek Yogurt
    Frozen wild blueberries
    Chicken Breast
    Canned Tuna
    Canned Salmon
    Fresh Seafood such as wild sockeye, halibut, sole etc...make sure not farm raised.
    Natural Peanut Butter
    If you eat rice and pasta whole grain/brown only
    Balsamic Dressing
    Light Feta Cheese
    Ground Turkey Breast
    Olive Oil
    Real Butter

    oooo...see, I should have read before posting! ^^^^^^all of this
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 399 Member
    Thank u everybody!! All great considerations! I wrote everything i liked down. especially chocolate flavored almond milk, the shrimp stir fry, yummy! N i love the skinny cow products! Im so excited to go grocery shopping, because im surrounded by junk because my husbands not on a diet, n all my good food is gone.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Here's one more. One bar of very dark, very yummy chocolate. So that if it's late at night and you have the calories and you just need something for yourself, you can have a square or two as a decadent treat. My husband has been diagnosed with diabetes and swears this is the key for him to be able to eat right during the rest of the day.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 399 Member
    Here's one more. One bar of very dark, very yummy chocolate. So that if it's late at night and you have the calories and you just need something for yourself, you can have a square or two as a decadent treat. My husband has been diagnosed with diabetes and swears this is the key for him to be able to eat right during the rest of the day.

    That would be great! As you probably have noticed i love chocolate. Lol