
Anyone have great sucess with using the Elliptical Machine and if so how long did you use it during each gym session? Thanks so much guys and best of luck on your journey!


  • anmei120
    anmei120 Posts: 19
    I use the elliptical as a cool-down, after my workout (or I did, before both ellipticals in the gym broke down :P).
    I found it a lot easier than the treadmill, yet it burns a lot so it is def one of my favourites :)
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I like using the Elliptical as another cardio option, most of the time I do 25-30 minutes..
    I also like the Arc Trainer as I can put up the incline and put the resistance to 100..
    depends on the day - how packed the gym is for using either machine and days of cardio I'll do 60 min on the arc trainer.. :) instead of running. :)

    hope that helps.
  • I use it all the time and love it. I burn a lot of calories compared to other machines. If I am at the gym on a weekday, I do it 35-40 minutes, on the weekend, a full hour.
  • Nbentz214
    Nbentz214 Posts: 39 Member
    I usually will use the Elliptical Machine for about 20-30 min at a time- doing HIIT. I love it. I have noticed a difference in my legs and bum<----It has given it a little lift =)
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Great for ab day, builds core strength while you do cardio.
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    I use it 4 times a week after weights. I usually do 30 mins during the week and 45 to an hour on weekends. I wear a heart monitior and keep my heart rate in the 80-90 % range. Its easier on my knees than running or the treadmill for now.
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    Anyone out there had significant weight loss? I'm beginning to use it as another cardio option because running is KILLING my knees :)
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm using it for my c25k. I was doing it on the treadmill but I found my legs were killing me and it was suggested by many to slow my run down. If I were running either on a track or in my neighborhood, I would instinctively slow my run. It's not as easy on the treadmill because you're set at a specific speed. You can slow the speed on the treadmill but you don't slow exactly to what you need. Does this make sense?

    I also use it because my knees aren't that great. I'm trying to build them up and hopefully when I get some weight off me it will be easier to run. So, in short, I love the elliptical! :laugh:
  • Nbentz214
    Nbentz214 Posts: 39 Member
    Anyone out there had significant weight loss? I'm beginning to use it as another cardio option because running is KILLING my knees :)

    It has aided me in losing 15 lbs in a month and 3 weeks so far. I recently started using a stationary bike as well as the elliptical. I usually dont run because of a foot condition I have, so the elliptical and bike seem to be good options at the moment. If you have a heart monitor, it helps me keep my heart rate up and to know when to cool down a bit. For myself, I like to see where my heart rate is and see the calories being burned because it motivates me especially during HIIT.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    At first the elliptical literally killed me, but as I got in better shape I could blast the thing for upwards of twenty to thirty minutes and not even feel winded. Then I bought a heart rate monitor and discovered I was blowing past the fat burn rate they say to aim for if your goal is weight loss and settling into fitness most of the time I was on it.

    I started doing it with the heart rate monitor to keep myself in the proper zone. Man does it just annihilate calories.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    Also, as a random aside on calorie blasting... having used the heart rate monitor, two other exercises I've found that compare to the burn are walking at full incline (15%) and, wait for it... Playing Just Dance on the Wii...

  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    Yes Just Dance has helped me in the past too! Thanks everyone, I appreciate it :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Nbentz214
    Nbentz214 Posts: 39 Member
    Also, as a random aside on calorie blasting... having used the heart rate monitor, two other exercises I've found that compare to the burn are walking at full incline (15%) and, wait for it... Playing Just Dance on the Wii...


    Yes, I agree. I decided to walk on the treadmill the other day with a 12% incline. Man did I get a workout from walking on the incline only at 3.5 speed. It was suppose to be a way for me to "cool down" a bit, so I thought. i figured I would just walk for about 20 min before leaving the gym. I was in the mind set that walking wouldnt burn much calories and be easy. The incline definitely makes a difference.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    When my treadmill died after ten years, I opted for an elliptical to replace it to be kinder to my now older knees - lol. The treadmill had helped me to lose 65 lbs in 4 months (going back 10 years) and it helped me keep most of it off for about eight years. I was very, very excited for the elliptical since so many people love it. Unfortunately, after doing it for 25 minutes each day for a week, I couldn't even walk up the steps & spent days on the couch. I ended up crawling into the doctor's office and that was the start of my fibro diagnosis. I can do yoga, power walk, treadmill, weights, aerobics... but the elliptical is something I simply can't do. The doctor told me to gradually try the elliptical five minutes at a time, and each time I do, I'm in horrible pain all over again. I'm hoping to sell mine very soon and replace it with a treadmill again. Makes me sad since so many people do have a lot of success with the elliptical.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I use it for Cardio for 40 to 50 minutes, I use it for warm up and cool down for strength and I use it for HIIT. I love it. Grat workout and doesn't strain the joints.
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    Anyone out there had significant weight loss? I'm beginning to use it as another cardio option because running is KILLING my knees :)

    When I first started exercising in 8 weeks I lost over 15 pounds. I still use it and have loved the results. My calves, thighs, and bum are way toner, along with my arms as well. And I can feel the workout in my core too. In total I have lost 63 pounds but since Jan. I have been doing more/different options of cardio along with the elliptical.
  • kaylamayers
    kaylamayers Posts: 26 Member
    I use it Monday - Friday for about 50 minutes each time. I love it because my leg muscles have gotten so much stronger and it burns calories really fast! About 10 calories per minute if you have the resistance up!
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Just used it for the first time last week. I did 20 minutes, was soaking wet through and through. I got back on it Saturday and managed 20 minutes and was soaking wet again. The gym trainer said it would do wonders for burning fat as opposed to the treadmill. I am showing a 3 pound loss for the week.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I use the Elliptical 4xs weekly. I challenge myself with different programs level of resistance and programs. I used to do 45-60 mins, but since I started lifting weights, I do 30 min. eliptical, step off for 10 min., then back on for a 10 min cool down. With Elliptical and other cardio you build up endurance quickly and need to continuously find ways to challenge your body.

    I stick with the Elliptical because my knees are arthritic from prior competitive sports injuries and I didn't take care of them "back in the day."
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