Recovering from a personal loss and in need of motivation.

Hello all. I don't usually go looking for a lot of support or motivation (I like to be a supporter and motivator) but last week a very good friend of mine passed away and his funeral was Saturday. I've gotten a little off track with signing in and logging meals over this past week. I was just wondering if anyone out there had anything uplifting or motivating to share? It could be anything weight loss related or not. This site is fantastic for it's supporters and motivators, so could anyone please share something that won't only help me to smile but maybe help others who are feeling down as well? Thanks in advance guys. You are awesome and together we can all do this. :)


  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is something that can take over every part of us, isn't it. Looking at your your progress so far, you are doing great! Think about celebrating the life that your friend had and also celebrating your life. We are only here for a short time, let's work to be the best that we can be to enjoy every part of life. For me, my faith is what comforts me the most during a loss, and also celebrating the person that passed.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    XXXX Glad to see you are back :smile: missed yeah sorry to hear about your friend. Don't know if this will help or not but two of my other MFP friends have inspired me to train for my first 5k run and I hate to run but they have giving me the motivation to try and I don't care where I finish as long as I get across the line.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is something that can take over every part of us, isn't it. Looking at your your progress so far, you are doing great! Think about celebrating the life that your friend had and also celebrating your life. I pray God be with you !!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I am not great with fancy words but I want you to know, I am thinking about you. You are not alone and your MFP family is always there for you. Stay strong!
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I don't know if you run or walk, or ride a stationary bike or treadmill. But today and tomorrow...the rest of the week or the rest of the month...imagine a conversation with your friend while doing that workout. NOT how much you miss him/her and sad tears. But a conversation that you would have had six months ago. talk about the weather, the kids, sports, that annoying co-worker. Remember what made you laugh, remember when you made THEM laugh. And when you start to get tired or start to feel pain (physical, not emotional), listen to them tell you that YOU CAN DO THIS. Think of your workouts as quality time with your dear friend...and listen to them tell you how GREAT you're doing. Because you know they are. :wink:
  • Carolyn204
    Carolyn204 Posts: 14 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost my brother 2 weeks ago, and I have had a hard time as well. However, he died of colon cancer at too young an age (52), and I am determined to be healthy so that I don't meet the same fate. I even saw a dietitian (I was recently diagnosed with diabetes), and it really helped my motivation.

    I know how hard it is to lose someone you are close to, but what would your friend tell you if he or she were here right now? Wouldn't they want you to be healthy and happy? Put your grief into your workouts, and just try to work through it. Also, feel free to friend me if you like. :0)
  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for all of the support guys. <3