Running/Walking Shoes

i have just started getting into a combination of running and walking. i like to go out for at least an hour a day and i'm loving it...the only problem is i woke up this morning and my heals hurt soo bad. it's tough to put any pressure on it (which will be interesting because i'm a waitress as well).

does anybody have any recomendations on a good pair of shoes? i think i need something with some decent cushioning in the heals and something that i could wear to work as well. although i've heard too much cushioning isn't good for your foot...any truth behind this?

i'm willing to spend up to $150 on them, because i would like to increase my miles per day. (and i need something that will last for exercise and work.)

any help is greatly appreciated...and thanks in advance!


  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I would go to a running store and get fitted for shoes for running. I would only wear them for running. When you wear them for other things they will wear out quicker. Not every person will get the same support from one brand as another. That's why the running store will help you to find what's right for youl.
    Pick up another very comfortable pair for your job. My fav is dansko for everday wear. They give me lots of support and last along time.
    Happy Running:flowerforyou:
  • TerriDactyl
    Do you have a Runners World near you?

    They have a very informed staff and sell a wide variety of shoes. $150.00 is about the average price.
  • ClaudiaRN
    ClaudiaRN Posts: 20
    It sounds like you might have Plantar Fasciitis. It is common for people with certain types of jobs, like a nurse or waiterss. Both are on their feet all day. Go on line and look it up, you will find out about what causes it and some stretches that can help. Don't ignor it because it will get worse.

    Fellow Suffer:cry:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I recently invested in my first pair of good running shoes. I did as others have suggested, go to a running store here in town. They actually had me run on a treadmill for a minute or two and video taped my stride so they could evaluate what I needed and then suggested shoes from there. I purchased a pair of Mizuno for right at $100. I love them!!! I started the Couch 2 5K program with them, for the first time I'm running with no pain in my shins or hips which I always used to have.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Echoing everyone else - go to a running store to get running shoes. There's a world of difference between the running shoes they will provide for you, and the ones you pick off the wall at footlocker. Most running stores will measure your foot length, width, arch, stride, pronation. They will usually also watch you on a treadmill to see your stride. They often will also request that you bring in an older pair of shoes so that they can see the wear pattern based on how your foot falls. From that they can sometimes make suggestions on your form.

    Also, if your heel hurts, check your form. You shouldn't be landing on your heel.