And the inches just keep going up

Has this ever happened to anyone...

Just blogging about the battle of my belly and the inches that just wont leave!!! HELP ME! Please tell me there is an explanation...
Excited to hear from you all! :huh:


  • MsMorningDew
    MsMorningDew Posts: 59 Member
    As far as all of that...

    Yes I log everyday...both food and exercise...

    I stay inside of my guidelines as noted inside of what they have given...

    I drink 122 oz of water a day...

    I do all the lean meats and so forth...I stay away from fast food...

    Ive lost 14.2 lbs since January what I am doing is working just wondering why the inches on the waist look smaller but are not numerically.

  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    My belly isn't shrinking either! So annoying.
  • Carolyn204
    Carolyn204 Posts: 14 Member
    I think it is just one of those things. At some point, you will probably lose inches and not pounds. Just keep working hard, and you will see the results eventually. Try not to get discouraged. :0)
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    HI! Same thing is happening with me... I'm in jeans I haven't fit into in two years, I'm down into XL tops from 2X/3X, but my stomach and waist measurements are not changing. I gave up the measuring (I even tried switching tape measures three times - lol). I figure as long as my clothes are fitting and getting better, all is good. For now, the scale is my better friend :)