How do I stay motivated? I'm gaining weight!

Hey guys,

I'm really new to this website so bare with me if this post is in the wrong place. I joined a diet and weight loss class in January and so far I've lost a stone and a half but I've totally lost my motivation. As great as it feels to be a stone odd lighter all of my measurements are EXACTLY the same. So I haven't dropped a dress size and I still look like I weigh a stone heavier.

Now I'm even starting to gain weight and I can't work out why, it's really getting me down! Any advice? I already do 3 workout classes a week and stick to 1,600 calories a day, 5% fat.




  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I started a new workout I am just starting my 4th week. I have gained 2 lbs. But I have lost 6 inches in my waist, 3 inches in each thigh and I am down a pants size. It does aggrivate me that I have gained though. Truth be told muscle weighs more than fat and if I gain muscle and look better I guess I would rather weigh more and look good then weigh less. I also purchased a fitbit to show my daily activity. It seemed to help me a lot. Makes weightloss more of a game and being fit something to strive for.
  • JaclynM3
    JaclynM3 Posts: 2 Member
    Try switching out some of your more calorie-rich foods for low-calorie, higher-fiber choices. That part was most difficult for me, but it was integral to my losing weight. The fiber, which is a form of carbohydrate, will keep you full while providing the energy most people think we can only get from carbs like sugar and starch. Also, switch up your exercise routine to trick your body and keep it working hard to keep up with you. And don't forget your water!

    All the best :)
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    First question is, how are you doing on sodium? I ignore fat in foods, and just focus on calories and sodium. Sodium can really do you in and cause lots of water weight. Also, if you don't drink enough water, your body might lose fat, but it stays in the body as waste which is worse than fat. Fat content in foods contains itself when you are focused on calories and sodium, but don't be afraid of egg yolks or avacados or other "fats" that are the good kind. You can't eat much steak or hamburger and meet your calorie/sodium goals, so going overboard on fats is really, really hard.

    If you are really tracking everything, hitting your calorie goal, working out, and not losing weight, it is time to see a doctor. First, see a dietician type doctor to set your exact base metabolic rate. This sight gives you a calculated guess, but knowing what the real one is will tell you what your exact goal needs to be. The other reason to see a doctor is to see if it is a thyroid issue or some other medical issue.
  • UpstartMarrow
    Thanks for your response :)

    I've got no clue how I'm doing on sodium to be honest! It's never something I've thought to measure before, but most of my diet consists of fish or lean meat (done in foreman grill to drain the fat) with vegetables, pasta salads, vegetable stir fry etc from my Rosemary Conley magazines.

    I had my thyroid etc tested a while ago when I gained half a stone for no reason whilst dieting and exercising but that all came back fine. I think the problem could be not drinking enough water as some people have said. The main issue is really just feeling down because I'm still the same size even after my weight loss! :(

  • lvhuse
    lvhuse Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there!!

    Yeah, motivation is an issue I deal with from time to time, for SURE! I think I finally found an eating style I can live with, which helps a lot (I cut grains, dairy, and sugar). But, to keep my motivation up, I set goals and rewards. For each 5 pounds I lose, I reward myself with something I really, really love that isn't food related (each 5 lost earns me a book I've been dying to read or new pajamas or a pedicure or an exercise class I've been wanting to try out). I signed up for a 5k with a friend, so I can't NOT work out or I will disappoint my friend! Little things like that seem to help. I also LOVE to cook, so I find new, healthier recipes on the internet and try them out which keeps things fun and exciting. I also allow myself a meal to cheat big time if I really, really am feeling the cravings, but it's only occasional. Last time I had a 'cheat meal' I ate pizza, ice cream, chinese food, and wine....boy did I feel like crap the next day! LOL!!

    Are you doing any strength training? It's possible if you are only doing cardio part of your weight loss may be muscle loss (meaning you won't see much change in inches). Try adding in some strength training each week, maybe 2 days per week, to maintain and build muscle. Plus, more muscle burns more fat when it's active, making weight loss a little easier! Woohoo!

    Good luck to you, and keep your head in the game. You want your weight loss to be slow and steady because that's the kind of weight loss you will maintain. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

  • UpstartMarrow
    Are you doing any strength training? It's possible if you are only doing cardio part of your weight loss may be muscle loss (meaning you won't see much change in inches). Try adding in some strength training each week, maybe 2 days per week, to maintain and build muscle. Plus, more muscle burns more fat when it's active, making weight loss a little easier! Woohoo!

    I mostly do aerobics, so like dance-type things to music at my exercise class. It's all sidestepping and jumping jacks and grapevines etc with some muscle toning at the end but this is only really 15 mins of mat work.

    Thanks, D
  • almuccio
    almuccio Posts: 1
    Stick with it, but mix it up a little bit. If you're a member of a gym and feel comfortable with the equipment outside of the class, then maybe you should skip the class for a while, or once/twice a week, and branch out on your own. If your class is heavy cardio, then do some more strength-building exercises, lower weights, higher reps, at a very controlled pace, i.e. 15 reps per 75 seconds.

    If your class has cardio and strength, try doing your own workout that reverses the order of your class. If the class is cardio-strength, try strength then cardio in your own workout, for example.

    One of my favorite cardio workouts that always revs my metabolism is a 20-minute cardio workout that can be done on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine. Each segment is 2-minutes: 1: warm-up at 50% of the maximum exertion you can sustain for 2 minutes 2: increase to 60%, 3: 50%, 4: 70%, 5: 50%, 6: 80%, 7:50%, 8: 90%, 9: 50%, 10: 100%. THEN, go to your strength training. Don't do a cool-down session. You want your body to stay at that peak.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY: remember that you will plateau from time to time, generally every 6-8 weeks. Starting in January and losing weight on into March sounds to me like you've hit a plateau. Keep at it, and in 2-4 weeks your plateau WILL give way and you'll be back on the decline. Give it time and the dress-size will also drop.

  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    A pound of muscle uses 6 calories per day at rest. a pound of fat uses 2 calories per day at rest. Not a huge difference, but if you convert 10-20 lbs, it can make all the difference between holding still or gaining slowly. Or you can add 10 lbs of muscle to your frame without really changing your look, and add 60 calories if you sleep all day, more if you are active. Muscle is more compact than fat, so you can stay the same weight and lose inches, so it appears you have lost weight.

    You don't have to do weight machines, but you can do pushups, crunches, and planking to build the muscles on your core, which helps. You can get some weights for when you do your normal dance based exercise to hold in your hand or strap on the ankles. The core muscle gain can also help with any back problems
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    LIFT HEAVY!!!!

    I too struggle a bit with not being able to "see" my progress. But I know it's there because I can feel it in my clothes and see it on my measurements. Remember- you see yourself everyday so it's hard to tell when you've lost weight. The biggest body-changer for me is lifting weights.

    I lift heavy 2-3 times a week. I promise promise promise it will make a huge difference in how you look. I always look smaller regardless of how much I've lost if i just lift weights. Even more so than cardio. Try it- I'm sure you'll see and feel a difference.

    Keep your head up! You can do it :flowerforyou:
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    Have you figured out your BMR??

    Figure out your BMR, and calorie needs. Then take 20% off of that. Also, sounds like other people have good ideas too. 1lb of fat=3500 calories.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    5% fat seems very low. Despite what many people think, you do need fat in your diet to properly function. Try getting in at least 30% fat, 40% protein and 40% carbs.

    Don't get down on yourself! You've already lost a good amount of weight, just try to adjust protein higher and try to limit your carb intake to mainly fruits and veggies - whenever possible !
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    LIFT HEAVY!!!!

    I too struggle a bit with not being able to "see" my progress. But I know it's there because I can feel it in my clothes and see it on my measurements. Remember- you see yourself everyday so it's hard to tell when you've lost weight. The biggest body-changer for me is lifting weights.

    I lift heavy 2-3 times a week. I promise promise promise it will make a huge difference in how you look. I always look smaller regardless of how much I've lost if i just lift weights. Even more so than cardio. Try it- I'm sure you'll see and feel a difference.

    Keep your head up! You can do it :flowerforyou:

    ^THIS THIS AND THIS! What feels better, lower number on the scale or looser clothes in smaller sizes.

    Great motivational quote: If you're tired of starting over, STOP GIVING UP!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,039 Member
    I TOTALLY understand what is happening. This has happened to me every time I lose weight. It just takes my body time to catch up with my weight loss. One time I lost 30 pounds and my hubby didn't even notice. :ohwell: I would give up, start gaining weight, and then I'd start getting the compliments.:grumble: This time I didn't fall for it. I waited for my body to catch up. It sounds like you are in the same boat. You are doing the right things. Don't give up! If you have lost weight, it will show.

    Godd luck! You can do this.:flowerforyou: