Atkins? Again?



  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I lost 12 lbs the first week I did Atkins. I stopped bc I had trouble eating as much food as it told me too. Also have lots of friends that did the diet and gained all the weight back as soon as they quit.

    Ugghhhhh because it's not a DIET! It's a lifestyle change, if you go back to eating the same crap you are going to gain back, same thing with counting calories, if you count calories and lose all your weight and then decide, cool, I'm there I can eat whatever I want you are going to gain it all back!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I tried Atkins and did lose some weight, but I didn't like how I felt
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I'm doing Atkins now and love it! You need to do what's best for you and that you will be able to stick to.
  • E1rlindsay
    E1rlindsay Posts: 32 Member
    I did Atkins for a couple weeks...lost a good amount of weight, but by the end of week 2 i was really i just eat LESS carbs, but still get a fair amount in daily.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    For many people, its because Atkins=induction. Which is far from the truth. Atkins is basically an elimination diet that controls carbs, not a "low carb" diet. People who live on Atkins "after" the 2 week induction, eat dairy, rice, fruit, all vegetables, potatoes, beans, etc. These are people who seem to do better controlling their carb intake rather than eating tons of grains, but they still eat a varied diet. And its not a "meat free for all" either. Calories *can also* count on Atkins for weight loss. He said so himself. Looked at this way, there's no reason it can't be healthy. But if you don't need to do it, the fact that you have to watch carbs AND calories if you're having trouble losing, doesn't necessarily make it easier...its only easier if you find it to be so. Some do. Some don't.

    But ask yourself, why didn't you stick with it? What about it made it difficult? Has anything changed between then and now? If you think you can stick with it, and you enjoyed it and got results from it. Why not? I myself liked Atkins because of its focus on finding, through elimination and staged addition, problem foods for *you*, not some generic person. I found out I was wheat intolerant this way. But rice and potatoes? No problem whatsoever. And that I could eat some sugar, but not very much. And that, for some reason, I did better with a little less protein, but more fat.

    Atkins gave me permission to eat a little less protein, more fat, to eat rice and potatoes, and huge amounts of vegetables. That's my kind of Atkins. Personalized.

    **I should note, however, that I don't think of myself as "on Atkins" any longer. I think that there are now better ways to think about nutrition and health than when Atkins came up with his plan. They are all in the same vein, but, they are more focused on optimal health rather than simply weight loss. Because, in the end, if you are thinking strictly about weight loss, the best diet is the one you can stick too and incorporate into the rest of your life.
  • I kept my carbs around 20 grams for years.I had reached a point to where I wasn't losing, I did induction, fat fast - everything. until i finally ate carbs for the first time in years and just counted calories (very little calories :( ) This worked until I fell in love and ate whatever he ate , but still worked out like crazy. I began gaining, then found out I was pregnant. While I was pregnant I gave myself permission to eat mostly whatever, never imagining I would gain as much as I did. (always thinking I would go back on atkins when I delivered.) But then I breast fed for 6 months and was trying to give her adequate nutrition. I don't remember why or how I got off the bandwagon but it has been extremely hard for me to do atkins (at least the induction phase) ever since i became a stay at home mother. I know it has to do with being in my later twenties now, staying at home, gaining too much weight and continually sabatoging my low carb efforts for a year and a half.
    I am not making excuses, but it truely feels like something has chemically changed in me to steer me away from Atkins. I loved Atkins, I breathed it. it was easy for me before. Why is it so hard now? I love all the low carb talk. Keep it coming.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Hmm. 20 grams of carbs for years is low. That's induction levels, not Atkins as he intended. Maybe that's why you gained so much when you went off it? I'm just speculating.

    But, I think what I heard you say is that the mind is willing, but the body is resisting Atkins. So maybe you should work with where you are, rather than what use to be. Did you ever go through the rungs and figure out if there were any starches that were especially difficult for you? My life became alot easier when I could have rice and potatoes. Not just because I enjoy them (more potatoes than rice), but because its easier to share meals with other people, which for you includes a family.

    Right now, I follow a diet where I don't count carbs, I just don't eat things thought to cause inflammation: vegetable oil (I use coconut oil), grains (except rice), sugar (although sometimes I do). And I don't eat rice more than once a day. My point isn't to tell you to follow "my diet," but just to point out that in the years between when you use to do Atkins and now, its not only you that's changed, the whole world of controlled carb eating has changed too. There *are alot* of other options. There is a middle way in between where you were and where you are, nutritionally. You just need to figure out which way will work for you.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    If Atkins worked for you, go for it.
    When I tried Atlkins, I talked to my doctor , she actually said it's good diet.
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Maybe I am being impatient but I had fantastic luck with Atkins 5 years ago. It actually became a lifestyle change. Since being pregnant and gaining 60+ lbs I was certain just eating healthy and exercising would do it but here it is over a month into it and I have only lost a pound. I am worried that my metabolism is :the exception" and has been slowed by years of crash dieting/no carbs. I am feeling desperate and wanting to start crash dieting again even though everything I have read on here has said thats a big no no. Any one on here feel that limiting carbs is healthy? If it sounds like I am asking for permission to do Atkins i guess I am!

    My mom did a low carb diet when she started....but, she wasn't exercising either. If you are exercising, I wouldn't suggest it. Our bodies need the right kind of fuel to function properly. if you look online to find a metabolism burn quiz, it'll help you know what kind of burner you are and what you should be eating more of....protein burner, carb burner, or mixed. I'm a mixed so have to eat close to equal amounts of carbs and proteins to make sure that my metabolism doesn't crash. I hope this helps.
  • Sherirt
    Sherirt Posts: 2
    I am starting Atkins today so...good luck to you. I will be feeling your pain :)
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Moderation wins

    I agree 100%!

    According to MFP I'm allowed 235 (g) of carbs a day.
    I usually have an average of 100 remaining when I
    close out my diary. Somteimes more, sometimes less,
    I don't even keep track. My total for today is 63, and that
    includes having linguine with meat sauce for lunch. :tongue:
  • degilbe69
    degilbe69 Posts: 27
    I did atkins for a week and lost 10 pounds. but i can't live without carbs....i become this angry psycho *kitten*.

  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I follow Atkins and have success. For me, Atkins is not about eating tons of meat, so much as it about cutting out refined and processed foods and sugar. You are not cutting out a whole food group--you get the majority of your carbs through veggies. Well, I guess you are cutting out a whole food category, Junk Food.
    If you are serious about Atkins, I suggest that you read the book again. Give it at least a month, to see real results (not just loss of water weight), plus it took me about 3 weeks to get over my carb-addict cravings. Stick to the plan, don't cheat!
    Good luck!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Some people (like me) can't sustain a caloric deficit for any significant period of time without restricting carb intake because of hunger and binging that occurs when I "eat whatever I want", because I tend to make the wrong choices. If you're that type, then Atkins might be right for you. It really depends on whether you can tolerate the food recommendations of the diet.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    You have to find what works for you. If you don't want to go for full blown induction try seriously reducing carbs. Obtain all of your carbs from fruit, veggies, whole grains and skim milk. I am carb intolerant (diabetic) so I try to keep my total carbs under 60 per day only because my blood sugar doesn't allow anything else. For a healthy person I think that cutting all refined carbs is often all that's needed. Eating more quality, fresh foods is what is important.

    If you can tolerate it, Atkins induction is good because it's like cleaning all the carbs out of your system and making you more aware of what you eat when you resume eating more carbs. I think it also help you discover that you really can eat more veggies which I think is part of any healthy diet. I never used to eat many veggies for breakfast. Now I eat sometimes eat a cup of veggies in the morning. It has also gotten me to eat more protein and fat which keeps me full longer. I used to eat 1 piece of toast for breakfast and then be starving within a couple hours.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    If Atkins wasn't sustainable for you, you might just try lowering your carbs to a level that works for you. I, too, failed at keeping my carbs super low as I felt way too restricted and then would binge if I just smelled good bread or some other carb trigger. But I'm doing great on 80-100 grams/day. I do sometimes eat more when I splurge and am OK with doing that a couple times a week, just not daily.

    You don't need to go on any specific plan to go modified lower-carb, just change your settings here in MFP. I put my carbs at 25% of calories.
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm watching my carbs and my calories, plus exercising like a crazy person. I've had great results! :)
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    For what it's worth, I launched my weight loss on an almost Atkins level carb-cut.. Worked on staying around 30 - 50 grams/day which equated to no bread, sugar, rice, etc.. It kicked me off very well, but did leave me a bit tired in the afternoon.

    In a few weeks as I started adding in heavier work outs, I would allow myself a carb spike of something like a banana or apple about 20 - 30 minutes before my workout. I've been maintaining that for about 2 months with good energy levels. This has been giving me a pretty steady 1.5 - 2 lb/week loss with 3-4 ~1hr workouts a week.
  • :happy: i do a shake thats a meal replacement (safe for kids 4 and up and pregnant moms) its a 90 day challenge that promotes a lifestyle change. i lost 18lbs in 90 days and 7.5 inches! You definatly need to see healthy as a lifestyle change
  • How soon did u notice weight coming off in day 3 of induction and no weight loss yet