It's making me sad...

knowing that I won't ever binge again. It really is a sad thought, I want too so bad but I shouldn't and can't. Does anyone else have feelings like this? It's just depressing :ohwell:


  • GoGoSuku
    GoGoSuku Posts: 63
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I tend to think of a binge as an out of control event, and I've never really eaten that way. But I still have days where I overeat, sometimes to the point that I literally can't eat anymore. Maybe at a cookout or family pot luck gathering where you just have to try everything (I come from a very large family) or on Thanksgiving. Doing that once in a while didn't keep me from losing weight and hasn't made me gain any back. I just make sure I don't do it frequently, but it's part of what makes those food fest events so awesome. I don't plan to ever stop doing that occasionally.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I can relate to this for alcohol :( I quit in November. Life is much better without it though. It's just a habit and habits can be broken. Good luck!
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    I agree with the above. Binge usually means you did something in excess and regret it. When I have binged, I usually feel horrible and regret it later. Therefore, I don't miss it. Same for binge drinking when I was younger.

    I go to certain events and holiday events and still eat things I want, just in moderation. I'll go over my calories on those special occassions, but I continue to lose weight since I only do it 1-2 times a month. No need to feel like you have lost anything or that you are restricted to a point that makes you sad.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I can relate to this with smoking...I quit on 1/3/12. I sometimes miss cigarettes and there are times when I still want to smoke...but I don't. Good luck!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Maybe don't look at it that way? Saturday I ate quite a bit.....but then I pushmowed the yard and took a jog to burn off those calories. Before I would've just said "Screw it, I'll start over tomorrow" but now I say "Okay, I CAN eat Coldstone ice cream, but I will have to jog for an hour."
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Yes, the idea of not bingeing makes me sad. I think it's because those moments of eating endless amounts of my favorite foods were pleasurable and of great comfort to me (even with the horrible consequences afterward). This is how I know I am a food addict and will likely always be.
  • lyddsmom
    lyddsmom Posts: 96
    I tend to think of a binge as an out of control event, and I've never really eaten that way. But I still have days where I overeat, sometimes to the point that I literally can't eat anymore. Maybe at a cookout or family pot luck gathering where you just have to try everything (I come from a very large family) or on Thanksgiving. Doing that once in a while didn't keep me from losing weight and hasn't made me gain any back. I just make sure I don't do it frequently, but it's part of what makes those food fest events so awesome. I don't plan to ever stop doing that occasionally.

    Your question may be a matter of semantics. I agree with the above's post of a binge as being an out of control event. A binge is very different than occasionally overeating. I also think of a binge as something you do alone, maybe when you are bored. You don't come away feeling satisfied at all, just ashamed and defeated. Indulging at a family get together is different. You usually feel satisfied albeit stuffed. It also feels worth it if it doesn't happen too often. What is your definition of a binge?
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Sounds to me like you are on your way too a binge. I just want you to know that exercise is the key...this weekend I went to the gym for 2 hours and burned 800 I had pizza, I ate all but 2 pieces of a large pizza and still didn't go over my calories...get off your butt and work out so that you can eat.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    You won't be feeling that way once you see how your body is changing and how strong you start to feel. I was a total emotional eater, but now when those feelings start to creep in I go out for a walk or jump on my stationary bike. I can see my body changing, and that's such a better feeling then feeling guilty about binging. Good luck with your journey!
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Why would you be sad? Look at how it REALLY makes you feel when you overeat. Overeating leads to remorse and feeling unhappy. Overeating can also lead to diabetes, clinical depression, heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, arthritis, bone deterioration, kidney disease, and stroke.

    Take one day at a time. New healthy habits take TIME to establish. You can do this. Reach out and you will find many here who will help you along this journey. Best wishes!
  • GoGoSuku
    GoGoSuku Posts: 63
    I think it's because I'm stressed out that I'm binging so much, too much college work. It's only 6pm here and I've only got 99 calories left. Just feel like sleeping :')
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    to be honest that doesn't make sense to me, because i perceive binging as a bad thing. Perhaps you mean eating things you love without the concern of its nutritional & caloric value??? I understand that... Sometimes you want to just live life without counting. I guess the good thing about "not dieting" and logging in your food daily is that you CAN eat whatever you want- and you train yourself to do a little "extra" exercise when you go over your limits.

    this is going to be hard in the beginning, you are changing your lifestyle. As time goes on, it WILL become easier. I NEVER EVER thought I would enjoy:
    -measuring my food
    -craving healthy food
    But give it a chance, it will happen. Hang in there!!! you CAN do it!
  • adiamonddoll1
    Yes I do but when those thoughts come I tell myself how bad do you want your weist line down, and what are you willing to give up for it, I also think about if I do binge I will have to pay the price of the weight gain and start all over again and I am at the point where I just don't want to look like that anymore, give yourself at least one cheat day a week with something you really like but dont go overboard. french fries is my weakness and yes I eat them once a week I make them myself which is better cause I know what I am frying them in, then I take a walk and this works for me good luck smile: