Help! Craving Cookies!!!



  • pmdhardy
    pmdhardy Posts: 40 Member
    I crave any kind of cookie.. my sweet tooth is just ridicoulous.. NO matter how healthy my meals are I still need that darn cookie! I could eat cookies for breakfast, I, but I could. I crave sweets all day long and every day,, it drives me nuts. I really think its an addiction that I have, just like a smoker who is trying to quit. I have tried everything to stop those cravings.. but there no use.. I just love cookies and thats it. I can only go so long and then I have to give in. People say just eat one cookie and not all of them... well one taste of that cookies turns me into the cookie monster and I have to finish them!
  • pmdhardy
    pmdhardy Posts: 40 Member
    I bought a tub of Nutella.. good lord I ate the whole bottle.. NOt at once but it did not take me long. Can't have it in my house.. its too darn yummy!!
  • kimhurt
    kimhurt Posts: 313 Member
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Options :D
  • sninny
    sninny Posts: 132 Member
    I crave cookies all the time. What I do is just make (or buy) a batch and then immediately put most in the freezer so I don't eat them all at once. If they're out of sight in the freezer then I'm pretty good about just eating one once in awhile. Plus they last forever that way!
  • cassblue21
    Lots of delicious ideas here!
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    Make your oatmeal cookies but use applesauce for half the fat. Make a few for yourself then let the dog lick out the bowl :)
    Works at my house LOL since we have a Newfoundland.

    I did this with a generic oatmeal raisin receipe today . . . they turned out amazing!

    1/2 cup of margarine
    1/2 cup of unsweewtened apple sauce
    3/4 cup of sugar
    3/4 cup of brown sugar
    1 egg
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 cup whole wheat flour
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    2 tsp cinnamon
    2 1/2 cups of oats
    1 1/4 cups of raisins

    Cream first 5 ingredients well. Mix the next 6 ingredients together, then add to batter. Drop on greased cookie sheets & space well apart. Bake at 350 for 10-12 mins, making sure not to overcook. Makes about 30 large cookies. I added all the ingredients into MFP, and the calorie content per cookie is 114 (I don't remember the rest of the nutrition content)

    I'm sure there's more ways to make this even healthier, but just by subbing applesauce and whole wheat flour, they made them a bit healthier, satisfied my craving, and made a great treat for my whole family (they didn't even notice the change in the recipie!)
  • pmdhardy
    pmdhardy Posts: 40 Member
    I put a spoonful of light cool whip between 2 ritz crackers.. yummy.. then i made
  • Honey623
    Honey623 Posts: 37
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I know it sounds horrible, but the best way to get rid of the craving.. just have a cookie. If you go without it you're going to feel like your diet really a DIET... then you're gonna fall off your horse! It's better to treat yourself every once in a while and give yourself what you're wanting. Plus, every now and again a day full of bad eating is good to help confuse your body, but don't do it for more than three days!

    I completely agree! Don't make your journey punitive. It's a life long change of unhealthy habits. Have the cookie.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    I have tons of these pinned on pinterest...but have yet to make a single one, sadly. They look really good though!