Planet you tan before or after your workout?



  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Don't like tans. I wear 100 spf everyday, and have for a long, long time. Tanned about two weeks for a prom in high school and had to get a skin cancer cut out of my eyelid. Nopee not for me.

    I am sorry this happen to you...

    However, PURE coincidence in your case. I was born and RAISED on the beaches in Florida. Tanned most of my teenage and early 20s. Stopped now because I would refer a 'real' tan if I will be tan at all - Spray tan for special events if anything. Never had a problem with any sort of skin cancer problems for most of my life that I've spent in the sun.
  • Meliklotz
    Meliklotz Posts: 66 Member
    The PF I workout at DOES provide eye protection-they have to it's the law. I will tan whenever a bed is available..yes it can be a pain to be working out then go get undressed and tan, then redressed and tan-you do what you gotta do. As for stretch marks we have found that it helps them and acne as well...

    Yeah they provide ones that other people put eye is VERY contageous! Better to shell out a few dollars for your own!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    When all the blood is pumping and close to the surface - may be an urban legend- but it works better for me- also I love feeling the air blow over me while I stay motionless in there after a crazy workout- feeling my heart rate come down- it feels like a reward for all the hard work Ive done!!!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Tanning makes the stretch marks stand out MORE not less. The stretch mark itself doesn't tan well so as the surrounding skin gets darker it stands out more.
    I started tanning after I had my son and my stretch marks became much less noticeable. Same with a friend of mine who had stretch marks from weight gain and loss. I always tan after my work out. Nice to relax afterwards. Just sanitize sanitize sanitize. And you can pick up a pair of tanning goggles at WalMart for just a couple bucks.

    Stretch marks become less noticeable with time so it's hard to say that tanning was what improved them vs. just time passing.

    Sadly, I have more stretch marks covering my entire body than I care to think about and I avoid the sun.

    Here's an online source that says tanning doesn't work well:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I think that since we all have completely different skin- we all react completely differently to tanning.

    My stretch marks disappear when I tan, because the stretched skin tans easily. My BFF's stretch marks get much darker than the unstretched parts of her skin- and my roommate's stretch marks are the only thing that DONT tan.

    So to tell someone that tanning will make their stretch marks more noticeable is just an uneducated guess that their skin will do the same thing yours does.
  • Annette8479
    Annette8479 Posts: 82 Member
    It doesn't matter whether you tan before or after, but I was told that you can get a deeper tan if you tan after since your pores are open after you've been sweating. I don't know how true that is, but since it makes no difference, I do it after just in case it's true. =)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member

    When all the blood is pumping and close to the surface - may be an urban legend- but it works better for me- also I love feeling the air blow over me while I stay motionless in there after a crazy workout- feeling my heart rate come down- it feels like a reward for all the hard work Ive done!!!
    Never thought about it that way...that sounded wonderful :laugh:
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    Whether or not you tan is a very personal choice I think people should be able to make for themselves. That said, I get a tan every summer due to going to the beach regularly. My acne improves as does my eczema. I have stretch marks (around my hips from puberty) and they look white and absolutely glow against tanned skin.I don't mind them too much, but if my goal was to conceal them I would avoid exposing them to any UV rays.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    thanks everyone!

    I think i will purchase my own goggles...i dont fancy pink eye lol

    as for stretchmarks, it does help mine, for the exact reason yours get worsened. my currents ones are this dark-brownish color. when i tan they lighten up to a more skin color. and its not bc of them lightening up on their own. thats just how my skin reacts- stretchmarks become less noticeable.

    acne is ALWAYS less when i skin is way more clear.

    I have "chicken skin" on my arms. My dermatologist actually told me to tan to help. and it did clear it up.
  • DWPedsRN
    DWPedsRN Posts: 22 Member
    The kiddo in your pic is adorable, and so are you even with fair skin! As for tanners, I've been pleasantly surprised by the Jergen's Natural Glow body lotion. Use it every day in place of your regular moisturizer, and you develop a more natural looking tan over 4-7 days. Just be careful around the feet not to apply too much!

    And, although you don't want to hear tips on the cancer risks of tanning beds or natural sunshine, you really should think twice about it. Look at your adorable kiddos and imagine taking their mom away from them when they need you the most! It's just not worth it! Just like smokers don't want to hear that smoking causes lung cancer... ignoring the facts doesn't make them go away!
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    Does your PF have the red light therapy? That is supposed to help stretch marks more then tanning, it also has a lot of other benefits for your skin.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I dont think we ignore the facts. I also dont think that smokers believe that they wont die or get sick.

    All negative behavior (whether the negative is opinion or proven fact) stops when the person decides for themselves that it is time. Anyone else pushing with guilt will usually cause the person to become more stubborn.

    No one could force you to wake up and start changing your life and your behavior- YOU have to make that choice- and we all celebrate the day we wake up and choose to be healthier. :D
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    double post.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    Always after :)
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    Does your PF have the red light therapy? That is supposed to help stretch marks more then tanning, it also has a lot of other benefits for your skin.

    hmm that im not sure of...i 'll have to inquire.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    When I used to tan at my gym, I would always tan before hand.. but it got to be a pain in the butt because the beds were 20 minutes and by the time it was over, I didn't really want to workout.
  • twinlaced
    twinlaced Posts: 46 Member
    Don't like tans. I wear 100 spf everyday, and have for a long, long time. Tanned about two weeks for a prom in high school and had to get a skin cancer cut out of my eyelid. Nopee not for me.

    I am sorry this happen to you...

    However, PURE coincidence in your case. I was born and RAISED on the beaches in Florida. Tanned most of my teenage and early 20s. Stopped now because I would refer a 'real' tan if I will be tan at all - Spray tan for special events if anything. Never had a problem with any sort of skin cancer problems for most of my life that I've spent in the sun.

    I think a lot of it has to do with your complexion. I'm like paper white, covered in freckles, and freckle A LOT when I tan and have red/blonde tones in my hair. So sometimes I blame myself for trying to tan back then. Pretty sure most of tthe beds say something about fair skinned people being wary of the risks.
  • aradje01
    aradje01 Posts: 12
    I tan before I work out. Because I don't wanna go in there when I'm done, by that time I'm ready to shower, relax and go home, not tan.

    I have a black card as well, I love it! They do sell tanning goggles, for $2.60, and you MUST show them your tanning goggles before tanning or they won't let you tan.

  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    I usually tan after my work out but it depends on how busy it is. The one I go to only has 4 beds. I tan 2-3x a week to treat my Psoriasis. It's the best way to keep your skin clear and a better solution then using the steroids.

    Except it's not. You can get skin cancer from tanning beds. I had a friend's mom (who I was very close with and like a second mother to me) tan for her awful Psoriasis, she got skin cancer and then died from a brain tumour. I urge you to look into other options, steroids aren't the best option, but tanning beds aren't safe.
  • MissesForrester
    MissesForrester Posts: 66 Member