I seriously need help, advice, and friends please!

I put myself on a diet. I'm breaking it today, kind of like how I broke it yesterday, and probably the day before. In all, I've kept on my diet about one day since I started. I know that it's all my fault and I keep making excuses. It just gets difficult because I get hungry (because I'm not used to it yet) and everyone around me eats all the time, and they eat my diet foods that I buy for myself. Not to mention that it puts stress on my relationship with my boyfriend because I get cranky more easily. I just need some support and advice and having someone to help me through this. My boyfriend says he's being supportive but he'll tell me about how he ate a whole pizza by himself and things like that. And I'm living at my friend's house and they're not very supportive because they're the ones that are always eating. This is my plea for help, advice, and friends. Please be my friend and support me?


  • mjok31
    mjok31 Posts: 84
    Love to help anyway i can....add me :)
  • AngelaG2006
    I'll gladly help you! First step is to realize this isn't about "dieting". Dieting is temporary. This is about a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. This website is wonderful and really does have results if you put in the work. I did it last summer with logging and exercising and lost nearly 30 pounds. I, like you, was breaking it by eating TONS one day and then hardly anything the next. This time I am doing it RIGHT! :) I just bought an elliptical and am really working on changing my eating habits and drinking more water. If you have any questions or need any help, please messege me and I will be glad to help! I check MFP several times a day when I log my foods and exercise :)
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    Feel free to add me. It's a choice baby! You have to decide for you what you want to do. Don't look at what you did yesterday, it's over. Don't worry about what you're going to do tomorrow. Tomorrow's not here. Focus on now. Make small choices. You shouldn't feel like you're starving. Maybe you need to adjust your goals. If you're overly aggressive it can be a turn off. Feel free to add me! I'll help if I can!
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    Hey ladies!! Im a new beachbody coach and I just started my own FB support group for ladies only. It's just getting started but id love to have you!! send me a msg if you are interested :)
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    I agree with the girls above. It's a lifestyle change not a diet. You have to be ready and really want it for it to work though.

    I feel your pain. My husband eats junk all the time. He's great but a tad old fashion and likes me to cook said junk for him. My house is full of 'crap' for the kids and they choose to eat my chocolate rice cakes cause they taste like cereal...lol. I have a baby that won't let me use my treadmill and jumps on me every time I get on the floor for ab exercises. BUT, that being said I find the time to work out when she's sleeping or in her highchair. I resist the junk (for the most part) and fill up on foods that are good for me. I allow myself a little cheating here and there so I don't feel deprived. I drink lots of lemon water even though my baby follows me and my green bottle around going "uh uh uh" for a drink. It's hard. There are days I don't feel like working out but those are the days I have to talk myself into it step by step. I may start at 9am and not end up actually working out til 5pm but I get there. Push through that blah feeling and think of how good it feels when you are done and you know you did your body good.

    You can do this!!! Feel free to add me and message me anytime you feel the urge to do the wrong thing and I will help you as much as I can. :-)
  • munkirobochic
    Thank you all so much, this has helped more than anything yet. :)
  • MeliNichole84
    MeliNichole84 Posts: 45 Member
    i feel exactly the same way. hope a few of yall dont mind i sent friend requests. i just joined five days ago.
  • sarahjean520
    Just try making small changes...it will go a long way...it will get easier...feel free to add me!
  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    Listen to the lovely ladies above. This will be a lasting change, one that's for the better in the long run.

    Also, my boyfriend is about 40 lbs less than me (he used to be overweight, but changed his lifestyle like a boss) and he eats SO MUCH MORE than me. I don't particularly miss "pigging out" on high calorie foods. They make my body feel terrible afterwards. The hardest part for me was hanging out with a group of friends. They'd all want fast food/bad food and I would constantly have to check MFP on my phone to see what I could eat without wasting all my calories for the day in one meal. I began to prepare snacks ahead of time so I could save my calories (and my money!). I don't know what kind of food you are buying, but maybe if you're buying super healthy obscure food (i.e. ground flaxseed to put on some high fiber cereal or something), then your friends/roommates/boyfriend will knock it off. My parents wouldn't TOUCH soy milk, obscure fruits/vegetables, flax seed, etc. That, or come to an agreement that if they want to eat your food then they will start needing to help pay for it.

    Honestly, I started eating so much good food that the bad food that everyone loves seriously grosses me out. I don't get any fulfillment from eating high calorie/high fat foods anymore. It's just gross. And please, don't feel bad about eating extra calories on certain days. I used to beat myself up for it, but my boyfriend reassures me that it's okay. If you deprive yourself of things, then you will just be wanting them more. Good luck, and feel free to add me!
  • mrn8705
    mrn8705 Posts: 9
    Feel free to add me....I'm in pretty much the same boat as you are!
  • Amordulce
    Hello everyone. I am new here and I really need to lose weight because it is taking a toll on my back. I need motivation and support. The only way I can find it is probably here. Let me know. I need someone to put me on track. Please.