Need motivation & supporters! 100 pounds to loose!

Hey guys & girls, need motivation & supporters, ive lost aabout 25 pounds already (havent weighed in over a week so may have gained seeing as ive fallen off the wagon) i have about another 100 pounds too loose.
Im really wanting to loose another 30 pounds within next 3 months.
Im under a LOT of stress at the moment, finacially due to my partner being hurt & not being able to work for min 6 weeks.
But also physically & mentally a lot is going on, i am also scheduled for a key hole surgery on 5 april.
Needing support & motivators to get me back on track, i have almost no time now, working, looking after my partner etc.
No time to excercise & no time to cook better meals :(
Need the push to MAKE me make time!!
& help me at least loose 30 or so pounds! :)
Thanx guys!!


  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
  • Elise_healthy4life
    Elise_healthy4life Posts: 182 Member
    the only motivation i can give is consistency is the key and make time for yourself because i know how easy it can be to be to busy with life im in the same boat i have a 8 month old plus hubby plus a business that i help run so im always on the go i have just decided its better to have the dishes done late and have a workout then to not workout at all good luck and im here for support :)
  • metrabolic
    metrabolic Posts: 31 Member
    I've been tracking for about 4 weeks now and have about 100 to lose as well!! I would love to help support you through your journey!