Would like some "My Fitness Pal" friends!

Hi there,

My name is Kylie. I am 27 and have just started "My Fitness Pal". My goal is to lose weight to have a baby. I would love to meet some new people through "MFP" to help motivate me and I in turn hope to help motivate you!

Thank you

Kylie :)

P.s. I'm not sure how to add new friends on here!


  • dizzylloyd
    dizzylloyd Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Kylie

    Feel free to add me if you like, I'll send you a request.

    The way to add friends yourself is to click on someone's name. Their profile will come up and from here you can click on a button which says add as friend.

    Hope this helps.

  • christinerush
    Hi Kylie, I am relatively new here too, on day 26 I think! I love it! I will send you a request and all you need to do is to click on accept! :smile:
  • chocaholic5
    Hi there Kylie :)
    I too want to lose weight to fall pregnant with my second child :)
    i will add you now :) and good luck with your weight loss
  • lorforde
    lorforde Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Kylie,

    I am a Mom of one and I have been on MFP since January but had lost a few lbs myself before starting on here but I have lost most of my weight with MFP help and the support of others

    I will add you now and the very best of luck. Remember to lose it slowly so that it stays off!!! I've learned that on here :heart:
  • kezzafitmum73
    hello im kinda new here been on this site for 3 days now and loving it, anyone is welcome to add me
  • 10vfreeman
    I REALLY need some support would love it if people would add me =)