So hungry and tired

So have been doing great.lost 5 lbs before joining my fitness pal and another 6since for total of 11since jan. the only prob is 1200 cal leaves me hungry so I have to do 30 - 60 mins cardio every day to try and earn more(eat half to account for In accuracy. I opened my diary for advice I am hungry and too tired to exercise. Any advice would be appreciated, I feel like I am burning out Forgive the weekend it was birthday


  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Have you thought about increasing your calories? You can still lose weight at a slower pace and have enough energy to workout and not be tired all the time. Try changing your goals to 1 pound a week instead of 2.

    Also, I usually try to eat higher protein, lower carbs because that keeps me fuller longer. I also drink a ton of water.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    How tall are you and how much do you need to lose?
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    You could add more veggies & water. I would also suggest redoing your goals to give yourself more than 1200 cals. Good Luck & don't give up!
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    I've been finding that if I eat something like oatmeal in the morning with blueberries, it gets me to mid morning where I might have an apple or some nuts, or a banana and yoghurt, then eat my salad with tuna/grilled chicken for lunch and then another piece of fruit or dried fruits/nuts in the afternoon, ready for dinner when I make a filling, but low carb/low fat dinner using beans/whole grains/sweet potatoes/chicken/fish/brown rice. So really I'm having 5 small meals a day.
    Just make sure you're eating stuff with fiber/protein...don't do energy bars/sugary stuff/sodium filled stuff and make sure you drink lots of water as well. You should be able to up your calories if you're doing all that exercise. And don't OVERDO the exercise - take at least one rest day so your body has time to recuperate, and try and mix it up. Hope that helps a little? I'm new to this but have found that eating more healthily has given me more energy to exercise and not less.
  • Dch2012
    Dch2012 Posts: 19
    Thanks all some great advice also I am 5'7 and 174 lbs hoping to get to 150 I would like 159 by beginning of may for holiday
  • bethandgar
    bethandgar Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know what to tell you to help, I wish I did as I am in the same boat as you. I also work 12 hour shifts (not including drive time) and have 2 kids that when I do get home have homework and what not to do and so it is hard to fit in exercise. I wish you luck and if you get any ideas let me know too. :flowerforyou: :
  • libby555
    libby555 Posts: 43 Member
    I am having this same issue. My calories are much higher than yours and I work out pretty hard for at least an hour a day. With that said, I really need to figure out how to get a good breakfast in before my workout as I am finding that I don't have energy at all after the work out even after I have eaten a decent lunch. If I do have a good breakfast (usually occurs on days that I am working out later in the day) then I have much more energy. For example, today I had a protein shake before my workout and after had a 400 calorie meal filled with whole grains, protein and veggies. Still felt really tired and then had a headache too. Hubby brought home a burger and said I needed to eat it! LOL! So I did, and almost instantly felt better! I'm not saying that you should have a burger but listen to your body. If you are hungry then find something nutritional to eat. And take a good look at your calorie intake and decide if that is truly enough for you. I think lots of us start at 1200 and quickly realize we are setting ourselves up for failure. With a substantial workout included, it just isn't enough for most. It's tough to realize this and I am definitely not there yet either but am slowly realizing this truth.
  • Dch2012
    Dch2012 Posts: 19
    I have two small kids as well and work full time. I usually exercise frpom 9 at night to 10. Then can't sleep cause I am too wired from exercise.prob not helping with being tired
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I took a look at your diary. Try eating less starchy carbs (rice, bagels, etc) and more veggies, light dairy, and lean protein. Your calories will go a lot further if you make a few different food choices.
  • Nurse_krissy
    Nurse_krissy Posts: 102 Member
    I don't know how you're spacing your food, but make sure you're eating every 2-3 hours. I often will "split" my breakfast and lunch into two portions and end up eating four times for those two meals. And like others have said, make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck (err... calorie) with your choices. I have to remind myself of that sometimes. Yes, I can have two Hershey's kisses for only 50 calories, but my tummy would be happier with a small apple for the same 50 calories! But if it's "that" time of the month.... forget it, I'm having the Hershey's! :)
  • RaniMerryman
    RaniMerryman Posts: 19 Member
    I am also on the 1200 calorie diet. I get up at 6 AM to do 40 min of cardio before the kids get up.... I find that if I drink a good bit of water before I start I can make it through and the early exercise seems to jump start my metabolism. I get an extra 600 calories from exercise, though typically only use about 2-300 of them. I agree with the fiber filled veg, I graze all day on the stuff. Sunday is spent blanching vegetables and making lunch and salads for the week. If it is already prepared and easy to grab, I am less likely to look for something less nutritious. Good luck...and remember, if you are anything like me, it was a lot of fun putting the weight on.... I am paying for it now.... but ok with the penance lol
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Thanks all some great advice also I am 5'7 and 174 lbs hoping to get to 150 I would like 159 by beginning of may for holiday

    How much do you have to set to lose a week? That close to your GW, you should do 1lb max and maybe even look at .5lbs a week. If you are tired, hungry, and weak, then you are not eating enough.
  • Dch2012
    Dch2012 Posts: 19
    I have reset my goals to 1 pound a week which gives me 1400 cals a day. I figure i will try this for awhile and see how it goes although i am thinking at this level i will try not to eat much of my exercise cals back. I think the 1200 with all the exercise was getting a bit ambitious, looks like i will have to resign to the fact that I wont be meeting my goal weight in time for my vacay. oh well....maybe i will get lucky and be one of the ones who starts to lose more with the extra cals. Although not likely since I have the metabolism of a snail....
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Maybe its just my body, but whole wheat has a huge impact on me with feeling full and energized. Couple it will protein, and I'm good to go.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    Thought your calories seemed a little light, so I took your info and ran it through a BMR/TDEE spreadsheet , and even on a light-acitivty setting, your BMR is coming out at 1519, and TDEE at 1975. Which means I believe you're eating too little in the calorie department. I personally do not eat below my BMR, eat most of my exercise calories back, and have been steadily losing a pound a week.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    less carbs more protein - if i eat that quantity of carbs I'm hungrier than ever!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    less carbs more protein - if i eat that quantity of carbs I'm hungrier than ever!

    Though I will say, that is not true for everyone. I find I am very happy at 40%C/30%F/30%P. Carbs do not cause me to be hungry any more then any other food.
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Have you thought about increasing your calories? You can still lose weight at a slower pace and have enough energy to workout and not be tired all the time. Try changing your goals to 1 pound a week instead of 2.

    Also, I usually try to eat higher protein, lower carbs because that keeps me fuller longer. I also drink a ton of water.

    totally agree with this post.
  • Mhaddon
    Mhaddon Posts: 1
    I'm 5'6"1/2 and the same weight. We have similar goals :) I started with the 1200 cal and wasn't being successful at all. Falling off a day or two, tired and super cranky. I wasn't getting any exercise in and was a horrrible mom those 2 weeks :( I increased my calories and am at 1580 right now and doing sooo much better. I can have a treat and am able to work out. I also add in big workouts, but nothing else. I was able to lose 3 lbs after increasing in a week. I find if you restrict your calories too much then your body tends to hold on more.