ok so i am back on track! yeah ! however scale is not moving anywhere but the inches are coming off and the fat is moving on its way! however it still makes me want to take the scale throw it out the window and watch a big rig run it over and cheer!

Is anyone else having this problem and if you have any suggestions to over come it please let me know! Since I have vigourously been working out I have actually gained a few lbs, is this normal :grumble:


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I've lost a total of 10 lbs in the last 6 months. But I have also dropped from a 14 to a 10/8.

    I'm not worried about it in the least.

    Inches is more important. Within reason.
  • 911chell
    911chell Posts: 26
    Good to know that I am not alone in this and it does happen. Itches is really what I want .. So I should not complain
  • kimmie790
    kimmie790 Posts: 26
    I've chucked my scales into the back of my wardrobe.
    The tape measure is my friend.

    Scales are evil. Like Marmite!!!!
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    I have that. Until saturday I hadn't lost a single ounce in almost 2 months but I have lost 15 inches. I perfer the inches but not having that scale move can be depressing.
  • erikakoop
    This is my 3rd month of eating right and my 1st month of adding in exercise. My first month lbs and inches came off, second month I lost 3lbs total, but something like 14", and in my third month I have already lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks and 8" in 2 weeks. So I truly believe that they fluctuate. Some months might be more inches and then next may be more lbs. Hang in there!! I know, I want the scale to keep on moving too since I am only halt way there, and when it doesn't I get frustrated. But then I measure and realize I'm down inches, so it makes up for it!

    Great work!
  • 911chell
    911chell Posts: 26
    I have never actually measured anything on me. I just can feel the cloths fitting looser and can see i have shoulders again instead of the mass of fat around them.


    I don't even think I have a measuring tape, I will stop and get one tonight when I get off work. So what should I measure my legs arms waist ???

    I have lost a total so far of 99lbs (depending on the day) to 105lbs so I guess I can't complain to much.
  • ljmccune
    ljmccune Posts: 15 Member
    I have been doing a workout program for the last 2 months ago and it has been amazing! I'm not the type to spend hours going to and from the gym. This workout is done at home with minimal equipment. It's quick, very intense and extremely effective. Go to...
    I'm not necessarily loosing tons of weight but the inches are melting away, my strength and stamina are improving and I feel fantastic!
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    yup. and especially if you are doing rigorous training, circuits, intervals - your muscles will hold onto more water for repair as well. My body composition scale thingy fluctuates sometimes very stupidly, but I got it for this very reason - and [in the OCD Excel chart I made that converts % to pounds of fat and skeletal muscle, and the difference] it shows me that my "other" (non fat, non muscle) weight can fluctuate between as much as 60 and 64 pounds. So that's always one thing for me to know and keep in mind. And measurements/muscliness are always the way to go for me, for sure. I "lose weight" very slowly - but seem to lose fat at closer to 4 lbs/month and gain muscle fitness.
  • 911chell
    911chell Posts: 26
    my husband put a gym at the house for us and that works so much better than waisting gas going to the gym .. i will check out that site thanks