Joined today :)

Hello all hope everyone is having a great day. I just joined this morning I need a new way to track my calories and exercise. I have been doing it on paper but I tend to keep forgetting so I figured I should join a site that can help me do that and find friends along the way to help keep me motivated as well who I can share and ask questions to.:smile::smile:


  • Well we are so happy to have you here! I love it and we are either working together and supporting one another or having a healthy competition while supporting one another or BOTH.

    Welcome aboard!:flowerforyou:
  • epavesi
    epavesi Posts: 2
    Welcome. I hope that you have a good journey here. I will add you :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    This website is AWESOME! So glad I found it!

    Congrats to you for making a healthy choice for you!
  • Preshienly
    Preshienly Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all so very much. I ended up going and joining a gym today as well. So excited about that and my friend is also a member of the gym so she and I can workout together now and I can take my kids as well if I cant find a sitter. Ready to see if I can accomplish my goal of losing 10 lbs before the month is over..

    Motivation and Determination is Key..:heart:
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    Your on the right path :-) Feel free to add me.
  • this is a really helpful site, feel free to add me ;)
  • vi_rican_
    vi_rican_ Posts: 1 Member
    I joined today as well. A co-worker told me about the iPhone app. I can't believe this is for free!