


  • I have run several half marathons and am training for my first full....I ran Saturday 13 miles using the Galloway method and ran FASTER than just running and felt great after. I am a believer in the method...Happy running.
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    I am very new to running, but since I've started, I can't stop! I started running in January and when I did, I found it very hard to run for more than a few minutes at a time. Just last night, I ran nonstop for 2.3 miles! My goal is to run a 5K this spring/summer and could use any support and tips you have,

    Best of luck to ya! Feel free to add me!!
  • Add me as well! I've just started running, and am also looking for friends/ tips/ people who know what the hell they're doing!

    recently my knees have been really hurting a lot...everyone says it's my shoes, but they're not that old and are in really good shape..any ideas?
  • DMRun
    DMRun Posts: 25
    I started running in Aug 2010 - and I instantly LOVED it! Just did my first 1/2 Marathon in January and it was such a great experience :) I had some road blocks during training, which resulted in me missing out on a few weeks of training, but I still managed to finish! I use a method similar to the Galloway method - I found that using the run/walk method actually improved my pace per km. :) Anyway... I just finished a 10K on 11Mar - doing a 15K in June, another 1/2 in October... and probably will do the Tinker Bell 1/2 in Disneyland again in Jan :) Feel free to add me too ;)
  • alicia2601
    alicia2601 Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to be able to tell someone that i'm running a half marathon in May and them not look at me like i'm crazy or just directly say so. I'm the only runner in my family and only have maybe 2 or 3 friends who are runners.

    Right now, i've only been running about 15 miles per week. I try and vary up my cardio workouts but maybe in preparation for the mini, I should ONLY focus on running? I also need to work on my speed and strides.

    Longest run so far: 6.5 miles this past Saturday.

    Feel free to add me anyone!!
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    I am new to running as well. Feel free to add me and best of luck to ya!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Great to see so many new runners here! You might like some of my beginner's tips from my blog:
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Great to see so many new runners here! You might like some of my beginner's tips from my blog:

    I love this blog post and can't recommend it enough guys! :)
  • jwupun
    jwupun Posts: 3
    Looking for support (and ideas) on running and healthy eating, I got this crazy idea from one of my fraternity brothers to do a 5k or half marathon soon, I've logged about 150 miles so far in the last 5 wees with my Adidas app so far!
  • DMRun
    DMRun Posts: 25
    oops... still learning how to work this system! pardon my double post ;)
  • DMRun
    DMRun Posts: 25
    Add me as well! I've just started running, and am also looking for friends/ tips/ people who know what the hell they're doing!

    recently my knees have been really hurting a lot...everyone says it's my shoes, but they're not that old and are in really good shape..any ideas?

    I occasionally have trouble with my knees - I actually discovered it on my last long run before I did my first 1/2! argh!
    First of all... make sure you have not injured your knee. If you have.. you will need guidance from your Dr and possibly a Physio-Therapist.

    I've been told that a lot of people who begin running, forget to excercise the muscles on the 'inner' leg -- what happens is the muscles on the 'outer' part of the leg become very strong and developed so they can pull your knee and it causes your knee to not track properly. You can avoid this by doing exercises that work the inner leg. There are also bands or tapes that you can put around your knee to avoid this problem. Also... be sure you're not overtraining. I pushed myself too far too soon because of a break I had to take earlier in my training. Gradually increase your mileage (I think the recommended amount is 10% per week). If you're training for a specific distance - you can find training programs that provide you with a training plan :) And be sure to take your rest days ;)
  • Oh how i love the internet - so happy there is a big running community here! and i am about to read Berryh's blog post !!!

    Thanks guys!

  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 654 Member
    feel free to add me... i love to talk running...
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    I sent you a request. I am a runner sometimes. LOL I get out and run on my own plus I am military so I do some for work also. I have run 3 Half Marathons, a bunch of 10k, and even more 5ks. Not the best for sure but sure like getting out there and doing it.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    and any other runners feel free to add me!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    There's a group of runners here. A lot of them are really accomplished and offer terrific advice and you don't have to be a marathoner (i'm a half girl myself)

    Feel free to join!