Alcohol..esp Red Wine<3

Hello there -
I do not drink during the week but will def have red wine and sometimes beer on weekends. I never felt that it reversed my exercise progress or added a ton of weight. A friend of mine, who is a personal trainer in DC, told me certain food and alcohol does not affect things as much as people think and to not be afraid to have a few drinks. When I was a few years younger I drank much more on weekends than I do now (who doesn't in their early 20s :) and did lose a few lbs since the drinking lessened. I am wondering how much alcohol, esp red wine, actually does affect weight. I am talking if you basically drink on weekends.


  • merilin676
    Im also a big fan of wine (white one though) :D Also love to drink on the weekends while hanging out with friends and going to parties.
    Actually alcohol is the biggest weight gainer..
    Last november I was totally alcohol free and I lost weight doing almost nothing. I was eating and exercising the same, but no alcohol, anyway december came and also came wine, lol.
    So if you really need to lose some weight, I advise you to forget about alcohol..seems hard but possible ;)
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I mean I know it causes weight gain but even a few glasses on weekends? I don't know if I can give up the red wine haha. I guess it's a sacrafice :)
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I drink it on the weekends. I have lost 59 lbs. I used to drink it during the week too (just a glass while cooking or in the evening). I have cut that out almost entirely. I have also limited how much I drink on the weekends, because the calories stack up. It takes some getting used to but, I hate sabotaging myself. You can still have some though and not give it up entirely, you just have to plan for it.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    I drink wine on the weekends and I may even have a glass while cooking dinner:drinker: It has not affected my weight loss in anayway:smile:

    Moderation is key; I plan for the wine and make it happen calorie wise!!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    So long as you don't exceed a healthy amount, just log every glass and keep it under your daily calories and you'll be fine. Good excuse to work out more and drink more at weekends! :drinker:
  • alisahaggard
    As long as you count it as part of your calories for the day, it shouldn't matter - of course, don't skip dinner just so you cna have a few glasses of wine...
  • garyl7593
    garyl7593 Posts: 38
    I have a glass or 2 of red wine 3-4 nights a week and don't really think it makes a massive amount of difference......Last year I had 8 weeks without drink and my BF% only dropped depends if your snacking while drinking which lots of people do!
    I do exercise a lot mind you so it may help reverse weight gain :0
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    One glass of wine red or white a day is excellent fro your body. AS long as you count it in your calories fro the day you should be fine. I occasionally have a glass of wine with dinner and have not had any issues with gaining because of it.
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I lost more weight when I cut down a ton (which happens the older you get I believe:). There are weekends I drink 2 glasses total and some weekends I drink a bit more. I trained myself to not snack during drinking if I am home. Now if I am out and come home aftering drinking, that is another story sometimes haha. I do know that a glass of red wine a few times during the week is good for your heart. I guess it is all on how the bodt responds to alcohol. I appreciate all of your feedback!
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    As long as you count it as part of your calories for the day, it shouldn't matter - of course, don't skip dinner just so you cna have a few glasses of wine...

    I do not believe in skipping meals :)
  • glhouse9747
    How could you think that alcohol, wine or whatever, wouldn't add to your weight? I all contains calories!! Does alcohol know its a weekend? :):) I've know a few alcoholics who only drink on weekends and get roaring, black-out drunk. Think those calories don't add up? Fooling yourself about when you eat or drink something is called sabotage. Don't do that to yourself. :noway: (Told you I was forthright.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I AM A HUGE WINE DRINKER!!, i just make up for it during the week or the times i do not drink!
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    How could you think that alcohol, wine or whatever, wouldn't add to your weight? I all contains calories!! Does alcohol know its a weekend? :):) I've know a few alcoholics who only drink on weekends and get roaring, black-out drunk. Think those calories don't add up? Fooling yourself about when you eat or drink something is called sabotage. Don't do that to yourself. :noway: (Told you I was forthright.

    Ok number 1, I am not stupid and I know it contain s calories. Red wine is good for you in moderation. I wondered exactly how much it actually does affect us. I don't know what you mean by fooling myself. I did not say a thing about that.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I loooove my wine. A lot. lol. I just work it in and I've still dropped the weight.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I drink wine every night. :0 I find when I drink red, I still lose. When I drink white it is slower. I allot the calories for it.
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I loooove my wine. A lot. lol. I just work it in and I've still dropped the weight.

    Coming from someone who has an awesome body! That is what I it in ha! Red wine is just good!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I average a bottle of wine a night!!! no lie! I love my nighttime buzzzzz
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I average a bottle of wine a night!!! no lie! I love my nighttime buzzzzz

    I believe it because it's easy to do! I used to be able to drink more but within the past year (for the mostpart) my body is done after 2 glasses. It is kinda weird haha. But then again, there are weekends that I can take back alot of beer! Beer makes me extremely full so I don't drink it unless I am at a bar.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I can average a bottle a night too with white. I try to drink more red because I'll stop (usually lol) at 2-3 glasses.