Burning fat

What foods are best eaten while trying to burn fat. I want to lose some fat round my waist fast so I can fit in my jeans in the next month I'm doing the power 90 as well as stationary bike but would like tips on getting my diet spot on.


  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're looking for exactly, but foods don't burn fat. Fat is burned as fuel by the body as it goes about its day, and during exercise. Fat is stored fuel. The body accesses fat as a reserve tank after the immediate fuel (food you just ate) is gone. There is not spot reduction available either. Fat is deposited all over the body. Everybody's body is different, so you'll have some people who deposit it on their thighs, some on their waist. If spot reduction worked, then people like tennis players would have less fat on the arm that does all the work as opposed to the other arm. And that just doesn't happen.

    However, if you watch your intake and exercise to help burn the fuel reserves, you will lose weight.

    Hope that helps.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    ^as howekaren said, foods don't make you burn fat. For your diet, you want to stay away from prepackaged foods and look for natural sources or proteins and fats. Weight lifting and decreasing your overall body fat will help. Make sure you set your goal at 1/2 lb per week and eat back most of your exercise calories so you don't put added stress on your body.

    If you want more help on figuring caloric needs, hit me up on PM. I have done P90X and P90X2 and CLX
  • scally84
    scally84 Posts: 11
    hi sorry for the confusion i just wanted to know what foods i should be eating while trying to lose weight i understand about the spot reduction part. i just wanted to know roughly what food is best to eat to fuel my exercise and lose weight at the same time.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There really is no best one food. The diet industry be damned. Eating less calories than you burn is the key.

    That said, if you're doing exercises, keep them in the range of 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. Do a little Google searching on heart rate training and you can get specific information. Working out at this less strenuous pace burns more fat as opposed to carbohydrates. However, working out at a faster heart rate burns more overall calories.
  • scally84
    scally84 Posts: 11
    that's interesting I'll check it out thanks a lot.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    There really is no best one food. The diet industry be damned. Eating less calories than you burn is the key.

    That said, if you're doing exercises, keep them in the range of 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. Do a little Google searching on heart rate training and you can get specific information. Working out at this less strenuous pace burns more fat as opposed to carbohydrates. However, working out at a faster heart rate burns more overall calories.

    Thats a myth. It's all about calories in and out.


    Just eat fresh fruits/veggies, you want meats and eggs for protein and high fibre foods. Generally, you can lower carbs up front to help remove some of the excess stored glycogen in your body (water weight) and then slowly increase them. Feel free to look at my diary.