anyone else having a hard time keeping up?

Hi, i am so very new to this site and this 'healthy' way of eating and exercising. I have recently started doing different things to work being a few netflix workouts. But my problem is i can not move or keep up with those ladies!! I feel like i am flopping around like a fish! =\ By the time i 'get' the move down, they are onto the next move. I know if i keep doing them eventually i will be able to do it (and boy won't i feel proud!) But for now, it is discouraging! I see a nutritionalist (she's the one who told me about this site) and she told me i need to be sweating and huffing and puffing, and believe me i am by trying to keep up! =) Should i be doing something else to start off, to get myself ready for the harder cardio workouts?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    thats why i don't do group cardio classes.

    why not just walk then once you build up stamina for other things then you can add in stuff like hiit
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    That's how I was in the beginning too (and definitely still am when I try new things). I think it's an issue of building strength and stamina. I was actually just thinking about this yesterday. I started my second round of 30 day shred, and realized I am moving at the same pace as them now, where as the first time I was always slower. If they did 25 reps, I was usually doing about 20. I was still maneuvering into the new positions when they were already started. I think it just takes time to get yourself used to it, and if you're busting a sweat that's a great first step!

    I did notice, though, that because it was often hard for me to keep up, I wasn't using/developing the muscles like they were, so I think the physical progress in terms of seeing muscle is slower, but the progress in terms of burning off calories should be the same.
  • hartsell72
    Thanks Ladies. I started walking as well, i was just walking my dogs, but then i started leaving them at home to up my pace (they are Chi's and can't go fast or far, lol) I have even got my hubby and oldest daughter going with me. I think i enjoy the walking the most! But i am still going to do some cardio, its what gets my heart rate up and makes me SWEAT! I admit, it feels good to sweat and get out of breath. I think i'm going to stick with one workout and just keep doing it till i can get the moves down and keep up. I just tend to get bored doing the same thing (like my Wii fit plus). =)
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    by the looks of your pic, i weight loads more than you (230) i do zumba classes and the first one was awful! i was out of time and going in the wrong directions but now its my 3rd class and im up to speed. i dont look great doing it by any means but im giving it my all and sweating like a pig! lol
    good luck :)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I've been there! I promise it gets better and better :) The important thing is just keep moving, doing what you can and burning calories. The rest will come together shortly!
  • Lonecandy
    Hi. I'm new to the site but for 2 months I've been doing netflix videos and zumba on the xbox kinect for cardio. In the beginning I had the exact same problem that you have with not being able to keep up. My solution was to simply keep moving even if I couldn't do what the instructor was doing. I am down 5 lbs so far so I think it's safe to say that as long as you keep your heart rate up despite not knowing the moves it will work out. The moves do get easier with time and a bit of memorization. It also doesn't help that the camera angles in those videos are sometimes horrible :(