yoga dvd

going to start weight training this week. changing it all up. adding and adjusting. my yoga teacher had to quit and they havent replaced her with a qualified instructor yet...
any one have a super dvd that they just love for yoga?
indoor and outdoor 5k's all week. :) first race T- 13 days. Pray I am not in the last 10....that is all I am asking! :)


  • mdof
    mdof Posts: 6
    Bob harpers yoga for the warrior is great
  • runfoodierun
    runfoodierun Posts: 59 Member
    gonna order it this week. thanks!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Do you know what kind of yoga you were taking? That will make a difference in what video. There are some short videos and podcasts - I know yoga journal has some.
  • dakmom
    dakmom Posts: 18 Member
    My yoga instructor actually made a Vinyasa I DVD and it is FANTASTIC! I'm not sure if you can order it online, but the website is There should be a way to be able to find out if they can ship it to you. Good luck!
  • tootsiewootsie
    tootsiewootsie Posts: 12 Member
    Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss with Suzanne Deason--I used it several years ago and really liked it. I have not used it recently but need to get back to it.