Cheat days - how often, how much?

Do you cheat on the regular? Once every 14 days? Every weekend? And if you do 'planned' cheats, to what extreme do you cheat? Do you go hog wild or do you just eat up to what will be your eventual maintenance calories?

I'm thinking of incorporating a cheat day once a week or so, to help stave off 'starvation mode' metabolic damage. How does it work for you?


  • billthekill
    I like to have Cheat "Meals" rather then Cheat days.

    I just don't eat for the whole day and just save up all my calories for one big meal in the evening.
    I can eat 2500 calories (My Maintenance) for my one big meal and I won't even gain weight.

    Edit: LOL with "Starvation Mode"
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I do a 'cheat' day once or twice a week tops. I generally eat clean the rest of the day and either have a cheat meal (like take-out for lunch or supper) or a cheat snack at night. However, I also cheat within reason and still try to keep pretty close to my BMR. My cheat snack will consist of a small bag of Pop Chips and a Cadbury Thins chocolate bar, or if I have take-out, I'll get a small size chicken nugget meal from Wendy's.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Once a week, normally on Saturdays since I go out to eat with my boyfriend. It just makes a diet so much easier. Sometimes I go hog wild, but I've been trying to keep it under control.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    If you're eating that many calories you won't go into starvation. Mode so I wouldn't use that as justification for a cheat day. Not saying I'm against cheat days, but don't do them for the wrong reason
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I don't really have a "cheat day." I generally have one or two meals during the week when I eat out, so I tend to splurge (within reason) then.

    I will have a treat on my long run days (of 7 or more miles) if I'm craving something special.
  • beautiful_dream
    I haven't cheated once since I started, 15 days ago. I believe in going all the way through until you've reached your goal but that's just me :)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I do a cheat meal just to go out with friends and not have to think about my calorie in-take. I reserve fridays for this and I eat my usualy meal plan durning the day while I was at work and just cheat when I go out that night.
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    I usually cheat around my time of the month!!!! I more hungry, *****y and moodyyyyyy so I have to admit I do cheat!!!! or have cheated but once I am over I go or have try to go back to my healthy and stay on track!!!

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  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Well, I've been at it since Jan 1, and I'm having somewhat of a cheat week. Just taking a break from my body some rest, and being a bit laid back on watching the food. I'm still logging it most days, but sneaking in some goodies. Next Monday, I'll be back at it.
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I have days where I may eat something less healthy but still remain at my calorie goals. I know myself and if I had one cheat day I would end up with seven days of cheat days before long and that isn't why I am here. It's been 51 days and I had half a basket of fries for lunch today. But you can be sure I will monitor everything else I eat today to still come in at my macros.
  • krystle_swope
    I usually cheat once every 2 weeks and it's more so cheat meals not entire days. I would suggest upping your regular calories so you don't feel so starved. I definitely have those days where I just want to cry because I want a cheeseburger (lol) but eventually you train yourself to maintain willpower.

    Good luck xoxox
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    Always remember, it's really a lifestyle change, so don't consider it cheating. You're eating healthier; you're working out - so it's really eating what you want, "in moderation". If you remove everything you enjoy from your diet, you're not really living.

    There are days when I want pizza. I'll have a piece. I used to have 4 pieces. Huge difference.

    Good luck!!!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Mostly during the weekends I find myself eating with the boys. (all men in my house) While I don't overstuff myself, I tend not to be as picky about putting salad dressing on my salad, or maybe a little butter on my potato. I have not gained any weight as a result of my weekends. I'm right back on task come Monday morning, and as of late, have been finding myself just splurging on Saturday, and back to it on Sunday.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    it depends on what's going on, if I'm maintaining I cheat once a week if I'm coming up to weigh in once every 6 months no cheating for 10 weeks
  • AmandaJames25
    i have 1 cheat day a week is what i do an i eat what ever i want all day long an i dont count cals at all that day an i start over the next day counting again:smile::laugh:
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I like to call them "free days". They are days where I am free to do what I want when I want and eat what I want when I want. It's basically just a lazy day. I give myself 1 to 2 a month. I only have 2 a month if I'm having a rough go personally or job wise. My free days start when I wake up and end when I lay down. I don't even log what I have that day. I usually gain about 2 to 2.5 pounds after my free day, but in my opinion, it's worth it. I don't feel guilty about having that extra slice of cheese, or eating a hamburger with a bun.
    I feel like we need them, to reset the metabolism and for our mental well being. And, it does give me a good marker. I get "food overs" now, the days after a free day I get dry mouth and a headache. It helps me realize that there is a reason why I shouldn't eat like that. And, I also notice that I'm eating less and less on these days and that helps raise my self esteem.
  • ShiahC
    ShiahC Posts: 9 Member
    My cheat days are semi cheat days. Its usually Sunday and its a day where I don't track anything. I don't go crazy with anything, considering I havent really cut anything out, but it makes me feel good to not have to track everything that I eat, or the exercise that I do or do not do
  • ELee0517
    ELee0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I do "cheat meals" instead of "cheat days." An entire day of cheating could ruin an entire week or more of hard work. Once a week, usually on the weekends, we do fast food or go out to a restaurant to eat. This hasn't effected my weight loss at all.

    I also allow myself to have chocolate everyday. Weight Watchers has these reeeeally good ice cream deserts that are 100-150 calories. I make sure to eat & exercise accordingly during the day so I can enjoy my chocolate after dinner! It helps sooooooo much to be able to do this, rather than deprive myself of sweets completely. I'm pretty sure I would go mad. lol
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I don't like the term "cheat"...I think "splurge" would be a better term. And I define splurges as: eating something soley because it tastes good, not necessarily because it's good for me.

    I splurge usually one night/day (on the weekends usually) a week, usually with alcohol and sweets. But I ALWAYS track my calories and plan for it so that I don't go over my daily allotment.
    In the meantime, I try every day to find things that are not only tasty, but good for me, like fresh fruits, which helps curb my desire to splurge until then. :)

    It all depends on your will power...are you the type of person that can have just one chip? If so, you don't have to worry about splurging, because you have things under control. BUT, if you are the kind of person who will eat the whole bag, you have to plan out and ration your splurges so you don't go hog wild when you are desperate and eat a whole cheesecake and then hate yourself and get discouraged.

    It's ALL about willpower. You can build it up over time (weeks, years?), but each day/week you only have so much willpower, so USE IT WISELY and plan ahead, just like you would with any valueable resource. :)

    And PLEASE NOTE, if you are eating properly and don't have too big of a caloric deficit, you DO NOT need to worry about so called "starvation mode" and how to "stave it off." Call it what it is, an indulgence, don't pretend splurging is good for you. :)

    Consider this:
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I call mine a free day and I do it every week, ususally sundays....I eat what I want, guilt free...still log, sometimes I am over, sometimes I am not....last week was 800 over, but I didn't care becasue the rest of the week I was great. Helps me to not feel like I am missing out.