Smokin Hot Green Peppers!!!



  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Yep Jac - there was hamburger meat on sale at WD also this week that was within my small budget. I still split it out in 4 oz portions as I normally do for the two of us, added some spinach and veggies then made the meat loaf muffins that Tam Tastic put up here months ago. Bf loves them, not just for the taste but because they're cute and he's allowed 2 - :happy: .

    I guess I almost just had a weird slip.............I decided I wanted to drink a few beers after dinner tonight, went to drop off my work at the UPS, went to my local 7-11 - they were closed because a car drove through the front So, I'm on the phone with my coordinator and drive to the other one, laughing the way, upon arrival to the desk, I am promptly told my card was declined!! I got back home to see I have money, but guess it was just not in the cards so I won't be drinkin any beer tonight!:laugh: :laugh: while I'm sure I should be happy, it's annoying but guess for the best! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sorry I didn't get back on last night had teenage drama from the 16 year old. God I don't remember all this drama when I was a teenage. Totally need a life!!
    C-At least it was a beer run that got declined, I on the other hand got declined the other day for ice cream hahahaha I swear I am so much the bing eater!! Well today I will do the 3 ao min walks and try to be better about food. Went on a fast food free for all last night and boy did I regreat it
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok back from my 1st 10min walk, it really helped me wake up. I was starting to hit the zzzzzzzzzzzzzz at my desk prior to
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey there Green jumpin' peppers!!!!!!
    ok, well today is my day off THANKS TO THE LORD!!! but I still have my 2:angry:
    gotta clean the house, and then maybe get out to the pool for them or something! planning a big walk tonight after teh weather cools down otherwise there would be no way I could talk my kids into walking in the sun:bigsmile:
    keeping my food journal. Not happy with what there is to eat in the house but hey pay day is tomarrow night:bigsmile: thanks the lord again!
    Ill write later when I take the kids to Bible school and have a moment of peace:laugh:
    J~ Congrats again on the walking sweets!
    Porka~ the 7-11 story was great. :bigsmile: Sorry you didn't get a beer though, but the car in the store was wonderful. :bigsmile: I got some kahlua in the freezer that has had my name on it......

    I found out where I picked up some of those pounds I lost again.
    I made kahlua chocolate chip walnut cookies the other day for a friends house, and sampled the whole time I made them. So for all you gals If cookies come knocking don't answer!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing:
    :drinker: GOOD MORNING ALL
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    MissV....yummmm sounding talking about them makes me want to try them. just glad that I didnt have them in front of me....I would have already eaten them all....before and after preparation. :bigsmile: but enjoy your lil bit of time off and i hope you can get to the pool or out and about with the kiddos.

    great job jacque on all your walks. I am sooo proud of you! :bigsmile:

    Me, I plan on getting off, picking up my daughter, and going home to get my clothes to go to the gym. I have not been there in.....weeks....almost 5 to be exact. Thats sad.:glasses: :noway: :embarassed:
    I really want to be there...I have just made excuse after excuse and I just dont want to do that anymore. When I am there....i really enjoy it and become addicted. So maybe after today I can get back into the groove.
    Wish me luck!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey Kitn621..find that energy to hit the gym! I know it is hard sometimes....I went this afternoon in the 105 degree heat here in TX. Not a real is so hot here!! But I did it!!!!

    Have a great evening everyone!!! Lynette
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    ok my fellow peppers...I am not happy with myself b/c i did not go yesterday to the gym. Honestly i forgot. I got home and had to start cooking and by the time I finished with that and got my daughter settled after cleaning up it was time for her to go to bed and my gym closes around 10. So I felt horrible. But I will say that getting up this morning I went to wear a pair of my dress pants I have worn many times in the recent past and they were real tight on me. Its coming back to haunt me :frown: :noway: The fat in all the food I have been consuming :explode:
    So I have actually decided to take off an hour early today....hit the shoe store I have been trying to get into to, to get fitted for some new running shoes. Taking my lil one home and hubby is kicking me out the door to go and hit the gym. I am going to take it slow and do just some cardio and a bit of light weights. Just doing the circuit more than likely. :happy:
    So I am promising right now....that as god is my witness (as well as my fellow peppers) I will be reporting a gym time tomorrow in the new thread! :bigsmile: :drinker:
    I know that once I get in there I will wonder why I have strayed for so long. I will say other than dinner last night I have done real good about logging my foods. Not all that happy with it but its not HORRIBLE. its been worse. Why couldnt I have been brought up already knowing what to eat and do right with my body. To be more healthy so as to not be going through this now. B/c its hard to shake 27 yrs of bad habits. Which is why I am now trying to teach my kids. My step daughter is sooo a size zero but eats horrible and wont get out and do any sort of exercise. And I told her that she cant rely on the fact that she will always be like that. Even though her mom is still small, shes unhealthy and doesnt eat right which is why shes always at the dr or in the hospital from malnutrtion. I just hope shes catches onto this. :frown:
    But i am hoping you are all having a great day.
    Lynette-thank you for the comment/support. I will agree its hard. And if you can make it in the 105 degree weather; what excuse do I have??:embarassed: :frown:
    Wishing you all a happy Thursday! we come!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    ummmm hello!!!!!!!!!! WHERES MY TEAM AT????? MIA??????????
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Kitn,

    I'm sorry about your pants. This time next week I bet they'll fit fine!! That is so interesting about your step daughter and her mom. Pretty scary too, being in the hospital so much. sheesh.

    Have fun today at the gym, I bet it will be nice for you to get back.

    For me this week, I have done a walk 3 times, which is huge, considering how much I didn't do anything the last few weeks. I've been logging my food too and was perfect yesterday until 9:30 pm, when I ate 4 cookies totaling 560 cal. and they were soooo good:blushing: . Oh Well, today is better already.

  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hi Kitn,

    I'm sorry about your pants. This time next week I bet they'll fit fine!! That is so interesting about your step daughter and her mom. Pretty scary too, being in the hospital so much. sheesh.

    Have fun today at the gym, I bet it will be nice for you to get back.

    For me this week, I have done a walk 3 times, which is huge, considering how much I didn't do anything the last few weeks. I've been logging my food too and was perfect yesterday until 9:30 pm, when I ate 4 cookies totaling 560 cal. and they were soooo good:blushing: . Oh Well, today is better already.


    great job at doing so well for most of the day. But hopefully your 4 cookes can be over shadowed with the walks. :bigsmile:
    Glad today is much better and the same is for me. Just cant wait to leave. Hope the rain holds off just a bit. I dont mind it, but lately its been horrible down pours. Not drizzles. And I HATE to drive in the rain. Its scares me. Other people cant drive and I had a wreck back in hs while in the rain and it was horrible!!! scared the HELL out of me.
    Keep up the good work sally and hope your day continues to be good and rewarding!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey Peppers!!!!!
    OMG when it rains it pours, sorry my niece started having contraction and paniked,or she thought anyway droved clear across town but they stoped false alarm hahahah now she calling me nonstopped over every little thing. my neighbor fell broke her arm, really bad and my aunt leg is infected again, now I got to go over and help with the dressing changes medicare wont pay a nurse to come every day so I go on the day the nurse don't show up. Whew!!! major run on sentence:laugh: anyway been loggin in but food choice are bad due to eating bad food due to $$ issues and tomorrow I take my daughter in to see if she gonna need surgery or not, I pray not I still haven/t paided off my son surgery from at Easter time,
    Kit like the pic, and sally you are doing good krrp up the good work
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: hey there team,
    wel Im down a pound:) yeah me:grumble: but thats ok AF is stil here. Nothing much going on here, not feeling to well today but had another ultrasound done on the breast yesterday to see what is botheringme,now I go back today for a follow up to see where to go from here.:bigsmile: thank the lord
    J-sounds like someone up above picked your name out of a jellybean jar and decided that you needed more stress in your life for a little while longer. Sorry sweets! I know it is not the time for it, and it usually never is:wink: But just hang in there and keep your wonderful self going:bigsmile:
    Kitn- Hope that the rain stays out of your way today and wouldn't mind if it came here to visit for a while:bigsmile: be safe driving.
    sally-wonderful job on the walks, I have been lacking in that department for a week or two now, and am trying to get back on track!
    Have a wonderful day green...
    I hope miss sassssssssssy will be back soon, I saw her PRETTY wedding pictures and oh my she looks SO WONDERFUL:bigsmile:
    P.s Did anyone know that starbucks made an icecream bar? They are too good to eat.....please if you come across one stay away from it ! unfrotunitally I could not:bigsmile:
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    are we stayng in the same thread? well, i'm down to 179.5lbs this morning, dunno how much lost that is but it's a lot... and yeah i am out of obese, never to be back there again ever in my life!!! :drinker:

    missV where are sassy's wedding pics? :smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all, i started new thread....7/31