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MFP or Weight Watchers?



  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    I don't like the new program compared with the previous version of WW. I like MFP because I can read food labels and don't need WW to make up points for me. Also, the free part is the most awesome part. I was doing WW strictly online so maybe if I had done meetings I would feel differently.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I have done WW and MFP. I have lost weight on both.

    This is free forever no matter what and is basically comparable. I am eating a bit ol piece of meat tonight that would be be like 8 points on WW but is only 240 calories on MFP.

    I will take free forever and go back to free over paying over and over again when going back to WW.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I've known people to lose weight from weight watchers and even more so with a combination of weight watchers and curves (not sure if curves is widespread or just local to MA where I am), but the points system always seemed confusing to me whereas this MFP site seems more straightforward to me.

    It's all about preference, but no matter what, when you start cutting down on portions, it will take time for your stomach to shrink. I prefer to eat 6 small "meals" everyday at fairly routine times to keep from feeling weak or shaky. They're not all really what you'd think of as meals necessarily, but my meals and snacks typically only have about a 100 calorie difference between them so my calorie intake is pretty consistent.
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    I lost 35 lbs in 2008 going to WW. I gained it all back. I started going to WW again in 2010...didn't do so well that time. Found MFP Jan. 1, 2012 and I've lost 27 lbs thus far. I prefer MFP. Counting calories is more simple than calculating points. I so use some tips I learned in WW...like starting my day off with citrus fruit, getting my fiber in, up the water intake.... this new WW where they tell ya to eat as much fruit and veggies as you want...I kind of feel like they want you to lose slower...therefore pay for their program longer. I am following 1200 calories and allow myself a few more on workout days (usually). I think my food diary is public..feel free to look. I can honestly say I am hardly ever hungry...If I get a small hunger pang I grab a 1/2 serving of nuts...works every time. I also eat a little dark chocolate almost every day. Take care and good luck :)
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    What's your BMR? If you put yourself as sedentary, you might actually not be eating enough calories, because you are walking all the time on your college campus, you're young and have a higher metabolism, and you have a lot to lose. You might want to calculate your calories as moderately active (not sedentary) and see if eating a bit more helps you feel fuller and still lets you lose weight. Good luck!
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    They have never said to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you like. You have to stay within the serving constraints and keep in mind that a banana would count as 2 servings therefore if you eat 4 of them thinking they're free you're obviously having too many. Just wanted to clear that up.
  • Weight Watchers focuses on points, not nutrition. Another issue with Weight Watchers is when you get to your goal, you can never leave the program because you will always need to know the points. Calorie counts are always available and MFP will work you into a pattern where it is easy to correlate your choices into your goals.

    For me it's a no-brainer that MFP is a better program. This being said, getting healthy is the most important and there isn't one solution that will work for everyone. Find yours and go with it.
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    I do BOTH MFP and WeightWatchers. I've been doing WW for years and I've lost over 70 pounds but I've gotten stuck in a rut so in an effort to do something different - I'm trying it. But I'm not giving up WW, just using to both to get some different perspective on things. I was eating too much fruit and eating most of my Weekly Points in one day. I think those were huge reasons for the weight-loss stall. But I really enjoy the MFP message boards!
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    I was looking at WW when I stumbed across MFP on my I-Pho ne while app searching. Once I started with MFP I never even looked at WW. I love MFP and you can't beat the cost, "FREE"!!! Why pay for something you can get for free, at the end of the day its all up to you anyway. The accountability is here if you select the correct friends and it also helps to have a buddy to go along with you on the journey.
  • questhaven
    questhaven Posts: 109 Member
    Try to eat more protein - you will much fuller for much longer than eating veggies.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I'm actually doing the old flex points system and using MFP to help me track everything I eat and my exercise. It has helped immensely to use both in tandem. I've lost 50 of my 67 lbs since doing so. I'm not sure about the new points plus; I wasn't interested in learning a whole new system and didn't like the new structure.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    My problem with weight watchers is that it's a technique, like a cheat way to remember things, fruit and veg count as calories anyway, using weight watchers doesn't mean that fruit and veg don't count it's just their system.

    This site is free, I think it's easier to follow and more social. You would have to eat an awful lot of fruit and veg to go over on calories.
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Try 100 calorie microwave popcorn! You can eat the whole bag for 100 calories! I did Weight Watchers for 2 years! My weight loss stalled and I kept paying 39.95 for the monthly pass and still did not lose weight! About a month ago, I quit ww and joined a gym which was cheaper than ww and now I go exercise instead of go sit in a meeting and listen to hear about all the foods I can eat for so many points, etc. This site is free and does the same thing ww does! Join a gym for what you would pay ww! WW is a waste of money! Good luck to you!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    For me and my circumstance, WW is not a plan that works well with the things I have to track and monitor. MFP allows me to track the necessary components, and get true nutritional information breakdown of what I am preparing. I love the ability to print reports because I can take them to my physicians' visits and go over anything that is necessary.

    MFP is free and Im more likely to use this (Im 180 days consecutive) because of this being user-friendly.
    WW requires a fee based on your personal preferences. But, WW does not take into consideration of folks who have various restrictions they are required to maintain.

    To stay 'satisfied', you have to be extra diligent in meal preparation. Experience different foods though as to avoid being bored with the same-old same-old. Try a new food and perhaps research a recipe that focuses on all healthy foods and uses that particular food as the star item.

    The fresher the food, the more natural fiber is present thus the feeling full-signals are triggered...
  • coreymo
    coreymo Posts: 25 Member
    Try adding more fiber into your diet. I switched my breakfasts to cereal with 10g fiber and have not been hungry all day since. If I do get hungry, I grab a nutrition bar that's high in fiber, such as an atkins bar (20g protein, 10g fiber). Keeps me full. AND, drink water drink water drink water!! Water keeps you full bewteen meals and snacks. :-) Good luck.
  • Any program works if you follow it, and out of all of the commercial programs, WW is probably one of the better ones. They have great advice in their booklets but it is ultimately up to you. You pay whether or not you lose weight. No one checks your food diary to see if you're eating a well-balanced diet - you could be eating junk and still be in your allotted points range. Some people love the meetings but I found them boring and simply a push for WW low point value products and recipes for "fake" food. I need to learn how to manage my love of sweets, not just replace the sugar in the recipe with Splenda!

    After starting the year counting points (without paying WW) and losing 6 pounds, I tried MFP this week (still lost a pound) and like it so much better. It is a real eye opener to see the actual calories, fat, sugar, sodium, etc. contained in the food I eat. I believe that will encourage me to make wiser choices in the future.

    As for the hunger issue, keep in mind that your body is learning to live on less food. It is an adjustment, and one that needs to be made in order to lose weight. A little hunger means that you are being successful! Don't get discouraged. If you are truly hungry then have a little something to take the edge off. Key word is little! The hardest part about losing weight and keeping it off is to change our eating habits. We have become accustomed to eating whenever the mood strikes and look where it's gotten us! I'm in my mid 50's and we did not eat like that when I was growing up - need to get back to that mind-set.
  • SUPERhecticMOM
    SUPERhecticMOM Posts: 61 Member
    my two biggest issues with WW were 1. loopholes...if there was one I would find it...1/2 muffin =2pts whole muffin =5pts....you know I ate 1/2 that muffin and went back to it an hour later and accounted for only pts....That's all me I get it ...I can be a bit piteful even with myself lol
    2. I cook meals every night of the week...tallying up points for home cooked meals was a huge pain...It made it seem a lot easier to eat something that was already in their book :s
    My favourite thing about MFP (besides the awesome people) is that I can punch in my recipes with my ingredients/measurements and get an accurate tally for me and it stores it for me for later :)
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    I essentially follow Weight Watchers but log it here. I was on WW for several years so I have it down pat what I can eat. Now I don't pay for WW but just follow the basic diet here and log my calories. I spent 2 years comparing calories to points - it came out to roughly 39-40 calories per WW points. Anyway, either way, you are being accountable for what you eat and tracking/logging. That's the important part. Fruits and veggies are extremely low calorie and even on WW they say not to go over your 5-7 servings. So, it is all the same whichever way is comfortable for you. Just be accountable for what you eat. ;)
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    I joined WW in January to get on track, but I also counted calories on MFP. I'd done MFP on its own before, and couldn't manage it. 100 calorie banana or 100 calorie candy bar? Well, the candy bar tasted better, and they were the same, so I'd eat the candy bar. But then I'd still be hungry, and I had no calories left. WW "free" fruits and veggies made the banana the no-brainer. I dropped 7 lbs in 7 weeks (only wanted to lose 15-20 overall) and got rid of most of the belly fat that was making me look 3 months pregnant. I also developed some very good habits - things I knew about nutrition, but never had the will power to put into practice. Now they're second nature to me.

    I won't be continuing with WW when my 3 month membership runs out though at the beginning of April. I've switched my focus more to heavy lifting and losing size rather than weight, so the tracking doesn't really suit me anymore. Last week I inputted my weight and the program told me "You gained this week". Well yeah, but I lost another 0.5 inch off my waist and my jeans fit better through the thigh. So it gave me a solid start toward fitness and nutrition, but it's goals have deviated from mine.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I've been to weight watchers on and off over the last year and I found myself eating a lot more sweets (biscuits, cakes, lollies) than I would prefer. I did lose weight but once I found MFP I realised that I needed to be healthy not just thin and chips and sweets everyday weren't what I wanted as part of my plan.

    Now what I do rather than snacking on the free fruits and veggies I plan my snacks much more carefully making sure that I have protein included with every snack and meal. Since I've been paying more attention to the breakdown of my meals I've been able to give up my constant fruit snacking and stick to more carrot and celery stick munching.

    Good luck with whatever you decide when it comes down to it it's what works best for you.