i went completely overboard, losing motivation :I



  • jmonique27
    Don't give up! Nothing wrong with having one cheat day :) Also, if you workout for 14 days straight, it turns into a habit :)
  • jmonique27
    Don't give up! Nothing wrong with having one cheat day :) Also, if you workout for 14 days straight, it turns into a habit :wink:
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 137 Member
    Gosh everyone, thank you so much for your support...I couldn't find this anywhere else and not even at home. I just can't even eat these foods in small portions because this happens every time I do, I have to eat THE WHOLE LOT. It's this vicious cycle where I eat, binge and feel amazing while it's happening but after I have massive guilt.

    I haven't been feeling energetic at all in these last couple of days which is weird, usually I love going to the gym but I just can't pick myself up to do it. I went to Zumba (which is awesome) yesterday and I felt like a floppy rag doll doing all the moves, I had no energy. Today I will make myself do my exercise DVD.

    I think also trying on a skirt today and looking in the mirror to see a big fat blob made me feel like is it even worth trying when I look like this?

    I will keep going but it's a long journey and I'm struggling to see any end to it.
  • anna_love
    anna_love Posts: 177
  • joeez5
    joeez5 Posts: 8
    honestly, i feel slightly jealous. i would love to eat all that right now. i'm not trying to diminish how you feel, some days i'm hungrier than others. when i do fall off the wagon... and eat it too, i still log EVERYTHING. next, i figure out how many calories i've gone over and try to spread out the damage over a day or two or more, if need be. i may also exercise more over the next week to minimize damage. don't give up because you had a bad day...even a really bad day. this is a marathon, not a sprint. best wishes to you!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Learning to move on after a bad day is a really important part of this process.... I'm sure that all of have lost the plot for a day (week, month, more) but the way I see it, you have two choices.

    1. Tell yourself "see, this proves that I'm hopeless and will be fat forever, I may as well give up no, there is no point even trying"


    2. Tell yourself "wow, I made some spectacularly crap choices today, but that's done, I can't change it." and then put your energies into planning a healthy eating day tomorrow.

    It's your choice!
  • sgressock
    sgressock Posts: 47 Member
    You can't think that one day ruined your entire diet. It's didn't. Take it one meal at a time dear. You messed up... That sucks, but the only way to get better is to keep going.