motivation needed

I started working out last year and have lost about 55lbs so far I want to lose another 25-30 lbs. In late December I just ran out of motivation. I was hitting the gym and working out 4-5x a week. I can't seem to get myself back into the routine. Some friends of mine started doing the Insanity work out but not everyone has stayed committed.

UGH... i need motivation....


  • oneira
    oneira Posts: 14
    Wow! well you've lost more weight than I have, but I can relate to the routine thing. That's related to your lack of motivation, though. Working out makes you feel good, so the more you do it, the more you will want to. The longer you go without, the more likely you are to forget that working out is not just miserable physical activity. It's either a very good or a very vicious cycle.

    I'm not like... qualified to dispense advice or anything like that, just speaking from limited experience and personal opinion. There are times when I feel like total crap and the last thing I want to do is work out. But not working out doesn't actually make me feel any better.
  • tastemyrainbow76
    tastemyrainbow76 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi same here what helped me I got some dvd videos of different workouts to change my routine a little and so am motivated at this time and I have lost 3 lbs
  • I really need some motivation also! I am new to this and would love some friends to help me through this process
  • ChinaLexie
    ChinaLexie Posts: 37 Member
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! What an achievement! Take a moment and realize that you are more than halfway to your goal. That is quite an accomplishment. :)

    Now, your story is one that I think we ALL can relate to (or could relate to at some point). Here are so really easy ways that I found to motivate myself. I hope one sounds appealing!

    1. Create new music playlists more often so that the music is newer, fresher, and more inspiring.
    2. Take a break from the gym and look into other ways of exercising. (Check out Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 or Shred-it with Weights. Other forms of workout include yoga--I prefer "Yoga Works Body Slims"). You can find these in stores OR on iTunes. Whatever your preference! Other ways to feel invigorated include: walking, biking, running, run-walking, roller blading, hiking. If you like to walk, listen to podcasts! This is a great way to feel like you are working out, but ALSO learning!
    3. Find a friend or even acquaintance (a person who has the possibility of becoming a good friend) who can commit to like 2-3 days a week at the gym or a walk. Sometimes working out seems like a "job" or "task". Try overcoming this mindset by turning it into an outing or event. Plus, if you are committed with another person, it's harder to just back out.
    4. Get trained by a personal trainer or friend who is very fit (at least ONCE). Sometimes all it takes is finding a new way to workout to boost your motivation level! I used to go with a friend who was trained by a PT and it was challenging, but also social!
    5. Try classes at the gym? Kicks your butt and you meet people!
    6. Find new tv shows to watch at the gym. I used to go to the gym at night which was PRIME tv watching time! I would watch Biggest Loser on Tuesday, Grey's Anatomy on Thursday for an hour each. EASY CARDIO when you are completely infatuated with the program in front of you.
    7. Bring workout clothes to work with you so you have everything you need to get to the gym.

    These are some practical ways you can increase your motivation to hit the gym, but let's be honest: It's a choice. The hardest part of working out is getting there. We convince ourselves that laying around sounds MUCH better than working out. Stop thinking about working out in that way. If we, instead, just put our gym clothes on, get out the door, drive, and make it to the gym, the "lazy" scenario goes away and our endorphins kick in!

    I wish the best for you!!
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    I started working out last year and have lost about 55lbs so far I want to lose another 25-30 lbs. In late December I just ran out of motivation. I was hitting the gym and working out 4-5x a week. I can't seem to get myself back into the routine. Some friends of mine started doing the Insanity work out but not everyone has stayed committed.

    UGH... i need motivation....

    Hey! Congrats on the 55 pounds lost so far!
    I have only lost 12lbs +/- so far and I feel great... so I can only imagine what 55lbs GONE feels like!

    I too, would love to lose another 25-30lbs, like yourself... I do get down on myself at times,... but I pick myslef up by getting out and doing something active. Mix in up a little.
    Today I rowed on the rower at the gym, only because the treadmills were full... and that's not somehting I personally have done for a while..... And last week I did lots of road cycling.

    So my advice is try somehting different for a week or two. See how you go. The boosy has a memory, so if you keep doing the same thing, it remembers that, and you typically dont see as many gains (or in our case - losses!)

    Good luck.

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • runninglucy
    runninglucy Posts: 7 Member
    Chinalexie gave some really great tips. I have tried a few of them myself. Once you start losing pounds or inches again you will instantly become more motivated. I joined a "boot camp" and the personal trainer is great! She is really helping me to be more motivated. Good luck with your progress -- I know you can do it!!!