any Hour Glass Pear Shape Ladies?



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Pear and hourglass are two different shapes. I think I'm pear, but I don't really know. My boobs are pretty big but I think to be considered hourglass you have to have broad hips and shoulders.

    I measured the other day and my waist is 16" smaller than my hips, lol :huh:
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I have tried many diffrent types of diets but the only thing that has worked for me is Herbalife, it has helped me in many ways I eat better, I work out more and I feel great. I am not tired and I don't feel deprived like you do with some diets. I feel amazing
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    @ amycool - Jean shopping is an absolute nightmare I have yet to find a pair to fit me right.

    OMG, no matter what weight I am, I can't ever find proper fitting jeans. I usually end up with something that fits my hips and bum but falls out under my belt all the time. I usually just fold the jeans on the inside of the belt loops to fit and then sew an "inside V" for 2-3 inches towards the pockets. After that, the pants usually fit better, and sometimes I don't even need a belt to keep them up.

    That's the poor-man's tailoring! ROFL
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I am a pear all the way. I do ;love that it is the healthier fat to hold. But, yeah buying clothes is a MAJOR challenge. Recently, I have actually skimmed quite a bit from my hips so I am getting some new hope. We will see how it pans out! Good uck to everyone!
  • southernmaryland
    Thanks, your post helped.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    Ladies I'm an hourglass so I get the pants problem!!! What I've found is the easiest thing to do is buy a pair of pants that fit around your hips and become BEST FRIENDS with your tailor and get the waist taken in so the pants fit amazingly. I haven't found a solution for jeans but if someone has one please let me know!!
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    I am 5'9 and need to lose about 40 lbs to be where I want to be weight wise. I have BIG boobs a big bodacious butt and my husband loves to say. I want to lose weight and inches but keep all of my curves that I love.

    I also loath jean shopping!!!!!

    I can not do only 1200 calories a day because it makes me so fatigued that I can not think or do much of anything. And my body also will not lose weight that way. I have focused more this year on my portion controls and not eating out as much.

    I also love to cook so I do love the recipe app to this site. Since I want to have a healthy long term/keep it off weight loss success I feel you need to cook real meals. Just drinking protein shakes or eating chicken only is boring and the weight will come back on after you stop. With the recipe feature I now know how many calories are in some of my favorite dishes. I do not cook Paula Dean meals but I do love my Italian and Mexican recipes.
  • joy353
    joy353 Posts: 3
    Oh My God I soooo hear you I'm 5'6 (5'5.5 really but always say 5'6 :) )jeans are an absolute nightmare. I lost 18 lb and the current jeans i have which were my "skinny" jeans are hanging of my *kitten* and look ridiculous and my baggy jeans make me look like i'm wearing clothes belonging to someone else... buy new jeans.. easier said than done. I live in Hong Kong so most of the stores do not cater for curves so i'm hanging on until I go home to Ireland for a wedding in June. There's my other motivation I need to find a drop dead gorgous dress for this wedding so that everyone notices the effort I have been going to since I left Ireland. figure hugging but with a emphasis on the wasit i have a smallish waist so if anyone can recommed styles websites etc thant would be great. Also does anyone know where to get shorts for the chunky thighs! at the moment i and wearing man shorts :) need some new one as the weather is going to be hotting up soon!

    keep it up ladies and we will all be fabulous together :)
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    I'm an hourglass with 6-10 more pounds to lose. I kind of hate being an hourglass. It makes clothes shopping hard. LOL

    That is ridiculously true! I'm an hourglass (maybe a two-hour glass?) and it makes it very difficult for me to find clothing that will fit my bust and hips but also fits my waist. I wouldn't give up this body shape for the world, though.

    As for weightloss, I consume between 1000 and 1200 calories a day, with some light cardio (3-4mph) for 30 minutes, 3 times a week.
  • AAthena
    AAthena Posts: 7 Member
    I am a total pear. when I am chubby I am a bit like an hour glass, but as soon as I eat healthy the pear shape sets in and my chest shrinks down. I have lost 20 pounds so far and hoping to loose another 20 or so...and to stay there...hopefully without loosing any more of my chest ;)
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Pear shaped here.. and steadily losing from my upper body (mainly boobs and waist). I've got around 25 to go, and am hoping increasing strength training will increase my weight loss and help me tone up and drop another 2 sizes.

    Ladies, please try a pair of Levi's Bold or Supreme Curve Jeans.. they are seriously the ONLY jeans I've been able to buy and wear without having a belt on!! I tell anyone that will listen about them, because I know how frustrating it is for regular jeans to either not fit in the thighs or not fit in the waist :)

    They are kind of pricey, so I usually wait until a sale to stock up on them.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I'm an hourglass with 6-10 more pounds to lose. I kind of hate being an hourglass. It makes clothes shopping hard. LOL

    what?! i'd have to disagree, I don't know how other shapes do it!
  • BeautifulShroder
    BeautifulShroder Posts: 11 Member
    It can be a really difficult shape to dress though, I think. It looks good in a figure hugging dress because of all the curves but trying to find a pair of jeans, what a nightmare!

    Does anyone else fine this a problem? It seems that the zips on the jeans don't unzip low enough to create a big enough opening to fit my hips into so I have to get a bigger size which then hangs off my waist. I would so love to find a pair of jeans that fit me.

    Not sure what size you wear, but if you're in 14+, Lane Bryant has a line of pants called Right Fit and they are amazing! I'm pear shaped and wear and 18 Blue (Blues are made wider in the hips and narrower at the waist). Just a suggestion, although like I said, I have no idea what size you wear!
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    I am a pear shape... not hourglass by any means... I've had success doing a lot of upper body strength training to even out my appearance to a more hourglass shape... makes me look very athletic and awesome. ;)
    Strength training is key, It makes my lower half look a lot nicer, even if it has typically been pretty disproportionate. =P
    Add me if you wanna. =)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm a petite pear shape. ^^ Most people don't believe me because they equate pear-shaped with being overweight, but my booty is definitely disproportionate. I love my big hips since my chest is non-existent, but I think the biggest difference for me has been exercising. I lost all my extra up top before my hips and thighs started slimming.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    It can be a really difficult shape to dress though, I think. It looks good in a figure hugging dress because of all the curves but trying to find a pair of jeans, what a nightmare!

    Does anyone else fine this a problem? It seems that the zips on the jeans don't unzip low enough to create a big enough opening to fit my hips into so I have to get a bigger size which then hangs off my waist. I would so love to find a pair of jeans that fit me.

    totally! this always happens to me no matter how thin I am or how big I am. I need to buy jeans for my hips/butt and use a belt to rein the waist right in, hahaha.

    I'm a pear... no boobs, but i kind of have shoulders, so the usual rules of dressing a pear are a bit different for me.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    my favorite jeans right now are old navys sweetheart jeans. they are skinny jeans but they are very flattering. i also have a few of their flirt jeans since those hit just a bit below my navel

    when i get smaller, i have my eye on a pair of true religions that ive seen other hourglass shapes wear ( i think it's called becky?) and they looked great in them.
  • k_pattie
    k_pattie Posts: 34 Member
    I love true religions for my hour glass self and joes jeans in the honey fit! cant wait to lose this weight so I can go jean shopping lol
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I thought I was an hourglass this whole time :( I've been in denial but I guess I'm a pear shape, either way I got about 30 pounds to lose
  • tatzkee
    tatzkee Posts: 16 Member
    I'm pearshaped too. I guess let's call ourselves blessed. Those hips especially our buns are one precious gift to us! Getting it firm would be awesome too. Continue the calorie count at 1,200 and dance it all out 6 days a week. Lost 7 pounds so far in 2 and a half weeks. :)