does spinning + big girl = insanity ?

I love to use the bike (fitness, non-spinning type) at my gym and I have often thought of trying a spinning class but I'm scared to death. Here is why... I weigh 360lbs and I've heard those seats are, well, ouch. Also, when I am at the gym, I do about 30 minutes and that's about all I can do... on a good day 45. Spinning class seems much more intense and I don't want to "make a fool" out of myself. If anyone has been the "largest person in an exercise class" before, ya know what I'm talking about. It's not fun.

So.. my questions are...
Are you a larger person (more than 100 lbs to lose) and tried spinning? What are your thoughts?
Should I stick to the gym bike and build my endurance to an hour before trying spinning?


  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    I started spinning earlier this year, only done it around 6 times now, and yes the seats are ouch, theres not an awful lot you can do about it. I have had people recommend these padded seat covers you can buy and bring to class... the first time hurts afterwards but then when you are 'broken in' its not so bad after that :blushing:

    My first class was a hardcore instructor, he wasn't very nice and wouldn't let up on newbies, but I tried again with a different instructor and found it a lot better. You can go at your own pace, if you cant keep up just do your best, if you cant work at max resistance just do halfway.

    The main thing is, at least you are trying and prepared to give it a go. Well done you :wink:

    Its a great workout and really burns the calories. Good luck x
  • Spinning class can be intense but the best part is that you control your resistance and speed. It is YOUR workout and the instructor is just there to encourage you to work hard. Starting a new class can be intimidating (always for me) because you don't know if you can keep up or if you will feel inadequate. The first class is always the hardest but if you can push through I promise you will enjoy spinning. Everyone in the class will be working at their own speed and there is no competition. The bikes are not comfortable for anyone but they do make seat covers that some gyms provide. If it were comfortable and easy it wouldn't be work! :-) My advice is to show for class early and ask the instructor to help you adjust a bike and show you the basics so you feel comfortable when class starts. Best of luck!
  • arc_82
    arc_82 Posts: 9
    Spinning class can be intense but the best part is that you control your resistance and speed. It is YOUR workout and the instructor is just there to encourage you to work hard. Starting a new class can be intimidating (always for me) because you don't know if you can keep up or if you will feel inadequate. The first class is always the hardest but if you can push through I promise you will enjoy spinning. Everyone in the class will be working at their own speed and there is no competition. The bikes are not comfortable for anyone but they do make seat covers that some gyms provide. If it were comfortable and easy it wouldn't be work! :-) My advice is to show for class early and ask the instructor to help you adjust a bike and show you the basics so you feel comfortable when class starts. Best of luck!

    This is spot on. Go at your own pace, don't compare yourself to anyone. It might take a few different classes with different instructors to find the class that is the right fit for you (some people take a more "racing bike" approach to it, creating an environment like you are biking in a group outside, while others - my favorite - make it more aerobic with awesome music. My fave instructor is a guy who plays lots of silly spice girls, britney spears, n' 90's pop that I get lost in and forget how hard I'm working!) Give it few tries. It burns some serious calories and you'll feel so good after!
  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    Spinning class can be intense but the best part is that you control your resistance and speed. It is YOUR workout and the instructor is just there to encourage you to work hard. Starting a new class can be intimidating (always for me) because you don't know if you can keep up or if you will feel inadequate. The first class is always the hardest but if you can push through I promise you will enjoy spinning. Everyone in the class will be working at their own speed and there is no competition. The bikes are not comfortable for anyone but they do make seat covers that some gyms provide. If it were comfortable and easy it wouldn't be work! :-) My advice is to show for class early and ask the instructor to help you adjust a bike and show you the basics so you feel comfortable when class starts. Best of luck!

    Very good advice here. I love spinning. Each instructors class can be very different, so if your gym has more than one, I'd say try them all.
    I find that everyone is very focused on their workout, it's a really good environment.
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    The great part of spinning class is that it's one where people really can't tell how hard and fast you are going. As a former big girl, who had over 100 pounds to lose, it's much different then if you were the "big girl" in say a kickboxing class, because you can adjust your resistance with no one being able to tell. I say try it and see. You will never know unless you do.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    I spin 3-4 times a week and I am a big girl. That seat hurts your tush a bit but when you are working out you likely won't even notice :-)
  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    And do not be afraid to stay seated in the saddle while everyone else is in a standing climb. Get to the class early to let the instructor know you are new and they will help you with bike set-up which is very important in Spinning classes. Do not forget towels and a lot of water. If you are anything like me, I sweat like heck in cycle classes!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I felt the same way exact way. I went to my first spin class last week and I have another one tonight. I did feel like my legs were just going to give out on me at a few points in the class but I squeezed out 18 miles on that bike in 60 minutes and burned 998 calories (HRM) it was insane. I couldn't do everything he yelled out and couldn't last standing up a whole song like he wanted but I still did it and got a major burn out of it.

    I'm excited to go again tonight :) the place I go to is not the gym it is strictly for spin and they instructor was very nice and helped me set my bike up properly and gave me one of the padded seat covers but it still is "ouch" regardless!! I did the best I could and sweated my booty off.

    I say give it a shot if you don't like it try something else next time!

    edited to add that I weigh 226 right now!
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    It's a general fact that the seat hurt no matter what size you are. It's all about the instructor though, if you have a good one then you'll forget all about the uncomfortableness. So go ahead and give it a try!!! Even if you don't finish the class you can see if you like it and do if for a long as you can. Eventually you'll be able to get through the whole thing!
  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    I haven't done spinning but I do other exercise class' and I am a big girl. I find people don't look at you and think bad, I think they (even the seriously fit ones) look at you and think... good for you, keep it up.

    The bikes do look seriously uncomfortable, but I say go for it!
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    As a fitness instructor who teaches spin, I agree with all of the comments here! I also "coach" that this is your class, you do what works best for you. My job is to try to get you to push a little harder each time. You can do it!!
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    They offer beginner spin classes in my area maybe you can check on that
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    No, it does not equal insanity...GO FOR IT! You will come to enjoy it. I agree the seat will be very unconfortable initially, but after two weeks of spinning, you will adjust. The most important thing is to have the instructor "seat you" properly on your first day. Comfort and control are key. Good luck!!
  • roycelynberry
    roycelynberry Posts: 46 Member
    At my gym the spinning class if for everyone no matter what pace and 9 times out of 10 you will come out sweating you but off.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Wear bike shorts with padding, and it's no big deal. It's a great work out.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    The first couple classes will be the worst, as you get used to the seat. After that, as long as you go pretty consistently, you should be good! I LOVE LOVE spin class and go at least once a week, if not more. I'm right around 250 lbs.

    I agree with everyone who says get there early and talk to the teacher. All the teachers I've had are wonderful and so helpful! They are usually very excited that you are there! Personally, I grabbed a bike in the back row during my first class, and that helped me feel not so conspicuous. I still use that same bike because now I like it, but I'm starting to think about moving up a row or two.

    And like others said - go at your own pace, your own resistance that challenges you. I would at least TRY the standing climbs - for me, they are my favorite part of the class and it gives you a break if your behind is getting sore from the seats, hahahaha.

    Don't be scared to push yourself just because you are bigger! Concentrate on getting the best workout possible, and go just a little harder each class. You will be addicted in no time!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I love to Spin, and do it 3x a week for 4 hours. You can purchase padded bike shorts that make a huge difference in how your rear feels after a class. I was reluctant to buy these because what girl really wants more padding on her rear? But after my first 2 hour endurance spin class I ran right out and bought a pair. One of the best fitness purchases I have ever made. It's a fabulous workout. Most instructors are not intimidating in my experience. Go in a few minutes early, tell the instructor that this is your first class and he or she will help you set up your bike so it fits you correctly.
  • much2gain
    much2gain Posts: 42
    Everyone is awesome!! Thank you so much for all the comments. It's made me more comfortable with the idea. :) I think I'm going to give it a whirl and check out the classes at my gym. (big breath.. you can do this) :) (Special thanks to the spin instructor that replied.. what a confidence booster) :)
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    I LOVE spin!! The seat is a killer LOL BUT it means you spend less time sitting down LOL!! I stand even when the class sits sometimes . I will never forget the time I wrapped 2 large ace bandages and a towel around my seat LOL!!

    BTW remember, you don't have to go through all the changes and paces everyone else does. My instructor always says "this is YOUR journey"!! So when I can't get up, or can't do another sprint I sit and just make sure I keep my legs rolling!!!
  • mutzzy
    mutzzy Posts: 23
    I love spinning. It is a great workout and yes the seat will hurt- but it gets better with practice. I would see if you gym has a beginners spin class to try or ask around who is the easier instructors. The best part of spin- is regardless of what the instructor says to do-YOU control it on your own bike. If you get tired- you can slow down and go at your own speed. I would not worry about leaving early if you have to- everything takes practice. It is a great challange- GO FOR IT!

    good luck