best advice for falling off the wagon? ugh!!



  • bump
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Duck and roll, duck and roll

  • pbergin2
    pbergin2 Posts: 3
    One of my favorite sayings: Guilt is optional. Choose to move on and recommit. Do not opt to feel guilty about yesterday and save yourself the stress and negativity. Choose to feel good about getting back on the wagon!:smooched:
  • iceshark26
    iceshark26 Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe you should incorporate a cheat day into your plan if you haven't already. I have a tendency to binge as well, and I manage this by cheating one day every weekend to stay sane and ward off a much larger binge like the one you described.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    This is SOOOO what I needed to read today! I have had the same problem lately. I really need to start getting back into the not snacking. I will say, when I do snack I have gotten healthier with choices of doing tostitos and salsa instead of chips and dip. And for ice cream, I have been eating skinny cow ice cream. So, I have been getting better at it. But, I still need to improve even more.
  • hjohns65
    hjohns65 Posts: 66 Member
    I am a binge eater as well. Mainly late at night. I can put away some carbs and chocolate like no one else :)

    My advice:

    *It is a NEW day! You can not go back and stop the binge now but you can start fresh and stop beating yourself up. Start from THIS moment and make a new day!

    * When I am in a binge mode (binging every night) I start a log where I can see it every day of how long it has been since I binged. So 12 days binge free or however long it has been. The higher the numbers get the stronger I become. I don't want to waste all those days and start back at 1 if that makes sense

    *When I feel the uncontrollable urge to eat for no reason I go brush my teeth. Snaps me right out of it.

    *I also have some foods in the house that are okay to binge on, like watermelon. I can eat 6 bowls of it and not do any damage :D

    Stay strong!

    this is great! a binge log sounds like the best idea i've heard in a long time! :)
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    You've got to try, try and try, try and'll succeed at last!
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Being a big scary man, what I say means something.....just believe that for a minute please, willing suspension of disbelief.....

    I am willing to take your guilt. Please do this for me. Walk out your front door, set all the guilt down there, I will pick it up. When you come back tomorrow it will be gone.

    Now, I noticed you focused on the negative aspects, I am REALLY EXCITED, because you got rid of the junk food and sent the candy off with the husband. HOW AWESOME is that? Your body didn't really like the food, the sodium helping hold in the water so you feel bloated......but I noticed, YOU GOT OUT WORKOUT CLOTHES. So you are working out. That is only AWESOME.

    So you had a set back, since you left your guilt outside your door....wait, you haven't yet.... go do it now, I will wait...............
    Okay now the guilt is gone, and you did all the right things following a few extra crap calories. You rock.
    Wait, let me make that clear.

  • First off, to understand weight and gain you probably know as I've read in your post about water retention. Knowing that 1 pound equals 3500 calories, you would have to consume that much over in one day to gain one pound whereas if you eat the stuff you said you went running to the store for contains high amounts of sodium, that could be responsible for water retention and the tightness of your clothes.

    Nobody can understand binge eating completely as our brains are very complex things. One thing that does affect our brains is the food that we eat (or lack thereof). The one food that our brains use exclusively for energy is carbohydrate. Too much carbohydrate in your daily nutrition and you'll gain weight.

    Not enough carbohydrate in your daily nutrition can have other effects, setting you up for those emotional episodes that send you running to the store for what??? Carbohydrate laden foods. Once you consume those foods, your mind is at ease and the emotional distress seems to lessen. How can this be combated?

    With an influx of complex carbohydrate into your daily nutrition.

    Complex carbohydrate can keep those emotional episodes that send you running to the store for "junk food" at bay. The complex carbohydrate will also keep your mind sharp and fueled so you can attack the problems as they come to you instead of running for the simple carbs that burn off and leave you with all of the calories.

    I find that breakfast is one of the most important times of the day to introduce complex carbs into your body. I routinely have cheerios with fresh banana, chunk pineapple, mixed with lowfat yogurt. I also eat whole wheat toast with smart balance. Those complex carbs get me going and I am ready for the day.

    If you are restricting carbohydrate, that could be a reason for the falling off of the wagon.
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    Your little stumble is just that...just a little stumble. You have not fallen of course and still know where you wanna go with your health which is good. Everyone has little stumbles now and again. What counts is you got back on the horse and continue eating healthy and working hard towards getting healthier and staying healthy. There is a song from a band I listen to that kinda fits the addiction theme. Check it out if you like, it's a pretty good song. The song is called "Accidents can happen" by Sixx: A.M. Good job for getting back up :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    focus on the future. make sure you are getting enough daily calories. i increased my daily calories up to 1700 and that has actually helped me control binges, believe it or not... i think i was being too restrictive with my calories and that is why i wanted to binge all the time. once i set a higher limit for myself i filled up those calories with good food, not junk all the time. you can do it! not saying i never have junk, but i limit it... you can too
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
  • jbrinda1
    jbrinda1 Posts: 153 Member
    Last night we had no dinner plan, so we got pizza...three and a half slices later...oy prob at least 1500 over my allotment for the day, but you know what, I needed some carbs, and its not a big deal, so I'm not going to lose sleep over it, even though I didn't even work out yesterday. Not a true binge, but a bit off the rails, today I'll just get right back to keeping it as clean as possible, what can you do! Today is a brand new day, start it right.
  • jbrinda1
    jbrinda1 Posts: 153 Member
    Your little stumble is just that...just a little stumble. You have not fallen of course and still know where you wanna go with your health which is good. Everyone has little stumbles now and again. What counts is you got back on the horse and continue eating healthy and working hard towards getting healthier and staying healthy. There is a song from a band I listen to that kinda fits the addiction theme. Check it out if you like, it's a pretty good song. The song is called "Accidents can happen" by Sixx: A.M. Good job for getting back up :)

    Or there's Elvis Costello: Accidents WILL Happen :)
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I cannot tell you how much this made me smile, and how badly I needed to hear it. Thank you, thank you, thank you :flowerforyou:
    Being a big scary man, what I say means something.....just believe that for a minute please, willing suspension of disbelief.....

    I am willing to take your guilt. Please do this for me. Walk out your front door, set all the guilt down there, I will pick it up. When you come back tomorrow it will be gone.

    Now, I noticed you focused on the negative aspects, I am REALLY EXCITED, because you got rid of the junk food and sent the candy off with the husband. HOW AWESOME is that? Your body didn't really like the food, the sodium helping hold in the water so you feel bloated......but I noticed, YOU GOT OUT WORKOUT CLOTHES. So you are working out. That is only AWESOME.

    So you had a set back, since you left your guilt outside your door....wait, you haven't yet.... go do it now, I will wait...............
    Okay now the guilt is gone, and you did all the right things following a few extra crap calories. You rock.
    Wait, let me make that clear.

  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Oh my gosh, I have been on an extremely low carbohydrate diet for about 3 months now. I have noticed that when I tend to "slip" my cravings for carbs are intense like never before. Your explanation helps me to see why. Thank you so much
    First off, to understand weight and gain you probably know as I've read in your post about water retention. Knowing that 1 pound equals 3500 calories, you would have to consume that much over in one day to gain one pound whereas if you eat the stuff you said you went running to the store for contains high amounts of sodium, that could be responsible for water retention and the tightness of your clothes.

    Nobody can understand binge eating completely as our brains are very complex things. One thing that does affect our brains is the food that we eat (or lack thereof). The one food that our brains use exclusively for energy is carbohydrate. Too much carbohydrate in your daily nutrition and you'll gain weight.

    Not enough carbohydrate in your daily nutrition can have other effects, setting you up for those emotional episodes that send you running to the store for what??? Carbohydrate laden foods. Once you consume those foods, your mind is at ease and the emotional distress seems to lessen. How can this be combated?

    With an influx of complex carbohydrate into your daily nutrition.

    Complex carbohydrate can keep those emotional episodes that send you running to the store for "junk food" at bay. The complex carbohydrate will also keep your mind sharp and fueled so you can attack the problems as they come to you instead of running for the simple carbs that burn off and leave you with all of the calories.

    I find that breakfast is one of the most important times of the day to introduce complex carbs into your body. I routinely have cheerios with fresh banana, chunk pineapple, mixed with lowfat yogurt. I also eat whole wheat toast with smart balance. Those complex carbs get me going and I am ready for the day.

    If you are restricting carbohydrate, that could be a reason for the falling off of the wagon.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    THIS is why I love this site, all this support, all this love- it means the world to me. I may not know any of you personally, but to me the bond that we all share is closer than a lot of people in my every day life. No judgement, no two-faced ness, just SUPPORT. Reading your responses, it truly is making me feel strong and good again. You are all awesome and beautiful and I am so proud for us to all be a part of each other's healthy lifestyles :flowerforyou:
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Love This!!
    I cannot tell you how much this made me smile, and how badly I needed to hear it. Thank you, thank you, thank you :flowerforyou:
    Being a big scary man, what I say means something.....just believe that for a minute please, willing suspension of disbelief.....

    I am willing to take your guilt. Please do this for me. Walk out your front door, set all the guilt down there, I will pick it up. When you come back tomorrow it will be gone.

    Now, I noticed you focused on the negative aspects, I am REALLY EXCITED, because you got rid of the junk food and sent the candy off with the husband. HOW AWESOME is that? Your body didn't really like the food, the sodium helping hold in the water so you feel bloated......but I noticed, YOU GOT OUT WORKOUT CLOTHES. So you are working out. That is only AWESOME.

    So you had a set back, since you left your guilt outside your door....wait, you haven't yet.... go do it now, I will wait...............
    Okay now the guilt is gone, and you did all the right things following a few extra crap calories. You rock.
    Wait, let me make that clear.

  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I am a binge eater as well. Mainly late at night. I can put away some carbs and chocolate like no one else :)

    My advice:

    *It is a NEW day! You can not go back and stop the binge now but you can start fresh and stop beating yourself up. Start from THIS moment and make a new day!

    * When I am in a binge mode (binging every night) I start a log where I can see it every day of how long it has been since I binged. So 12 days binge free or however long it has been. The higher the numbers get the stronger I become. I don't want to waste all those days and start back at 1 if that makes sense

    *When I feel the uncontrollable urge to eat for no reason I go brush my teeth. Snaps me right out of it.

    *I also have some foods in the house that are okay to binge on, like watermelon. I can eat 6 bowls of it and not do any damage :D

    Stay strong!

    since seeing the you have logged in for XX days keeps me logging into MFP, a binge log is brilliant
    have started one in my diary ( on day 1 due to a mini binge last night but it could have been worse [ and has been] so i am counting small mercies and doing lots today)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Being a big scary man, what I say means something.....just believe that for a minute please, willing suspension of disbelief.....

    I am willing to take your guilt. Please do this for me. Walk out your front door, set all the guilt down there, I will pick it up. When you come back tomorrow it will be gone.

    Now, I noticed you focused on the negative aspects, I am REALLY EXCITED, because you got rid of the junk food and sent the candy off with the husband. HOW AWESOME is that? Your body didn't really like the food, the sodium helping hold in the water so you feel bloated......but I noticed, YOU GOT OUT WORKOUT CLOTHES. So you are working out. That is only AWESOME.

    So you had a set back, since you left your guilt outside your door....wait, you haven't yet.... go do it now, I will wait...............
    Okay now the guilt is gone, and you did all the right things following a few extra crap calories. You rock.
    Wait, let me make that clear.

    this made me smile so much. thanks for this. i will try to remember this