Exercise at the office???

I'm tied down to a desk 8 hours a day! Wondering what others do to fit in exercise throughout the day when you have an office job and are basically sitting 8 hours a day! I'm 33 yrs old and currently weigh 228 lbs- I'm really motivated to get this weight off and feel like part of my issue with weight could be the fact that I sit all day- I know it's not helping my metabolism any! I'd love any advice and please feel free to add me as a friend- looking for all the support I can get!



  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I keep trainers in my desk and slip them on to go for a fast walk at lunchtime - anything from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, whatever my busy day can spare. I've discovered all sorts of lovely new places to get lunch too.

    I also keep a resistance band in my handbag so I can do a few exercises in the local park, or during a toilet break if I'm really that pushed for time!
  • panther422516
    panther422516 Posts: 6 Member
    see if you can bring a yoga ball to work to sit on at your desk instead of a chair. it will really work those core muscles, even if you dont do it the whole time. do sitting stomach crunches or side sitting stomach crunches , keep sucking your gut in as much as possible works the core also. do knee lifts sitting in chair. i dont know what kind of office job you have but if you can eat your meal at your desk and go for a walk on your lunch hour that would help you too. good luck!!!
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    I do secret press ups in the toilet.

    Obviously I have to use the disabled toilet as its the only one big enough.

    I am concerned that one day somebody will see me exiting the toilet red faced and out of breath.
  • jro529
    jro529 Posts: 4 Member
    I use toilet breaks to exercise as well. 10 - 20 squats, 25 wall push-outs in the ladies room. I also joined the gym two blocks from the office and go at least 3 times a week to weight train or 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical. Walking is also an option on good weather days.
  • arfog
    arfog Posts: 70 Member
    I've started doing a few different things to get me moving at work.

    First is walk everywhere you can; don't call the person, walk to their desk! Take the stairs as much as you can.

    Sit on the edge of your chair while holding a water bottle between your knees. This works your inner thighs to hold the bottle up.

    Stand up and sit down while standing on only 1 leg. Do several reps of this through the day (don't do this in a chair with wheels).

    Wall push ups. Stand away from the wall and tilt your body to do a push up. It works even better on your tiptoes than with a flat foot.

    Suck in your belly whenever you walk around. It works your ab muscles.

    While sitting in your chair, tighten and hold your butt muscles for 15 secs, then release. Do this as much as you want.

    These are the things I've been doing!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I've started doing a few different things to get me moving at work.

    First is walk everywhere you can; don't call the person, walk to their desk! Take the stairs as much as you can.

    Sit on the edge of your chair while holding a water bottle between your knees. This works your inner thighs to hold the bottle up.

    Stand up and sit down while standing on only 1 leg. Do several reps of this through the day (don't do this in a chair with wheels).

    Wall push ups. Stand away from the wall and tilt your body to do a push up. It works even better on your tiptoes than with a flat foot.

    Suck in your belly whenever you walk around. It works your ab muscles.

    While sitting in your chair, tighten and hold your butt muscles for 15 secs, then release. Do this as much as you want.

    These are the things I've been doing!
    I do most of these too!
  • noelle_dell
    wow! Thanks for all the great advice!! I just went to the restroom and did 10 squats and some wall push ups! :smile:

    I try to walk around the office as much as possible and I ALWAYS take the stairs- It's when I'm just sitting at my desk that I feel so lazy!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    wow! Thanks for all the great advice!! I just went to the restroom and did 10 squats and some wall push ups! :smile:

    I try to walk around the office as much as possible and I ALWAYS take the stairs- It's when I'm just sitting at my desk that I feel so lazy!

    sit on a swiss ball. You get weird looks but it is a really good exercise. I can only do 3:30 hours for now
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I do push ups and squats every day in the office
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I've started doing a few different things to get me moving at work.

    First is walk everywhere you can; don't call the person, walk to their desk! Take the stairs as much as you can.

    Sit on the edge of your chair while holding a water bottle between your knees. This works your inner thighs to hold the bottle up.

    Stand up and sit down while standing on only 1 leg. Do several reps of this through the day (don't do this in a chair with wheels).

    Wall push ups. Stand away from the wall and tilt your body to do a push up. It works even better on your tiptoes than with a flat foot.

    Suck in your belly whenever you walk around. It works your ab muscles.

    While sitting in your chair, tighten and hold your butt muscles for 15 secs, then release. Do this as much as you want.

    These are the things I've been doing!

    Awesome tips! I have been trying to go walking at lunch & also spend 5 minutes doing the stairs during a break time.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Potty squats! 5 quick squats in the stall before using the toilet can really add up!
    You can do stomach exercises while seated at your desk. Suck it in, let it out, suck it in, let it out. I even do belly dance undulations in my chair. My coworkers already think I'm nuts.
    Take a quick buzz around the office every chance you get. Go the long way around to a coworker's desk.
    Drink lots of water so you have to go to the water cooler more often, and go the long way!
    Then the oldie, but goodie, park further away so you have to get that little bit of extra walking in each way.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I'll knock out a round of desk push-ups when no one is looking.