Really Struggling to lose 10 pounds

Hello I am new to myfitnesspal. This is my third week my goal is to lose 10 pounds. I am 32 years old and had a baby 9 months ago. I am eating right and staying under or at my calorie goal of 1200 calories a day. Within the first week and a half I lost 2 pounds, but I havent been able to lose any since. I hike, play volleyball, and walk at least 5 days a week for at least a half an hour a day, most times when walking or hiking I have my 21 pound baby in a carrier. I weighed myself today and I actually gained weight. Help I am getting discouraged :(


  • Ms_Jae
    Ms_Jae Posts: 36 Member
    Don't be discouraged. It sounds like you may be gaining muscle from hiking with the extra 21lbs. have you tried measuring to see if you have lost inchs? are you clothes fitting better? we can still lose wieght without it showing on the scale so please keep up the good work you will have a awesome body with all that toning up your doing!
  • jessnate0417
    Thank you so much. I think that I will measure myself tonight and start there. I was afraid to see what the measurements said. I will keep on thank you for your encouragement
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    The last 10 lbs usually come off very slowly. Maybe you can focus on your measurements and how you feel. Great job on working out with an infant. I didn't start exercising until my youngest was 19 months.
  • Cucchim
    Cucchim Posts: 3
    Don't be discouraged. I had a baby a year ago and I was in the same boat. I have worked really hard and am finally down to below my pre-pregnancy weight. It is not easy though. Keep working on it. Make sure that you are eating enough though. Sometimes when I think I am eating too much, those are the weeks that I lose. Crazy! :tongue:
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi, I'm not sure if you are still breast feeding or not, but you may want to increase your calories, 1200 seems very little. I too want to lose these last 10lbs and i have to constantly eat to loose weight and i eat bewtween 1300-1800cals depending on the Workout. Good luck and feel free to add.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Make sure you are MEASURING and LOGGING EVERYTHING

    I'm talking about logging even ONE bite of food. Get the scale out and weigh all your food. If you cant then measure it.

    I was surprised how much off I was when I started doing that. Try it for a week to see if that is the issue.

    And don't get discouraged! If you keep on going, your body WILL give in eventually :)

    and always eat back your exercise calories!