I could use some advice, tips, anything.

Hey everyone!

I feel like Im constantly asking questions on here, but I could really use some advice, Im totally clueless when it comes to losing weight. Any advice, tips, anything, would be greatly appreciated. I get the whole burn more than you eat calories, but I need some more advice, feels like Im not doing something right. Sorry this is kind of rant, and asking for help at the sametime.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this!!



  • teksurv
    teksurv Posts: 8 Member
    I'm happy to tell you what has been working for me. The first thing I decided was that I would log everything in MFP. I mean everything and honestly alcohol and all. The second thing I did was address portion control. This was huge, and these muffin tin recipes you see in the forums here and elsewhere have been incredibly helpful.

    I'm not a big breakfast food fan so I make the muffin tacos as listed here by pradaboy using ground turkey instead of beef. I add a quarter slice of avocado to it totalling ~225 calories. I love Mexican food, this does the trick now every morning for two months. So, find what you enjoy and find an easy way to portion it out.

    Third, walk. take the stairs versus the elevator, find a nice place to hike, use the treadmill or walk for twenty minutes around the block. Doing this I've lost 22lbs since mid-January. I've got 28 to go and I'm confident I'll get there.

    Oh one last thing. Sometimes on the weekends I go over my calories by about a 1000 calories. This is ok because I walk a little extras and getting back to my routine during the week allows me to keep on track. I'm sure you will find your groove good luck!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Figure out your TDEE. Eat 500 cals less than that per day. (Or plug your info into MFP and hit your target every day)

    And exercise.

    That's all there is too it.
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    Make sure you are eating enough calories to fuel your body and build more muscle mass. Muscle = more calories burned every day. :)
  • Depends on how much you want to lose.. Figure out your TDEE, figure out your BMR, and eat between that (net that with exercise, don't stress if you don't.. sometimes I can't or don't feel like eating back my exercise calories).

    I would suggest upping your amount of protein if you're exercising, or using weights. MFP sets it relatively low in my opinion. .8g to a 1g for every lb of weight.
  • If you don't have much to lose.. it won't go fast. So be patient.
  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    - Drink your water.
    - Get some exercise. Doesn't need to be a gym, walking works fine.
    - Everything in moderation - don't starve yourself, or eliminate all your favorite foods, or go crazy on the potato chips.
    - If you have a bad day and eat way too much, tomorrow is another day.
    - Take your measurements as well as your weight. Sometimes the when the weight goes down your wist measurement looks great!
    - Measure carefully and record everything you put in your mouth (even "tastes").
    - If you have a smartphone, get the MFP app.

    Good luck!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I think most people on here will tell you what's worked (and not worked for them) so I'll give you my story here....

    I've been using MFP since July last year, a few lbs off, a few lbs on and so forth! I started exercising not long after and played around with my calories for several months until the end of Jan this year, and I booked in to see a Nutritionist. It's been hard but, it's been the best thing I could have done too!

    My advice to you is, work out what you BMR is and also, what your activity level is so that you can work out your TDEE. I have no idea what your stats are, nor your goals but, let's just say your TDEE comes out at 2000. My advice to you would be to eat around 20% less, so aim for 1800 cals a day. I have found out that I need to eat to lose weight and this works best when you're consistent. I eat well, nutrionally, even though I have slips like everyone else but I try to eat better for my next snack or meal. I have three meals a day, two snacks and don't go any longer than 4 hours between food. I drink on average 10-14 glasses of fluid a day and by fluid I have 1-2 cofees a week, decaf tea, herbal teas and plenty of water. Water really is your friend, you must stay hydrated.

    When I snack I either have some protein or some protein with carbs. Typical snack could be greek yoghurt with an apple or, a piece of cheese with some oat cakes.

    Exercise wise, if you do any aim for 50% to be weight bearing as I've found that has helped me, opposed to 100% cardio.

    Take your measuresments and if you can, try to monitor your weight every few weeks. Keep to a certain day and time to be consistent.

    What I will say is, have a goal in mind so you have some form of direction. Google SMART goals, it's a good approach to apply to weight management.

    I hope this has helped and if there's anything you want to quiz me on, fire an email off to me on here!

    Best of luck flower!!!!

    Hey everyone!

    I feel like Im constantly asking questions on here, but I could really use some advice, Im totally clueless when it comes to losing weight. Any advice, tips, anything, would be greatly appreciated. I get the whole burn more than you eat calories, but I need some more advice, feels like Im not doing something right. Sorry this is kind of rant, and asking for help at the sametime.

    Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this!!

  • ruthechesney
    ruthechesney Posts: 34 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Log EVERYTHING!!! I try to stick to whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and nuts. Find an exercise you LOVE!!! The more you have to lose, the faster it will go. At least eat 1200 calories a day...or your body will think it is starving itself:) Good luck!
  • My advice to you is, work out what you BMR is and also, what your activity level is so that you can work out your TDEE. I have no idea what your stats are, nor your goals but, let's just say your TDEE comes out at 2000. My advice to you would be to eat around 20% less, so aim for 1800 cals a day. I have found out that I need to eat to lose weight and this works best when you're consistent.

    This is what I do as well. 20% less.
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I started out just MFP told me for calories, 1200. It worked and probably would have kept working for awhile. But then I started reading alot of posts on here and listening to how others are doing. Someone recommended finding out my TDEE and eating 500 less calories. Most people seemed to think that 1200 was too few calories. I decided I wanted to be able to eat alittle bit more and lose alittle slower, hopefully this will be healthier for me. And easier to maintane. So this week I started eating around 1400 calories I don't feel alittle bit better, too early to know about weight loss yet.

    On another thread someone posted this site http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html I used it to learn my TDEE and what that was. LOL I had no clue.

    Different things work for different people. What you do depends on what you want. How fast you want to lose, how much you have to lose, what foods you like, what excersize you can do. But MFP is great for everyone because there are so many people to talk to and get advice from. Lots of ideas to consider.

    Good luck on your Journey.
  • shodaimetruth
    What helps me is making sure i have my biggest meal in the morning. I don't always get to have breakfast right away, but i try to eat as big as i can within the first 2-3 hours. The only hard part about that is trying to stay awake between breakfast at lunch while at work. I try to make sure that I also do some exercise in the morning, usually on an empty stomach. I have also started taking OxyElite Pro and that has helped me with the energy I need in the morning and with my appetite, mostly curving away the desire for junk food, especially later in the day.

    The second thing I try to do is have a good portion of my vegetables in the afternoon which helps me through the rest of my day. To finish most of my days I try to make sure I do a good workout in the evening, and follow that with my protein shake. I've noticed, after a good workout, I tend to have trouble eating and don't have a desire to have a large meal. This helps me keep my calorie intake pretty low.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I feel like Im constantly asking questions on here, but I could really use some advice, Im totally clueless when it comes to losing weight. Any advice, tips, anything, would be greatly appreciated. I get the whole burn more than you eat calories, but I need some more advice, feels like Im not doing something right. Sorry this is kind of rant, and asking for help at the sametime.

    Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this!!


    1) Eat at a reasonable caloric deficit. 20% below TDEE is a good starting place for most people. Consume adequate macronutrients and eat "mostly" whole food and allow yourself "some" junk food if it helps with adherence.
    2) Exercise. Ideally, lift weights.
    3) Get rest when needed.
    4) repeat
    5) Don't micromanage all the other crap that doesn't matter.

    * If you have any intolerances to certain food items due to medical conditions or behavioral patterns, obviously incorporate this into your plan. If you DONT, then disregard the concept of food avoidance.