Anyone Give Up Diet Coke?



  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I've given up my Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi and I don't miss it at all. I do, however drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day.

    From the Livestrong website:

    Hydration Effects

    Diet Coke is not a good way to quench your thirst. It is empty of nutritional value and because of the caffeine, may actually cause dehydration. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it makes you urinate. The more Diet Coke you drink, the more likely you will need to urinate, emptying the body of needed water. Dehydration can cause dizziness, headaches, speeding heart, seizures, and in extreme cases, death.

    Calcium Effects

    You need calcium for growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth, and Diet Coke may interfere with your calcium levels because it is high in phosphate. Drinking too much Diet Coke adds large amounts of phosphate into the blood stream, which then empties calcium from your bones. Drinking Diet Coke daily may increase your chance of fracture from a fall by three to four times, cites the American College of Sports Medicine. Additionally, too little calcium can cause osteoporosis.

    Read more:
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    I used to only drink diet pepsi and never water, but gave it up a little over a month ago. I feel a lot better, more energy and everything. Every now and then I get a craving for one but resist!
  • amysala85
    amysala85 Posts: 29
    I did, i used to have 1 a day, and it was hard not getting it daily but Ive been diet coke free for about 6 weeks and I tried one the other day wanting to feel bad, and OMG the taste was terrible. I couldn't finish it off, all I tasted was aspartame..yuck... never again
  • ashleywright144
    I gave up diet pepsi when I was pregnant 11 months ago.I went through terrible withdrawals for four days. I then decided drinking soda is not worth the headaches. I switched to water and at first flavored it with crystal light.
  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    I gave it up 4 years ago. After a while felt great, but it was when i finally gave up coffee and all caffeine (2 years ago) that I felt my best. Now when I wake up I don't feel like I never slept and I can't get out of bed... I feel refreshed and ready to start my day. It is awesome what a difference it made. When I really want an espresso (something I really LOVE) I just remind myself how I felt before and how I feel now and it is all I need to skip it. :) Good Luck, you can do it!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have mostly given it up myself. I allow myself a treat every now and then... but mostly I like to drink non-diet drinks so when I have that treat I have a proper Coke. :)
  • emeraldowl
    emeraldowl Posts: 33 Member
    I gave up Diet Coke around 2 years and 2 months ago. Throughout my teenage years, well about 12 through to 23, I used to be addicted to it and would drink at most a 2x500ml bottle and 3x330ml cans a day and a minimum of 2x330ml cans a day. It is one of the best things that I could have done. I now only have a fizzy drink/soda every now and again (about one glass every few weeks) and I would always choose a full fat version with no sweeteners.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I have given up Diet Coke which I used to drink huges amounts of and replaced it with only water. I was drinking tea with splenda but gave it up to. Its been one month and a week and I feel and look so much better.
  • mrsbrown2k1
    mrsbrown2k1 Posts: 139
    I gave up all carbonated soda's long time ago. Just ween yourself! You can do it!!! I gave up caffeine too. That was just as easy as giving up soda's. Initially I got caffeine headaches but I feel so much better with out all those chemicals and junk that are in the sodas.

    good luck !!!