Can't exercise, so depressed!

HELP! I had being doing well on my weight loss journey until 2 weeks ago. At that time I went to the orthopedic for some chronic pain I have been having in my right foot. After X-rays and a MRI, I have been diagnosed with a torn tibial tendon. I now am wearing an immobilizing boot and go back in a week to see if I need to have surgery. This has hit me really hard; not only not exercising, but also seeing my weight loss stagnate and thinking I'm stuck with this extra weight. I don't want to quit but is it realalistic to think I can lose weight without exercising?

Aghhhhhhhhhh:explode: :cry:


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You absolutely can lose weight without exercising. But if you want to exercise, you can do upper body and core strength training.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You absolutely can lose weight without exercising. But if you want to exercise, you can do upper body and core strength training.

    Just be more careful about fueling your body when you can't exercise. Don't neglect the rest of your body while your foot heals. Crutches make for an amazing upper body workout. LOL! Stay focused on your goals during this time. And don't be afraid to lift some weights in the meantime!

    I get really depressed when I can't exercise for one reason or another. Especially when I have to give up yoga! Absolutely the worst!
  • erineddy81
    erineddy81 Posts: 43 Member
    You absolutely can lose weight without exercising. But if you want to exercise, you can do upper body and core strength training.

    Agreed!!! :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have chronic bad knee's (getting knee replacements this coming spring)... 3 weeks ago I went in for a scrape out on my left knee to buy me enough time to finish this weight loss and have skin surgery... (15-20 lbs. to go b4 skin surgery) I have been having terrible swelling this time around and have not been able to get back to the treadmill or elliptical (In PT Tuesday and Thursday's) so I have had to improvise.... Do you have a gym membership?? I have been using the UBE (it is an upper body bike) to do cardio on, and also we have a seated elliptical (I just prop my bad leg up on the peg and do one leg with my arms), and also airdyne bikes have foot peg rest on them so you can use upper body... You just need to be creative and you can come up with alternatives... Goodluck.....
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    Upper body workouts. Shadow boxing is a good cardio exercise when you have limitations