Question for the Ladies



  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    Periods can be incredibly painful, I know as well as anyone. On days when I cant muster a regular work out due to the discomfort I sometimes try doing something kind of calm like pilates or yoga.. Not sure if that helps.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Do any of you have problems sticking with your diet and excercise during your period?


    Exercise and orgasms have been shown time and again to relieve monthly discomforts.

    True story.

    I love this.

    Another vote for orgasms... they help relieve a lot and get the blood flowing. But I don't force myself to do any exercise of lifting if I'm not feeling it. I just take a day or two off and then pick right back up. A little chocolate or ice-cream isn't going to hurt you either. Just don't eat the whole container.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    yeah i dont have a problem with the food, only the working out, because mine are so heavy, there is no way i can go run on a treadmill or do anything physical.....and it sucks! i feel bad like it will effect my loss this week in a really bad way. :sad:
  • tataliciousd89
    Yeah, I know that it seems like it would make it worse, but I get up first thing in the morning and walk two miles to school. Totally stops my cramps dead in their tracks. In fact I used to have horrible cramps, but I haven't had to take any kind of pain reliever in months, because i just exercise if they start comming on. It's very effective for me. As for food... I crave salt like a mother effer, so I usually go over on sodium for those days, but never on calories.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I feel awkward doing workouts during my period. Like I just can't stand moving my legs around too much, lol. I think I'll still do some stretching but I dunno. It hurts so freaking bad. I've had extreme cramping since I was a teen.

    The food so far hasn't been an issue really. Right now I'm craving apples, lol.

    Thankfully I usually only cramp 1-2 days of my period.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I get the crankies every month, but about 1 in 4 months I really get clobbered with cravings and cramps. I know a great deal has to do with the fact that I'm way overweight. I'm working on that, but even at my goal, I got clobbered once in a while. Because we are all built different and suffer different symptoms and severity, I say be honest with yourself and listen to your body. If I am truly about to vomit and my head is spinning with the pain and bloodloss, I don't head out for a marathon or feel guilty about taking a sick day either. The trick is being honest and not just makeing excuses to sit on my *kitten* when sticking to or modifying the food and exercise regimen can do me a lot of good.
  • trekkiebeth
    Regular exercise makes my cramps less painful (they used to make me curl up and want to die), but it's still bad enough that I don't work out the first day or two of my period. It's day 3 of my period right now and I just got off my stationary bike. My cramps are actually worse now than before I got on. Find what works best for you, I guess.
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    Walking eases my pain.. My only issue is I get pimply and want to eat anything savoury in site..
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sometimes, but not always.
  • AshleyAmmerman
    I know how you feel. I get really bad bloating and cramps. But I push through it, even if I have to take some IB profen for the pain. I still workout. And I have found that (and it is a known fact) if you workout during your period, it helps. Over a little time, it has been known to lessen the pain and discomfort you feel during that time of the month.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I get exhausted too during that week, and even though I don't feel like working out, I feel better afterward. Even something low intensity like Yoga can be helpful, or just stretching, playing some games on Wii fit, or a walk might be alternatives you could enjoy.

    This is exactly me. It's hard to get up the motivation because of fatigue (and just feeling fat because I'm bloated!), but I really do feel better once I'm done with my workout.
  • KimsWeightloss
    I almost never have cramps anymore. The reason is because I take flax seed oil. It is a miracle in a bottle. When, and its very rare anymore that I get hints of cramps is because I have slacked off on taking my flax seed oil. Flax seed oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and there is your cure for cramps! :-) Take it for a few weeks and you will notice a difference. If you didn't, I would be very surprised. Keep taking it. Its that important to your health. Also, eat salmon and other fish. Fish also contains omega 3 fatty acids. The omega 3 from flax seed oil is a great addition to your diet. Add it to your salad dressings. Don't cook with it. It should never be heated and always keep it in the fridge.
    Also, FYI, not sure if you eat artificial sweeteners, but those are huge problems. Stay away from aspartame aka Nutra Sweet and Splenda aka Sucralose. Terrible that those are even out on the market. They are likely to make people crave carbs. They are no favor to anyone.
  • kykybab
    kykybab Posts: 9 Member
    I can't stop eating .. I find walking helps my cramps.. it helps just to move the stuff and I hurt every where.. I sooo hate that time of the month. I am done having kids.. I want it to go away .. and I gain 4 pounds everytime I am on it.. :frown: