-65 Lbs - Halfway to goal! (Picture Heavy)

anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
So, as of yesterday…I am about ½ way to my “final” goal. I’ve lost 65 lbs so far, and I began losing weight in September. (about 6.5 months ago) I thought about posting a “Success post” when I had hit 50 lbs, but was still too nervous. So….here I am to celebrate halfway there!! I am still very nervous about posting this for everyone to see...but I worked up the courage to do it.

I do say my “final” goal lightly, because I have ball parked a weight at which I think I will look good, and feel healthy! This is why I say “about” halfway…because, it is going to be give or take, according to how I am doing once I’m there. I could obviously go 20-25 lbs lighter than that and still be within the the healthy BMI range for my height, but we will see… I lift heavy, so I’m less concerned about the number on the scale than I am my visual & health results.

(You can skip to the pictures now if you want…below is for those wanting to read what inspired my weight loss, and how I've lost it to date)

As far as how I’ve done it to date…I began cutting back on all artificial/organic sugars, and switching to organic foods first. I did this not to lose weight, but as a reaction to being scared. My step mom died in January 2011 (1 yr ago) at the young age of 47 from a stroke (caused by a blood clot in the leg). My mother was diagnosed in May 2011 with a very rare, and aggressive cancer at the age of 49. I began reading a lot about the bad effects those things have on your body, and WANTED to change those things.

About a month later, I went back to the Dr. to follow up on some blood work I’d had the month prior. (Routine blood work ran since I take Metformin for PCOS) and to my surprise, I’d lost weight! I hadn’t even tried or thought about it. So this continued for another month or two into November. I continued to lose a little…the only time I weighed was at the Dr. because my scale did not even have batteries in it at home.

Finally, in December, after I’d lost over 25lbs just from diet changes, I thought “wow…all my life I’ve tried and it has seemed so impossible. I wonder what would happen if I really actively do this? Maybe, this is what I really needed to change my life.” I had already changed the quality of food I ate by choice. Not to lose weight. I was 100% committed to not putting that crap in my body. From there, right around Christmas…I started watching my portions, and cut out the calorie filled drinks I’d been having that had calories. (I was still drinking soda with organic cane sugar occasionally, sweet tea, and fruit juices)

I went back to work on January 3rd from vacation, and mentioned to a co-worker I wanted to start exercising to get into better shape. She said she’d go with me, so we started the very next day. She eventually stopped going with me, but it was all I needed to get into the groove. It’s been over 2 ½ months, and I can say that I have been 100% consistent with working out. I have seen the biggest changes in my “appearance” from working out. Yes, I did lose around 31 lbs before I started working out…but the exercise (weight training to be specific) has really helped me. Sure, the cardio helps with creating a calorie deficit, and helps with my fitness level…but strength training is making sure that I am losing fat, and not fat+lean body mass, and helping me in that aspect. I have been very lucky to date that I've not hit any plateaus as of yet. I have had occasional weeks of just 1lb loss, but the week following is usually followed by a decent loss. I'll cross my fingers that I will be able to avoid one until I'm a little closer to goal. (Which I know happens as you approach your more ideal body weight)

So, here are some pics. From beginning weight (my highest, which I hovered at for about a year and a half) to my weight now (-65lbs) I have another 65 to go, then will re-*kitten* my final goals.

Pics from my highest weight: (2010-September 2011) : AKA BEFORE:


- 18 lbs

-37 lbs

-45 lbs

-50 lbs (A full body comparison of before and -50)

-60 lbs

And…….Now! -65 lbs! Halfway to my ideal goal!


  • phatty28
    phatty28 Posts: 8
    what's your routine eating and exercising??
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    Great acomplishment, you look great :)
  • collide5
    collide5 Posts: 7 Member
    Lookin' good! Stay strong!
  • Great Job! Good Luck with reaching your Goal!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    Nice! Congrats! Thanks for sharing your pics.
  • bondavbriwil
    bondavbriwil Posts: 62 Member
    WOW.. thats awesome. You look great! Good work!
  • katyclev
    katyclev Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, great job!!
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Congratulations!! You look amazing!! All that hard work and dedication is definately paying off. Keep it going forward and your goal will soon be reached.
  • kykybab
    kykybab Posts: 9 Member
    you are soo pretty !!
    way to go
  • Your progress is nothing short of absolutely fabulous...now on to the next milestone!!! Best Wishes :flowerforyou:
  • lirenep
    lirenep Posts: 4
    This is my first day with myfitnesspal. Your accomplishments are so inspiring! Keep up the good work!!!
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    Oh wow!!! you look like a completely different person, and so much younger might I add! Congrats lady!!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • tosmoothash
    tosmoothash Posts: 187 Member
    Great job. You are progressing well!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    what's your routine eating and exercising??


    I cycle my calories throughout the week. Basically, just depending on what my body says. I never, ever, eat less than 1200 calories; and most days I eat my BMR (which is estimated at around 1780).

    I do not eat my exercise calories back all the time, I eat 25-60% of them back if I am hungry that day. It really just varies on how I feel each day on if I do that or not.

    I try and consume plenty of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. I mix things up to keep my body guessing, and get a nice mix of nutrients. For me, lunch is when I'm least hungry..so typically I have most of my calories spread between breakfast and dinner..and lunch I keep light.


    I workout 5-6 days a week. I typically go to the gym, but do try and mix that up as well. I do full body strength training 3 days per week. This includes a mixture of dead lifts, squats, bench press, kettle bells, and machines. For cardio, I also try and keep this mixed up...My choice of equipment at the gym is the arc trainer, and I mix in alot of the stationary bicycle and treadmill as well. To get things mixed up...(or when I'm out of town like now..I'm in WV visiting my mother and family) I like to go to Zumba class, walk/run intervals (about 3-4 miles), zumba dvd, hip hop abs dvd... Just whatever I can do to work different things, and also keep stuff fun!
  • Holy Cow !!! You look amazing. Way to go ! Your story reminds me of myself. I have the same PCOS. I am still learning about the condition and how i can get help to deal with it. I also take the same meds as you. Thank you again for the boast I needed to con. on my journey. This is a marathon not a spirit.
  • tito_diaz
    tito_diaz Posts: 32
    You look UHHHHHHHHMAZING!!!! Keep it up!
  • Snoozie_2
    Snoozie_2 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, what an inspiration. I too have a lot of weight to lose and have been trying for a long time. I finally have the motivation. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Wow, way to go!!! You look great and what an accomplishment for you! keep up the awesome work, girl! :)
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    Holy Cow !!! You look amazing. Way to go ! Your story reminds me of myself. I have the same PCOS. I am still learning about the condition and how i can get help to deal with it. I also take the same meds as you. Thank you again for the boast I needed to con. on my journey. This is a marathon not a spirit.

    It is most definitely a marathon, not a sprint. Every day, you gotta truck through it and own it. Eventually, with persitence, and consistency, the hard work WILL pay off. Even with PCOS. I had gotten to points of where I'd read the doom and gloom about how PCOS affects our bodies, and was almost ready to just give in and accept I was going to be fat forever...but something inside of me knew that wasn't what I really wanted. Finally, the fire exploded in me, and I came, saw, and have been conquering the PCOS.

    Metformin is great in getting things in better condition inside your body. (Getting your cycle more consistent; helping your insulin sensitivity, helping your body use the food for fuel like it should be, etc.) Then you have to really look at what things affect you, and what the biggest changes are that can help you lose weight, and gain back your health.

    For me..those things were::: Cutting out sweet drinks. Soda, Sweet Tea, Juice, etc. Also artificial sweeteners like HFCS, or aspartame which are in diet drinks, and lots of mainstream foods. I opt when at all possible for carbs such as: whole wheat breads, whole grain rolls, brown rice, whole wheat pasta. I replace all things possible that are non-complex carbs.

    All of those things, in partner with consistent exercise, and consistent calorie tracking... I have been having success in losing weight with PCOS. It's just about really finding what changes you are willing to make, or can make, and doing it. Then calories + exercise will help the weight loss fall in line.
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    You look amazing!! Keep up the great work!!
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