My daughters lice is gonna make me fat again! (long)

Okay so other than my dr. And her schools have nobody to talk to about this. It is stressing me out and starting to exhaust me. I am spending so much time cleaning house,washing sheets. Spending hours combing out nits, trying every method in the book. Today was olive oil and mayonnaise . Not to mention OTC drugs and chemicals , it cleared up , but came back about 2 weeks ago but it is back again sometimes 2 days after we do a treatment . However now the dr thinks it is resistant to OTC . So she prescribed something, at 4pm today. Kids were exhausted, went to pharmacy, waited 30 min only to find out we had to drive another 20 min to a different pharmacy. Stopped at McDonald s luckily I had not hardly had time to eat today, so I could handled cheeseburger and salad. Got to the other pharmacy waited another 30 min. Had to get home finish washing sheets , put something on my daughters head that is the equivalent of gasoline, i swear . She has to keep it on overnight, so probably won't sleep for fear her head is gonna start on fire. Hubby is out of town for business. I just want this gone, other than the people i have to tell like schools,etc. it is very isolating to have this going on, feels very shameful. I am trying my best I swear.
Gonna watch a chick flick after kids go to bed and try not to eat a gallon of ice cream.

I was on such a roll but now this is slowing me down and making me depressed.


  • kelzpop
    kelzpop Posts: 156 Member
    Sorry for the stress. I hope it clears up quickly and for good this time!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    My daughter came home with lice last year. She has massively thick, long curly hair. We thought we were going to have to cut it. I did only mayo. Kraft mayo with olive oil. Went through 3 huge jars in a week and it kicked it! Was back 2 weeks later (just 2 little bugs) and one more jar of mayo and no sign of it since. Tea tree shampoo/conditioner/oil is what we use as preventative. That and her hair goes in a braid every day. I hope you get it under control! The stress of it is bad.
  • sarvissa
    sarvissa Posts: 70 Member
    I kept olive oil and a shower cap on my girls' heads for 3 hours... this was after 3 or 4 chemical treatments (every 2 weeks) that failed. I can't see putting poison on their heads anymore if it's not going to do anything. The olive oil worked, never again saw another louse.
  • kidrobot3
    kidrobot3 Posts: 63 Member
    I know it's tough, but you have to be a strong momma for your lil ones. It's not your fault for the lice. It's not shameful, it happens. You are doing the best you can and treating it, you are doing a good job just remind yourself this! Deep breaths and step away from the ice cream!
  • smbyrd13
    smbyrd13 Posts: 52 Member
    I am so sorry you're going through this! I have not had lice but am an elementary school teacher. Last year there were 5 cases in my class...this year, none so far (fingers crossed!). We had quite a few cases this past fall but luckily they've stopped. I know that some people claim that hair spray deters them...not sure if that actually works or not but I know a lot of our parents were using hair spray on their kids this past fall! Good luck!!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Supposedly they like a very clean head and so hair spray is supposed to work to deter. I had a veterinarian friend who got so sick of it she frontlined her joke!
  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    Once you get it cleared up, definitely do the tea tree oil shampoo! I started using that when my kids started school and (KNOCK ON WOOD) no lice so far! There was a huge outbreak this fall but we got missed thankfully. I also keep their hair up in braids or ponytails. Also, lice love clean hair, so if you put hair product in her hair (hair spray, gel, smoothing serums etc) they wont be as likely to pick her hair.

    In the meantime, good luck! My friend almost ended up shaving her daughter's hair this past fall when they couldn't get rid of it.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    It can happen to any of us. I hear blow drying their hair keeps them away.

    Chill out tonight, have a cup of tea, take a hot bath, wath a movie, or have a good cry do what makes you feel okay without heading to the fridge.

    This to shall pass.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I don't know about methods to kick it, but my godkids' mom heard that dyed hair is less susceptible to outbreaks and started dying her girls' hair different natural colors. She hasn't had a problem with lice since, even if the school gets an outbreak. Definitely look into preventative measures once it gets figured out.

    I hope it's resolved quickly for your sake and your little one's sake. It is stressful <3 Hang in there.
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    Dont' forget to treat car seats and everything your head touches. It sucks.
  • countrywildflower
    countrywildflower Posts: 42 Member
    I feel your pain. My son and I went through that awhile back. I have read up the tea tree oil is good and they hate mint flavored shampoo. I also buy a spray you can get at rite aide and walmart its called quit nits. I spray that in my sons hair now before school just as a protective measure cause I know they can be stressful as well. I wish you luck getting rid of them. Also there is no shame in them. They love a clean head. Good luck!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm sure a number of us have faced the problem of lice. My son brought it home from kindergarten after the teacher combed all the children's hair with the same comb. I think the whole family got it before we finally got rid of them. It's one of the hazards of raising children. It's humbling, but not fatal, so it could be worse. You'll get through it!
  • sarabissa
    sarabissa Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the support and tips . Called my beastie she is going thru same thing. I rented I don't know how she does it. Which ironically has a lice head scene. Hoping for some good laughs!
  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    You sound SOOOO stressed. I hope you can find something other than the ice cream to make you feel better. For me, it is a nice bath and my sparkly lip gloss.
  • Supposedly they like a very clean head and so hair spray is supposed to work to deter. I had a veterinarian friend who got so sick of it she frontlined her joke!

    UGH...I *FEEL* your pain...had a similar nightmare when my kiddos were little ( that was 20 some years ago)....

    I bought DOG SHAMPOO (for fleas) and used it after repeated-futile-attempts with the OTC lice treatments.
    YEP, I'm serious...and YEP it worked

    Best wishes to you- don't let a foul little insect be the cause of your derailment...don't give that little sucker the satisfaction
    of sucking you down...

    Cheerin' for YOU!

    On a side note: When my youngest came home from school one day, she said the school nurse was in her classroom that day,
    checking for "head lights" :laugh:
  • mnstuebs
    mnstuebs Posts: 5
    When my kids had it, I used LICE MD...pesticide free, worked fabulously! I treated once, and that's it. I combed through their hair though everyday for 2 weeks to pick out the nits. But the lice MD is supposed to kill the nits so you don't have risk of them hatching. I wasn't taking any chances either so I continued to comb through their hair to check for nits everyday. I also took their backpacks and coats and brushes and combs and stuck them in the freezer everyday overnight. And washed sheets every other day for a few weeks. I was totally paranoid.! LICE is no fun!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    When I was young and struggled with this sometimes the only thing that seemed to do the trick was to dye it.
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    Comb her hair out with cheap suave coconut conditioner and a decent nit comb. It is most likely not your dd that is still infested but picking up the lice over and over again from some other kid at school whos parents are not doing a darn thing about it. Use the nit comb every day for a week with the conditioner, it gums up their legs so they cant run off while you comb. Blow dry her hair daily or use a straightening iron. The lice and nits will make a popping sizzling sounds when they get hit with the straightening iron.

    An adult louse must feed on the same blood type that they were born on, If they hatch on a A and jump to a B and eat their guts explode and they will die. The only way for lice to be transfered from different blood types is for a pregnant louse to jump to a new person and lay eggs before she eats. The new lice can eat the new blood type but if they try and just to a person with a different one they will die.

    I will stress again it is more likely some other kid reinfecting her. Blow dry her hair, braid it, put it up in a little bun and then spray the heck out of it with hair spray. Do not let her share hats or jackets with any other kids. It would be a better idea if the teacher put every kids bag and coat in a seperate trash bag so the lice wont be spread in the coat room.
  • akrzyzewski
    akrzyzewski Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry to hear. I would suggest you order the nit free lice comb from amazon. It works so much better than the comb in the box. The girls I take care of had it answer used the comb to get rid of it. I put a movie on the portable DVD player, sat the girls on the bathroom floor and combed their hair every other at. We didn't even use te shampoo. It helps when the hair is wet. Just make sure you are super tedious, section the hair, start at the bottom and comb small pieces. You will want to use the base of the comb. Examine the comb and wipe it off after every brush. Put it in boiling water when you are done. I actually ended up getting lice, I didn't know until they had ordered the comb Andean it thru my hair... Figures the first time I got lice was when I was 25. I had my mom do my hair but she sucked at it. She wasn't starting at the root of my hair and was basically just combing. So I ended up doing my own hair. Finally, anything you don't need cleaned right away, just tie it up in plastic bags a d store for a few weeks. You should do this with all their Stuffed animals anyways
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    My youngest had it two years ago when she was in 4th grade. It was TERRIBLE! I really thought I was having a nervous breakdown. All the washing, and vaccuming, cleaning, nit picking. I was going NUTS!!!!!! Nothing was helping. After 6 weeks.....pediatrician prescribed Ivermectin. IT WORKED!!!!!!!

    Hang in there. So many of us have been exactly where you are.