What can I accomplish in 33 days???



  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I will definitely look further into those suggestions!!!
  • nenifer1985
    nenifer1985 Posts: 2 Member
    I just wanted to put in my thoughts and they are proven thoughts, not just what I THINK is possible.
    I have a plan that has worked for me and also 4 other people, all being around the same size range!
    You have to follow it 100% but I PROMISE you it works. And it is not unhealthy if you follow it correctly! :)

    First you start with the 3 day diet plan: http://www.everydiet.org/diet/3-day-diet

    It says you can replace certain items with others but do not do that because it will decrease the amount you lose. After the 3 day diet plan that jumpstarts your weight loss you do 30 days of what follows:
    Drink NO LESS than 100 ounces of water a day and only drink water, NOTHING else. Do not eat before 6am and do not eat after 7pm.

    Breakfast: 1 packet of weight control oatmeal, 1 banana, and a bagel thin with fat free cream cheese.
    1 cup of special k cereal with 1/2 cup of skim milk, 1 apple, and 2 slices of bacon.
    3 Egg whites scrambled and topped with a small amount of salsa, 2 small sausage links, and a fat free yogurt.

    Mid morning snack: A string cheese with special k fruit crisps(one serving).

    Lunch: 1 special k protein shake OR 1 slim fast with a healthy sized salad on the side.
    Salad: Green leaf lettuce, tomatos, cucumbers, carrots and spinach. 2 tbsp of any fat free dressing.

    Afternoon snack: Any variety of 100 calorie snack packs.

    Dinner: And variety of either lean cusine or smart one with a side of steamed broccoli or carrots.

    This gets very tedious and boring but I guarantee you will lose no less then 20 pounds and maybe more, also adding exercise on top of this eating plan will boost your weight loss as well!

    Good luck!!! : )

    I have lost a total of 54 pounds by the way and I am very heathy and doing great! And these are the kinds of plans I follow!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks and congrats on your amazing weight loss!! Very inspirational!!!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Good Luck. Just place a picture of your vacation spot where you workout and in the kitchen for motivation. It works. I've done Insanity Asylum - its 30 days