I lost my motivation =(

mayhsgirl93 Posts: 23
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
OK so I lost about 7 pounds in the past month (with the help of this site), but this past week I seemed to have lost my motivation, and I've been eating so much I gained back 2 of the pounds. I decided tomorrow I'm going to "restart" my new diet, but is there any way for me not to fall off the wagon? What do you guys do when you lose your motivation??


  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    I can get my motivation back by:

    trying on a bathing suit:sick:
    going downtown & looking at all the beautiful people who are dressed to the 9's:bigsmile:
    make a date with a friend or something b/c it will force you to look your best (hopefully):love:

    You can do this. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • krisloock
    krisloock Posts: 29 Member
    I allow myself one "cheat" meal (within reason) and change up my fitness routine...that usually kicks me out of my slump. If that doesn't work, I look at myself in the mirror...then look at that bikini....that'll do it!!
  • Set backs are going to happen. It's important to know that and to not beat yourself up. When it happens try to figure out what sparked it (ex: stress, busy schedule, etc) and look out the signs of it happening again. No one is perfect all the time so just keep moving forward and be proud of how far you've come. Good luck.
  • biochemnrd
    biochemnrd Posts: 33
    When I'm no longer motivated to keep going I just shut up and do it. I usually hate myself during my daily workout and when I don't let myself eat that oatmeal cookie (though I do allow myself a cheat meal once a week) but after all is said and done and I step on that scale at the end of the month to see that I've lost some weight it's all worth it. :glasses:

    Don't even think about quitting. Just do it. Exercise and eat healthy. Even if you don't want to.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I just refocus on my goals and the reason for wanting to reach my goal weight.... Its easy to "fall of the wagon" so to speak, but if you look at this as a lifestyle change, it helps to keep your mindset ... that this is the how the healthy you lives... Every now and then, we have to have our splurges...they keep us sane! :laugh: You can do it!! Find you some awesome friends either here or where you live and keep them as accountability partners. That helps me! Good luck!! :drinker:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    If I lose motivation it usually means I've gotten bored.

    So maybe try mixing something up. Take a new class, make a new mini-goal, find a new nutritional goal to work for.

    I got bored so I tried water aerobics- I'm energized again because everything was getting stale.

    Another fun thing is to make a game out of it. How many people can you find at the gym who are wearing black socks with white shoes? Can't tell until you get to the gym. :wink:
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