best advice for falling off the wagon? ugh!!



  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Don't stress! I've been there! Just make a resolution to try harder today and take it one day at a time! I am having similar problems....I need to try harder to fit my exercise in and not to go over my calories at the end ofn the day when i feel like snacking! Want to be friends? We could support each other?
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    ok, first you have GOT TO CHANGE YOUR FRAME OF MIND! Change to the positive and use this as a learning experience. You know how bad it made you feel that you did this. You know that it only temporarily made you feel good and that the bad feelings outweighed the good feelings. You DO have will power or you wouldn't have lost 40 plus pounds. Kiss that junk food goodbye. It's like the devil for those of us who have weight issues. Remember that this journey is about being healthy too, and that it first and foremost. It's a bonus that we lose weight while doing it. It is a long journey for some of us, so be realistic and know that you WILL CERTAINLY have days like this in the days and years to come. Each day is a new day and it gives us a fresh start. Focus on ONE DAY, or even ONE MEAL at a time. I am confident that you will grab the horse by the reigns and take charge of your life. You know what to do! Best luck on the rest of your journey!!! YOU CAN DO THIS; JUST WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GIVE UP! hugs.:flowerforyou:
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    Get back on!
    This !

    edit: You have done great ! Now to work on the other things that affect your weight, but GET BACK ON THE WAGON. That is the trick I have learned with maintaining. A year ago I battled with depression. Now I have little to be depressed about ... my weight is now a healthy weight. Come on, you are a winner ! You conquered one thing, now you can stay on top of it and come out fighting the next. Go for it ! Cheers !!!
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    Being a big scary man, what I say means something.....just believe that for a minute please, willing suspension of disbelief.....

    I am willing to take your guilt. Please do this for me. Walk out your front door, set all the guilt down there, I will pick it up. When you come back tomorrow it will be gone.

    Now, I noticed you focused on the negative aspects, I am REALLY EXCITED, because you got rid of the junk food and sent the candy off with the husband. HOW AWESOME is that? Your body didn't really like the food, the sodium helping hold in the water so you feel bloated......but I noticed, YOU GOT OUT WORKOUT CLOTHES. So you are working out. That is only AWESOME.

    So you had a set back, since you left your guilt outside your door....wait, you haven't yet.... go do it now, I will wait...............
    Okay now the guilt is gone, and you did all the right things following a few extra crap calories. You rock.
    Wait, let me make that clear.

    this made me smile so much. thanks for this. i will try to remember this

    you ROCK too!!! ;) great words of advice!
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    get a hobby! anything that you like to take your mind off of your issue. I have all kinds, crochet, paint, make seashell things.
    I binged yesterday on chicken wings. over the course of the day I eat the whole bag. I would have eaten them all in one setting but I forced myself to stop and go out of the house. when I came back I still had the craving to eat more of them. I caved and ate the rest. But now they are gone And I will get on with my day,and will do a few more minutes of exercise and get over it.
  • nas30
    nas30 Posts: 9 Member
    bump :smile:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Best advice?

    Land on your feet!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I actually binged last night as well and I plan on drinking tons of water and working out tonight. Like everyone here has said just pick yourself up dust yourself off learn from your mistakes and move on. You've lost 42 pounds and I've lost 50. I'm sure that we'll still binge eat when we get to 70 pounds lost as well but we're going to keep going. Great job going for the workout. It really shows your great attitude toward this journey. Besides, why would they call it a journey if the road didn't turn occasionally. You're not a failure. If you were then you would not have posted this and helped out the others who are going through the exact same thing. Thank YOU for doing that. Not many people would have the courage to put themselves out like that. NEVER QUIT.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    Whatever you do no matter how far off track you go LOG everything and keep coming back to MFP and weighing in at your usual time. You will go off track every now and again... Coming back to MFP makes the difference for me evrytime.
  • randomartisrgirl
    get right back up again :)
    that's all the advice i have, except maybe to treat yourself. better to have it in controlled amounts than a lot in a binge.
  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    Maybe you should incorporate a cheat day into your plan if you haven't already. I have a tendency to binge as well, and I manage this by cheating one day every weekend to stay sane and ward off a much larger binge like the one you described.

    This ^. It makes me feel like I have control because I too have an issue with binging sometimes and once it starts it's difficult to reign in. Also, by planning my cheat day (or cheat meal), I can prep by getting an extra hard workout in which helps with the guilt. Either way, falling off the wagon from time to time is the norm for most of us, its just a matter of getting better at reducing the frequency and duration of those falls that's key. When I was yo yo dieting I would do great for four weeks, then binge like crazy for a week or two and then be right back where I started. Thanks to MFP and this great community, I don't do that anymore and I can say I'm having much better success even while giving in from time to time. POINT: Don't despair, we can do this!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Being a big scary man, what I say means something.....just believe that for a minute please, willing suspension of disbelief.....

    I am willing to take your guilt. Please do this for me. Walk out your front door, set all the guilt down there, I will pick it up. When you come back tomorrow it will be gone.

    Now, I noticed you focused on the negative aspects, I am REALLY EXCITED, because you got rid of the junk food and sent the candy off with the husband. HOW AWESOME is that? Your body didn't really like the food, the sodium helping hold in the water so you feel bloated......but I noticed, YOU GOT OUT WORKOUT CLOTHES. So you are working out. That is only AWESOME.

    So you had a set back, since you left your guilt outside your door....wait, you haven't yet.... go do it now, I will wait...............
    Okay now the guilt is gone, and you did all the right things following a few extra crap calories. You rock.
    Wait, let me make that clear.


    Awesome perspective and I agree! Its only a small blip and your here trying to change it. That's wonderful. Go you!
  • PinkStar6
    PinkStar6 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much for being so honest, I've let my self slip back into eating rubbish and far too much of it lately and am totally ashamed of myself but it's good to know I'm not the only one struggling with things. You've lost an amazing amount so far, so you know you can do it, just think positive and take every day as it comes.

    If anyone wants to be the one to tell me off and get me back on track, add me, I could do with a bit of motivation right now.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Just tell yourself IT IS OKAY. We are only human and we all make slip ups. Just remember its not a diet its a lifestyle (at least for me) so we can allow ourselves to slip up.

    And the thing is you ARE working out and that is fantastic! You are taking control and fixing it which many people wouldn't do after something like this.

    Just do what you where planning. Drink lots of water and get back in your route. Also, I find laying of the sodium for a day or too helps a lot.

    Also, I am willing to take your disgust. Just place it on your doorstep and I will pick it up tomarrow morning so both guilt and digest are gone because there is no need for them anymore. Because YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • jorowling
    jorowling Posts: 54 Member
    Duck and roll, duck and roll


    Love this!!!!
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    I listen to "Brand New Day" by Joshua Radin, exercise a bit extra and drink lots and lots of water to flush out the toxins ... then start immediately with being "back on plan!" =)
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I can totally relate. Been there, done that. The first thing to realize is that you can't change the past-and you don't need to. There's no need to change what already happened-we need to learn from it. What did you learn? That binging on junk food makes you feel worse, not better. Now it's time to move forward. Here are my recommendations:

    1. Start today fresh. This isn't a day to start with guilt. Forgive yourself and give yourself a clean slate and start over.
    2. If reading books helps you, I recommend getting a copy of "If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight". It's a great book for those of us who tend to eat emotionally. It'll help you learn other ways to cope with the feelings so you don't turn to food.
    3. Start a journal and make sure you turn there first when you start to feel bad.

    *hugs* be gentle with yourself. You'll get there, but we all must learn along the way.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    I love all of the responses so far, so I'm just going to add a simple one:


    Every day is a new day, every hour is a new hour, every minute is a new minute to do the right thing. When you do something wrong, just do the next right thing.

    And be gentle with yourself, m'kay? I am a recovering binge eater, too, and I make it worse when I beat myself up over and over. Forgive yourself for the things you don't get right, and keep moving forward. Binging is usually a sign that I'm hurting over something or stressing out, and I think that eating will make it better, but ... it means I need to do something nice for myself. Get a massage, take a candlelit bubblebath, go for a nice long walk, get a manicure, whatever. I think those of us that have binge disorder need to practice taking care of ourselves in other ways than eating so that, when stress or fear or anger or whatever pops up, we turn to something healthy that we've practiced instead of eating -- I'm trying to make reading The Hunger Games my new go-to when I feel stressed lately! ;-) *hugs* Send a friend request if you need regular support!!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I can totally relate. Been there, done that. The first thing to realize is that you can't change the past-and you don't need to. There's no need to change what already happened-we need to learn from it. What did you learn? That binging on junk food makes you feel worse, not better. Now it's time to move forward. Here are my recommendations:

    1. Start today fresh. This isn't a day to start with guilt. Forgive yourself and give yourself a clean slate and start over.
    2. If reading books helps you, I recommend getting a copy of "If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight". It's a great book for those of us who tend to eat emotionally. It'll help you learn other ways to cope with the feelings so you don't turn to food.
    3. Start a journal and make sure you turn there first when you start to feel bad.

    *hugs* be gentle with yourself. You'll get there, but we all must learn along the way.

    I'm not the OP, but I thank you for the book recommendation. I need to figure out a way to deal with stress and frustration that is not food related.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I love all of the responses so far, so I'm just going to add a simple one:


    Every day is a new day, every hour is a new hour, every minute is a new minute to do the right thing. When you do something wrong, just do the next right thing.

    And be gentle with yourself, m'kay? I am a recovering binge eater, too, and I make it worse when I beat myself up over and over. Forgive yourself for the things you don't get right, and keep moving forward. Binging is usually a sign that I'm hurting over something or stressing out, and I think that eating will make it better, but ... it means I need to do something nice for myself. Get a massage, take a candlelit bubblebath, go for a nice long walk, get a manicure, whatever. I think those of us that have binge disorder need to practice taking care of ourselves in other ways than eating so that, when stress or fear or anger or whatever pops up, we turn to something healthy that we've practiced instead of eating -- I'm trying to make reading The Hunger Games my new go-to when I feel stressed lately! ;-) *hugs* Send a friend request if you need regular support!!

    I really like the manicure suggestion. As a matter of fact, if I paint my own nails when I feel like bingeing, it'll give me about half an hour longer to try to talk myself out of it...