Hungry before bed. What can I eat? Can I eat?



  • Lillemeddy
    Of course you can eat. Just make sure it fits your macros. Do you ever drink protein shakes? Golds Casein protein mixed with water, almond milk, skim milk, soy (whatever you prefer). Highly recommend it :) Just don't get the peanut butter flavor. Blughh!
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    due to reflux, i had to stop eating within three hours of going to bed.

    i started doing my evening exercise before dinner so that i wouldn't go to bed as hungry. eventually, your body just stops expecting food late at night.

    i will admit that i wake up pretty hungry in the morning, but that's ok.
  • SirDoctorofTARDIS
    SirDoctorofTARDIS Posts: 113 Member
    The best thing to eat before bed is actually toast with peanut butter. The nutrients that your body needs inorder to produce the various sleep hormones can be found in there. Try it before bed and I can almost certainly guarantee that you wake up more rested.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    If you were getting plenty to eat without your exercise calories, you wouldn't be hungry at bedtime. :wink:

  • moniquebryan
    moniquebryan Posts: 34 Member
    I am new to this what is a macro?
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    After a workout I usually have a banana/natural peanut butter or a fruit smoothie
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You can eat anything, just make sure it fits your caloric intake and preferably your macros

  • mykahlio1
    mykahlio1 Posts: 40 Member
    I was watching the doctors tv show yesterday and they said right after your workout the best thing to drink is cinnamon chocolate milk . Another thing they said is when on the snack isle as the store stock up on popcorn, dark chocolate and any kind of nuts with that being said I had chocolate covered almonds last night for snack. It filled me up even though was over on calories I still lost . 6 lbs this morning without working out or doing anything other than an hour of housework
  • donnamorad
    donnamorad Posts: 22 Member
    Greek yogurt!
  • TS143
    TS143 Posts: 5
    Yogurt and a banana :)
  • dirty_k
    dirty_k Posts: 3 Member
    yep. agree w this. Casein or cottage cheese. stay w/in your macros but why not benefit from the protein as well?
    If you can avoid food right before bedtime that's a plus. Try a protein drink. That's what I do. A scoop of Casein or whey protein with some water or almond milk. It's actually pretty filling.
    Here is some info on Casein...

    How you should use Casein protein.

    As previously mentioned, micellar casein is best used in conjunction with whey. Because casein is slow digesting, it’s not suitable for post workout. For post workout shakes, stick to whey. The best time to use casein protein is before bed and during the day. Casein is known as “night time” protein, as many strength athletes and bodybuilders use it before bed. Casein is also great for meal replacements, where it can be mixed with complex carbs and essential oils for a nutritious shake.

    This is off this link...
  • djlindstrom
    I like cereal with milk at night time if I'm hungry.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    If you were getting plenty to eat without your exercise calories, you wouldn't be hungry at bedtime. :wink:

    That said, I like a glass of chocolate milk before bed.
    Got that right
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    A cup of hot chocolate, except you wouldn't eat it, you'd be drinking it. :D
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    You can eat anything, just make sure it fits your caloric intake and preferably your macros

    I always eat a snack right before bed. Well, maybe 330 days per year. :wink:
  • iuali81
    iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
    These are all great suggestions! Thank you! I agree that if I'm hungry at night, I have not had enough to eat during the day. I guess what I meant was that I feel satisfied after my meals. I do still have calories left almost every day, so I will definitely be eating some of those back after my workouts at night. I love fat free cottage cheese so I wlll probably start with that!

    I am also not sure what "macros" is.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I am new to this what is a macro?

  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I don't typically get hungry right before bed, but if I do I eat some type of protein.
  • wimbels
    wimbels Posts: 25 Member
    I'll have 3/4 cup of Kashi go lean fiber cereal and unsweetened almond milk before I go to bed if I'm hungry, it'll only run you about 150 calories and it's super filling. Cottage cheese is a good nighttime filler snack too
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I always drink a glass of chocolate milk before I go to bed...If not, then my stomach growls all night and I do not sleep well.