Is weighing yourself daily unhealthy?

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
Does it keep you on track, or encourage an unhealthy attitude to weight?

I keep seeing people getting discouraged and giving up because the number on the scale has gone up, but...if you weigh yourself every day then it will go up, probably as often as it goes down.

I don't own scales and am not a fan of daily weighing. I think once a week is plenty if you are aiming to lose weight, and once a month once you are maintaining. More often and it can become an obsession.


  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    It's just a tool, neither healthy nor unhealthy.

    Giving up and resolving oneself to obesity is unhealthy. Given a choice between the two, I would pick the scale.
  • For me, weighing daily keeps me on track. I've noticed a pattern (when I'm consistent)... if I have a loss, the next day it'll either stay the same or go up a little, then the following day it'll go back down, then I'll have a loss from the first loss, does that make sense?? If I only weigh once a week, I'll eat too much the day or two after I weigh because I know I won't be weighing for several more days.
  • I weigh myself twice a week when I up my calories, just to see if I'm doing the right thing. Otherwise, I do it once a week. I think it depends on the mentality of the person. My weight fluctuates periodically throughout the week so I don't really count it until my weight in day, which is on Thursday.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Healthy and unhealthy will vary depending on who you ask. Over time for me it became mentally and emotionally unhealthy weight every single day and multiple times a day. Any gain I felt horrible, even the slightest gain, talking ounces here. Any slight loss I felt great, of course maybe I didn't eat much that day or it was water, not really a true loss, my opinion.

    A once a week weigh in works for me.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    If I only weigh once a week, I'll eat too much the day or two after I weigh because I know I won't be weighing for several more days.

    This is me as well, and I had to stop doing weight loss challenges for the same reason. I think whether daily weighing is good or bad depends on your personality and the way you use it. A bump up on the scale doesn't particularly bother me, I only record my weekly weight on Monday to track my weight loss trend, but I definitely do best when I weigh daily.
  • There's no one size fits all approach to anything, including this. I like weighing myself daily as it keeps me on track and motivated. For some, it could turn into an unhealthy obsession, but I prefer to know each day that my weight is maintained or going down. That way, if I gain a couple pounds, it's far easier to adjust eating and exercise to drop that pound or two than it is to not weigh myself and then realize a few months later I've gained 10. Generalizing usually isn't useful, especially in weight management strategies ;)
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    It depends on you. I weight myself daily. OK, twice daily. In addition to my morning I usually weight myself again when I get home from work to see how the day is shaping up. I like more information, so to me, weighing myself is exactly that - more data, which helps me make better choices. I know enough to ignore some daily fluctuations and not panic because my weight it up half a pound some morning. But for me, I don't want to wait a week to find out what's going on and make adjustments.

    Having said that, I also know some people get obsessed about every tenth of a pound, and avoid the scale for a week or two in order to not drive themselves crazy. That's what works for them.

    I think you should weigh yourself as often as you can without making yourself nuts and obsessed.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It's a tool. If it drives you nuts to see all the daily ups and downs, don't weigh daily. If it gives you confidence and helps you judge if you are doing the right things, then do it.

    Personally, I'm a daily weigher. I use it as a tool to judge how my eating is affecting my body over all. If I'm up a lot overnight, it's water weight, but I know to look closer at my diary to see what I did wrong (or could be a reason for the water weight gain). It's really helped me learn a lot about myself, what I can and cannot eat, and keeps me on track!
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but I don't let the results (particularly bad ones) dictate my day. I just like to see and document progress, and it makes me feel better and notice trends with my body.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    Weighing in is just a tool. Provided you're not driving yoursefl crazy about the .2 gains or losses, I think it's fine. If you'restarting to obsess over each gain or loss, it's time to find another strategy. :smile:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I agree with what most everyone else has said, it truly depends on the person. If you know and can accept that it is going to fluctuate greatly most everyday and just using it as a tool to track those fluctuations and establish a pattern then I think it is completely fine. I weigh everyday but only record on Mondays. I have read studies stating that those that weigh everyday have a better chance of keeping the weight off as it makes them more aware of what's going on with their bodies and they make better choices to get the results they want. Don't know if holds any truth just what I've read :) If you're someone that is going to freak out over a 2 lb water weight gain overnight then I wouldn't weigh everyday.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    i weigh daily as it helps me stay on track & also shows when i go wrong.
    the tape measure, how my clothes feel & how i feel about myself are the best measure though x
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I weigh everyday. I don't think it's either healthy or unhealthy. It just is. I graph my weight and intake on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, so I need to know what the scale says. I can definitely see what happens when I a) don't drink enough water and/or b) eat too much sodium/carbs. But that goes's just temporary.

    I like knowing.
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh everyday without fail. The same time each day. Sometimes its up, sometimes its down. However, I only record it once a week on Saturday morning. By doing this I can see a trend that flucuates less, but I can get the daily feedback.

    Remember, you cant gain a pound of fat in a day unless you are eating 3k calories above your basal rate. For me that would be 5.5k calories. Which is pretty hard to do if you ask me. Most of the weight you can gain "in a day" is water and left over food stuffs in your gut. However, its not hard to gain a pound in a week as that is only about 3k calories stretched over 7 days.

    So dont get hung up on the daily weight. Just use it as a guide and remember what your weight was when you started. I look forward to my weight each day to remind me what is most important.... my health.
  • Toniithia
    Toniithia Posts: 50 Member
    I weigh myself daily so I can keep myself grounded, that way if I gain a pound I work twice as hard to get it off! and I find when I see subtle changes, I'm much happier... and when I don't step on the scale I'm always wondering what I weigh that day.

    It encourages me to keep going!
  • crawpapa
    crawpapa Posts: 156 Member
    I wasn't weighing myself at all for a while, then noticed my pants were bigger and I kept going up in belt I weigh myself before my first meal (usually lunch) on Saturday's. I only use this as more of a secondary mental booster than I am doing good or the right thing. However, I have always believed more in the mirror or comparing old pictures and how my clothes feel on me, as I am also working out heavy three times a week (Starting Strength) and love getting stronger.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Weighing in is just a tool. Provided you're not driving yoursefl crazy about the .2 gains or losses, I think it's fine. If you'restarting to obsess over each gain or loss, it's time to find another strategy. :smile:

    Exactly! And since weighing myself only once a week, I have not had a single gain each week. I've been averaging about 1.5-2lbs each week. I would get so discouraged weighing in daily and come the end of the week it was about the same or just slightly less. I absolutely am a fluctuater, I have learned (for me) DO NOT weight during that time of the month either, but a daily fluctuater as well.

    You're right, it was time for me to find a new strategy. My dh even threatened for a while he was going to hide the scale because I was on that thing constantly, happy, sad, mad, etc.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    no way
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Weighting daily is unhealthy for me. Can't speak for others, But when i first started i was weighting several times a day and i became a tiny bit obsessed with i put the scale away and now i only weight in once a month.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I feel like it makes me a bit frustrated to see the fluctuations. Especially with working nights my hydration gets up and down.

    Same day each week works best for me