Tough time working out because of Vertigo :-(

Last week my doctor lowered my dosage of Celexa from 20 mg to 10 so that I could switch to Welbutrin. I noticed that I was gaining weight like crazy for the 12 months that I was on the Celexa and this was definitely impeding my weight loss goals. Yesterday was my first day on the Welbutrin but since about last week I have been experiencing the strangest inner ear/dizzyness sensation that I now know is vertigo. The problem is that I have a hard time workout while having this sensation because it affects my balance. Has anyone experienced the same thing? How did you deal with it? I don't want to stop working out because I know I cannot lose weight that way. What should I do?


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't have the problem or any experience with it, but would using something stationary and seated like an exercise bike or rowing machine help? Or you could try floor exercises (crunchs, leg lifts, push ups, etc.)
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    call your doctor and tel him/her your symptoms. this may warrant a med change.
  • srathfelder
    I live with ear issues that affect my balance. Try some Bonine or non-drowsy Dramamine, as long as it has meclizine as its active ingredient. I hope it is just a temporary effect of the meds.
  • Ayemer
    Ayemer Posts: 2
    I suffer from mild attack of Vertigo since 1999. Mine is caused due to herniated disc in my neck. The degree of dizziness varies on what activities I do. When my vertigo flares up i do more low impact cardio. I can never use Ab macines in the gym so work on my planks.