so discouraged.. :(

so discouraged.. :( I have been eating right for a week now, not cheating at all and counting calories. Drinking only water, and exercising this week...why did i gain 2lbs?!?!? I mean i know i probably wouldnt lose much....but gain? grrr! On the plus side...i do feel great!


  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    The first thing you have to do is ditch the scale!! Dont get me wrong I still use it every now and then....but I do not base my progress on it!! I use how I feel, how my clothes fit, how my muscles pop :) , how much energy I have!!!

    P.S. Way to go so far....keep up the good work!!!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I know it's discouraging, but don't rely on the scales, sometimes it takes a while for your body to adjust. Just keep on doing what your doing you will see results.
  • I agree don't use the scale, I go for a weigh in at my doctor's only just so I'm not tempted to step on it, besides mines is way off from my doctor's I like mine better so will not step on it.. Once your body gets used to the changes the weight will come off, go by how you feel. Also I've found if your under stress you either lose or gain weight. Don't be discouraged, think positive you are heading in the right direction and making healthy choices.. Keep your goals in sight, a lift in your heart and a spring in your step! Happy Journey!!
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    the gain could also be related to monthlys or too much salt in your diet yesterday .... both of which make you retain water ..... wait till next week Im sure the scales will be back down again :)
  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    I can understand you feeling discouraged. But you meeting your goal weight is not going to happen over night. Trust the process and don't give up. Just keep going! I had a similar situation where I actually gained when I shouldn't have. I stuck with it and within a week, my weight dropped 5lbs. Sometimes your body has to play catch up, let the stored water go, sometimes muscle is being built, etc. Don't give up and just keep going. Fight your body. Right now it's saying, "I won't let the fat go" - but keep at it, don't give in and you'll see results. Consistency is key!
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    Don't give up! There could be a lot of things going on that added to the scale. But....your feel great - that's a great non-scale victory!
  • JVandesteeg
    JVandesteeg Posts: 157 Member
    Don't get discouraged. You're building muscle! I experienced the same thing, so I know how you feel. My hometown community has a "boot camp" for area women, and we meet 4 nights a week and do very intense hardcore workout (kind of like insanity). SEVERAL of us have gained weight, but we've also lost inches. Hang in there! :)
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    Mr. Scale and I have many disagreements. That's why we have limited encounters. I rely on my measurements. That always boosts my spirits and sanity
  • maryann123115
    maryann123115 Posts: 68 Member
    Keep your head up and doing things the right way and it will start coming off!
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I have been on so many diets throughout my life where I would weigh, get discouraged, and get off the diet. Listen to all these folks who are posting support for you. Ditch the scale except one day a week, in the morning only. The pull of the moon has a lot to do with the amount of water you hold. Sort of the ebb and flow of the tide thing. The amount of sodium you take in and the time of the month has so much to do with it. Face it, our bodies have a lot going on. I added the sodium tab to my food management page so I could keep track of the sodium. One day last week, I weighed in the morning and by night I was up 10 lbs. I kid you not. 10 lbs. No one can gain 10 lbs in a day unless it is fluid. One look at my ankles and I knew where it was. They were so swollen. When I went to bed, I put on a pair of tight leotards (for the compression factor) and propped my legs up on pillows (to aid with the gravity factor) and by morning, I was down 11 lbs. I was so discouraged the night my weight soared like that but I knew that it had to be fluid. Why there was so much finally became clear. I went back and added that sodium tab and sure enough, the day before I had eaten some soup and it had been loaded with sodium. My poor old tired body couldn't handle that much. I have since cut way down on the amount of sodium I'm getting and so far so good.

    So yes, the scale can be your worst enemy. Another thing I did was to measure. That is probably more accurate than the scale. Get a tape measure and stay off the scale. And I'm glad you are feeling good. I am too. More energy than I've had in a long time for an old girl.
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    Boy, do I understand your frustration. I was watching everything I ate for about 1 1/2 months back in January and Feb and didn't lose any weight. I am going to be 45 years old in May, have been going thru pre-menopause for the last 2 years and have been on 3 different types of hormone replacement therapy during this time. I have put on 15lbs (most of it is in my middle) in the last 2 years and I am so tired of how I look. I am determined to make this work this time and when I went to see my GYN (who specializes in menopause) this past week and told her of my frustration, she said it is going to take much longer than before because as we age our metabolism slows down (plus the hormones).

    So, hearing this is hard, I am not going to lie, but like I said I am determined. Don't be so hard on yourself and say off the scale too. Like the saying goes, it took 2 years to put on the weight, that it will probably take me that long to take it off.

    Wishing you much success, my friend!

  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    so discouraged.. :( I have been eating right for a week now, not cheating at all and counting calories. Drinking only water, and exercising this week...why did i gain 2lbs?!?!? I mean i know i probably wouldnt lose much....but gain? grrr! On the plus side...i do feel great!

    When people say that they have been eating right it usually means they aren't eating enough.
  • I understand your pain..I been workin out & eating right now for 3 weeks and i weigh myself every thursday and this week i didnt loose any! i know its alot harder for women to loose weight which makes no sense at all i wish it was the total opposite but keep your head up thats what i keep tellin myself that the weight will come off eventually if you are doing all the right things
  • shauna9909
    shauna9909 Posts: 56 Member
    I went thru this same thing last week!!! This week I lost over 4 lbs! :) Hang in there, and keep up the hard work, it will pay off I promise!!!!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I see you want to lose about 30 lbs? Not to sound rude, but you're going to need to change your attitude if you're already discouraged after one week.

    Hang in there, and realize this 'journey' takes time for your body to adjust and respond to the positive changes you are making (you already feel better so it IS working). Be sure to track your measurements too, because when the scale doesn't move sometimes, it doesn't mean you aren't making any progress. You can do this..but it isn't going to happen overnight!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Don't let it get you down! Sometimes when we change up how we eat, our body's grab on to any excess it can find - water included. I doubt you truly gained anything but water weight. If you want to minimize this effect, try drinking more water. It really does help, especially with keeping bloating and water weight down to a minimum!

    If you've newly added exercise, you're going to experience a weight gain. The muscles retain water to repair muscles damaged in the new exercise routine. It's a good thing! Again, drink more water so they learn they don't need to retain so much to repair as you'll be providing ample supply!

    Weight loss, eating healthy, exercise, and healthy lifestyle is a really tough change to make! Congrats to you for making this choice!
  • nikkidish
    nikkidish Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, just keep going. You could be gaining a bit of muscle from the exercise. Not a doctor, but I always feel like I get a little bigger before I start getting smaller.
    It can be frustrating, but persistence is the name of the game.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Keep it up for three weeks. If you don't start to lose by then, take a closer look. Until then keep the faith and don't stress about it.
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    This week I gained 2 lbs, I think. But I know I lost inches, sometimes you gain and sometimes you lose. We all have to remember to be consistent, dedicated and show up for the fight everyday...even if we don't win it everyday. You'll get there, keep going you've done fabulous so far.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    The first thing you have to do is ditch the scale!! Dont get me wrong I still use it every now and then....but I do not base my progress on it!! I use how I feel, how my clothes fit, how my muscles pop :) , how much energy I have!!!

    P.S. Way to go so far....keep up the good work!!!!

    Totally agree!