Do i need to reset my values

I have been on MFP for a bit over a year now. I have lost 140lbs at this point. I have found over the last couple of months that my loss has been slowing and even bouncing back and forth.

In October i joined a gym and up until about a couple of months ago i did cardio only. Now i have added machine weight training and some free weight as well. I understand that i am gaining some muscle weight and losing inches but i guess im just puzzled and freaked out a bit. I want to see the scale go down !

My daily set value is at 1720, most days i am around that or just below, when i exercise (4 or 5 days a week - usually) I bump it up around 200 - 300 more, my exercise is usually around 1000 burned. I have read on here about eating back my exercise clas back but have not had an issue with a loss or a gain (until recent).

Would it be best to just do a reset on my values ? taking into consideration that my original setup was done with little to no exercise. Or should i just increase what i eat on my exercise days. Do i need to find out my current BMR ... Please help me ?!


  • staceycamp
    staceycamp Posts: 39 Member
    First of all , Congrats on the 140lbs!!! That is awesome and such motivation for me. If you are working out a lot more than when you started, I would reset you goals for sure.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    I would say defo reset as you have prob put down when you first joined that you did next to no exercise, Yet now you do 4/5 times a week so you are a lot more active than you were.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    If you have more muscle, that will require more food.

    One option is to use a tracker. I use the fitbit, but there are a lot of different ones out there to track calories burned. I like the fitbit because it dumps the info into MFP for me and I can see where I actually am.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Awesome job losing 140lbs! Thats a total of me!!!! Take a diet break and eat at TDEE for 2 weeks to reset some hormones.
    Possibly take a look at a good zig zag approach now that your body has changed so much.
    If you like, I could run some dietary numbers for you and fine tune a plan that may work for you?
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I do strength training and cardio and just eat the extra calories I burn when I work out. I do wear a fitbit and track them though =)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You should reset your goals, and also, the closer you are to your goal weight, the slower your loss becomes and the less of a daily deficit you can afford to have. Great work! Keep it up!
  • I'm with Stacy - congrats on the 140 :)

    As for resetting your values, I reset mine every month. I keep my settings the same (since they really haven't changed since I started), and my initial calorie count for each day drops based on my new lower weight. If you're down 140 then I would expect that number to drop considerably, though it's odd because our weights are about the same and we only differ by 10 calories.

    If you seem to be plateauing, it could very well be because you are eating the calories for your old self, not your new self.