so discouraged.. :(



  • Do not be discouraged! You're doing great, especially if your body is telling you. :smile: You might have gained 2 lbs. of muscle and not fat, after all muscle is more dense than fat. Keep working hard and don't let the scale dissuade you from your goals. Use your body as an indicator for your health. I hope you have a great rest of the day and thank you for inspiring me! :happy:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Yes, just keep going. You could be gaining a bit of muscle from the exercise. Not a doctor, but I always feel like I get a little bigger before I start getting smaller.
    I agree about that feeling, although from everything I've read, you aren't 'gaining muscle' that fast...its that your muscles retain water to repair themselves and that shows as an increase on the scale. Either way, if you're eating good and moving your aren't gaining 'real' weight and shouldn't be worried about it quite yet.
  • jpfaff2
    jpfaff2 Posts: 17
    This post and all the responses were exactly what I needed to hear, too! I have been on MFP for almost 2 weeks and am not seeing the (quick) progress I had hoped for! I found it very helpful and reassuring to read what others have experienced.
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    Congrats for changing your lifestyle. Hang in there, because it will happen. I'm still adjusting my calories and sodium intake. Our bodies get a little confused when we start getting healthy; or they are just not sure we're serious. It's an adventure to keep tweeking and see what really works for you. Try eating more calories one day and less the next, so your body doesn't think you're never going to eat again.
  • Keep it up - I did that two weeks ago and the next week lost 4 lbs. Don't let it get you down - you can beat the pound monsters :smile: Congrats on the changes you have made so far.
  • mcumba
    mcumba Posts: 16 Member
    We've all been there at one or another, just stay on your initial plan of losing the lbs!