Help =( All I do is eat!



  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    OK don't look at my diary from this week! It was a disaster since Sunday! But last week I think was pretty good. It might give you some ideas!
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    Are you logging all this food that your eating? I looked at your diary and you are staying under your calorie goals. In fact, the only days I saw where you had come anywhere close to your calorie goals was Tues and Wed of this week. You may be starving because your not eating enough!! I really work hard to eat all of my calories every day, plus my exercise calories.
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    LoL@ having to look at your diary from the week before!
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    I still dont get the small meals. Is that like a sandwich, or is that like a yogurt?
  • MKV88
    MKV88 Posts: 18
    I found the same thing in the first week, I was constantly starving. But it has backed off now . When I'm between meals and hungry ill have a glass of milk or a hard boiled egg which I now keep in the frige all the time. They both have a fair bit of protein and help me get to the next meal. For me I think it was my metabolism getting faster. Hope that helps....oh someone suggest a spoon of peanut butter to mee too... Also high in protein.
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    This is what has really helped me contain my hunger and curb cravings - I am almost never hungry anymore and cravings are satisfied with small portions (no more binges).

    Eat more protein - closer to 1 gram per goal body weight - for me, it's 130 grams (that's my goal, anyway).
    Eat more often - no more than 3 to 4 hours between meals.
    Protein at every meal. Small meals for me are cottage cheese with fruit. Whole grain crackers with cheese. Piece of fruit with nuts. Tablespoon of nut butter with slice whole grain bread or apple slices. Small meals/snacks - interchangeable in my opinion - for me they're under 300 calories or so. Start with a protein and add produce or complex carb. Don't forget healthy fats - they do wonders for satiating hunger.

    Once I started to eat more and more often, more protein, that insatiable 'hunger' went away. Good luck!
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    Awesome, thank you guys. Its a lot of help!